BTW, the leaked videos to date make Tucker look even better.

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Tucker Carlson has already won!

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100% agree Brian

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Great report Ms. Robinson, and thank you!

Our Fox watching has shrunk to Gutfeld! And pray the second he bolts, we’re gone for good.

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Excuse my French: What the f***king hell is Kayleigh McEnany (former superb Trump press secretary, now at Fox) DOING, accepting Tucker's old time slot?! She's one of the few bright ones left. Now, this.

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Update (05-17-23):

Anyone on the Fox-Pravda "news" payroll who considers him/herself a genuine journalist would have resigned in protest on the day that Tucker Carlson was fired. If they remained, cow bells were installed around their necks, and that goes for every single one of them, because the day Tucker was fired was the re-incarnation of the signing of the German (Fox)-Russian (CNN) Non-Aggression Pact in August 1939.

The only difference today between the on-air personnel on the U.S. Pravda subsidiaries --- Fox/ABC/CBS/NBC "News"/NY Times/NPR/WaPo/USA Today/American university schools of "law" and "journalism" --- is who gets paid what and who will seize the dagger first in order to stab the next man/woman on his staff in the back to enable his/her promotion/pay raise.

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Tucker is laughing all the way to the bank, FOX can suck shit.

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Or can suck an egg...

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"The divide that has now opened between Fox News and its audience in 2023 is so wide that you could drop the Grand Canyon into the breach and still have room for The Milky Way."

Not only is Ms. Robinson an outstanding discoverer of facts kept hidden, an incisive analyst of those facts resulting in reasonable suppositions ( often eventually proven to be true ) of motives and plans to the detriment of our future as free people but also an extraordinarily entertaining communicator by word and voice.

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But hey, we still have Geraldo! 😂

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!!! (05/06/23): Have you heard that Fox benched him? No more bookings for Mr. G on the five pm show, "The View" (well, now that Tucker's gone, we might as well call that show The View, not by its actual name, The Five).

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May 3, 2023
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Hah, Geraldo exposed himself a long time ago, and managed to stay in the bottom all by himself. I don't think anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth.

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Geraldo started out in the Sixties as the, rhetorically speaking, Molotov cocktail-throwing Hot New Young Thing. And then he sold out (when he passes away, please bury him in Al Capone's vault).

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A wonderful variation of... "On the television show This Is Show Business, a youthful Eddie Fisher complained that girls refused to date him because of his age, and he asked Kaufman's advice.

George S. “Kaufman replied, ‘Mr. Fisher, on Mount Wilson, there is a telescope that can magnify the most distant stars up to twenty-four times the magnification of any previous telescope.

" ‘This remarkable instrument was unsurpassed in the world of astronomy until the construction of the Mount Palomar telescope, an even more remarkable instrument of magnification.

" ‘Owing to advances and improvements in optical technology, it is capable of magnifying the stars to four times the magnification and resolution of the Mount Wilson telescope.

" ‘Mr. Fisher, if you could somehow put the Mount Wilson telescope inside the Mount Palomar telescope, you still wouldn't be able to detect my interest in your problem’ " (The Portable Curmudgeon, pp. 116-17).

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That’s damn good.

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P.S. The Portable Curmudgeon is highly recommended! It's probably out of print, so look for a used copy on Abe and other sites.

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it will be fun to watch the collapse. I swore off FNC right after the 2020 election fraud. Brett Baier and Martha Maccallum can go jump in the lake.

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Bret is the worst. His act of the “newsman” is tiring. He doesn’t ask the right probing questions and is a get along guy. He reported on the Clarence Thomas “ controversy “ but never mentioned the recent news about Sotomayer not recusing herself when hearing a case of her publisher that paid her millions.

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Both are dreadful corporate toadies.

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It is disappointing that so many millions of American citizens still think they can get anything of value from watching any program on Fox. Their viewership should be in hundreds or maybe thousands, not millions. No matter how likable or entertaining the host(s), the programs are propaganda / psyops - carefully designed to feed scripted narratives into the minds of viewers, instead of the raw truth.

The remaining hosts on Fox will NOT discuss the left's continuing attacks against humanity, faith and spirituality, and traditionally successful morals and principles. Nor will the hosts mention election fraud or what enabled it - the horrific corruption of mainstream media (including Fox) and its collusion with the globalist totalitarian fascist forces in multinational corporations (such as Big Pharma. and Big Agriculture), international banks, the WEF, WHO, UN, and the U.S. government as well as other "captured" western governments.

Tucker crossed the boundaries of those "unmentionable topics" and they cut him off. That action alone should disqualify Fox from having ANY viewership by decent Americans.

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You got it. Spot on. 🎯

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It's really kind of astounding that Fox would so disregard the demographic that brought them such success. Sort of like telling the Bud Lite marketing team to 'hold my beer'. See what I did there? "hold my beer" Bud Lite? I kill me.

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I think what everyone should be taking from this is that citizens have the power to make these Oligarch's notice and the only way to do that is to hit them in the pocketbook. Now, let's be real, the drop in audience which generally leads to drops in revenue does not hurt the Murdoch's financially, they still have billions in net worth, but it is likely to decline on paper. If the rumor is correct they are looking to dump Fox then this drop in audience and revenue will not get them the big payday they may have envisioned. The fortunes of the ill fated Anhueser-Busch fiasco is an example of this citizen power. Stop buying from the people and companies you do not like if you have suitable alternatives. Stop giving money to your alma mater if they are woke, and never give money to a non-profit, they are generally nothing more than political action groups masquerading as charitable organizations. Support those who share your principals and are devoted to making America great again.

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"only way to do that is to hit them in the pocketbook"

I'm beginning to notice that they care less about that than POWER.

These people are afraid.

Of us.

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“...watching a busload of trailer park residents get offloaded to play the nickel slots in Reno.” Not that there is anything wrong with being a trailer park resident from Reno 😏

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Not all residents of trailer parks are living on the edge of financial decline. I think the comment by Emerald should be re-stated so as not offend TP residents. Home is where you live whether its Beverly HIlls or a T. park. We must all respect other's living status without disparaging them.

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We all get the trailer park reference, I believe it is for trailer parks of the past and their shady reputation. Today's trailer parks are full of RV's that are worth more than one of my houses. Or worth as much as my yacht or airplane. Might even be worth more than one of my racehorses

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You are probably right, Emerald meant no harm, I just think it was a bad analogy. I lived myself in a trailer park years ago and remember it fondly (and at the time was glad to have it).

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TP homes are selling like hot cakes in Florida for the snowbirds and for folks just wanting to invest in one and cut back expenses., some of them are right on a lake, with their own golf course and docks with beautiful landscaping, but not all of them. I have friend that has been investing there.

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My wife and I have traveled throughout Texas, Virginia to Colorado and it’s amazing the full camps, RV’s on the road...and Colorado! Wow, the number of people living in campers and RV’s camping in these little side road camps amongst the mountains is stunning. Enjoy the living.

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05/06/23: Having fun with the multiple scratches in the Kentucky Derby? (which runs today).

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I get the point. However, I'd leave it as is. No one could possibly imagine that she loathes people who happen to live in trailer parks.

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No but you must agree that if you are a trailer park resident gambling may not be the best decision in your money management strategy correct?

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Had to laugh at that as I live in Reno...so true btw! Em is a gem!!!

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I die laughing! wish i could write so well!

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“I’ve been predicting rain would come to the halls of Rupert Murdoch’s...”

I was hoping for some of that fiery rain and brimstone that has been known to fall other abominations in the past.

I don’t just hear Fox News of dying I wanna see them dead.

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I still respect Tucker because he is anti-war and has people from the anti-war left on his show. Now they have no other mainstream platform. However, I was extremely disappointed in his refusal to report on obvious election fraud in 2020 (or 2022) and haven't watched him or anyone else on FOX since. Emerald Robinson is a far better journalist than Tucker.

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They are identically competent and trustworthy people. Leave it at that and drop the comparison; do not explain everything.

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I would never want to be in Emerald’s crosshairs!

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To hell with Fox News and Transheuser-Busch products. Tucker is only worth around $420 million so I am sure he will be fine but I'd like to see him resurface with a vengeance somehow, somewhere. I just wonder how much the recent interview with Trump on Tucker's show had to do with all this.

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Emerald, I thank God for you. You are the only hope we have left as for reporting the truth about our messed up country. The communist demorats will never stop on their own, it's going to take some bloodshed before this corrupt administration and RINO's are put out of our misery. It makes me sick to know that there are people in the US that will support a complete idiot running this country. They need to be eliminated for being stupid, the rest of the money grabbing fools should be hung for selling out our country. Only the strong will survive.

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No one at Fox covered the Canadian truckers or the American convoy. No one-not even Tucker. Recent segments did touch on the tyranny in Canada, American election integrety questions and COVID vaccine concerns, which I am greatful for. He reached many about issues that would not of been discussed...but he also fed the "Fox Beast" with his viewership and provided Fox a cover from the networks real agenda. Rejoice, many in America are no longer feeding the "Fox Beast" and the beast is now naked. I wish Tucker and his family a peaceful and safe future.

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