Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

A lot of recent Job Announcements in CBP have been posted open for one week, which indicates the government has already picked its candidate. Here you are looking for an experienced lawyer and the job posting is for one month! That is longer than the vetting/approval period for Judge Brown.

Good investigative reporting, Emerald.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Yes, I do Emerald, not only financially but also by sharing your articles with those who haven't yet been exposed to your pieces.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

The reason for a classification requirement is simple. Many of the ill effects of the quackcine result from undisclosed ingredients. They may include transmitters, graphene hydroxide, and many other things. If your reaction is the thought, “this is a conspiracy theory,” then I helpfully guide your attention to the FDA “Full Approval” letter concerning Comirnaty. It, repeatedly, during the ingredient disclosure, uses the term b(4). And it shows that instead of a legal disclosure (required for informed consent), the ingredients in the table component is partially BLANK. Now, if you look up b(4), you find out that it is a national security waiver that makes it legal not to disclose ingredients. Why? Because b(4) means CLASSIFIED. So in order to defend the corrupt state against potential injury, an attorney would need a clearance to know how to protect the government from it’s “special sauce.”

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Thank you for doing this essential work.I’m a subscriber and will support you.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Emerald, the Fed Govt will need a hell of a lot more than four lawyers with a TS clearance to resolve whats coming! The liability for these still ongoing crimes against the American people is both criminal and civil. It is in the billions of dollars and will exceed the tort litigation impacting the cigarette manufacturing companies in the 1980's. Dig in--Drive On!

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Good digging!! Keep shining light on these malicious slugs!!

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

All government jobs, including primary schools, and Universities require a public posting. Very rarely are those people hired. They already have a "preferred candidate" in mind. Most not all, don't want to generalize. Wonder if they will come from Lawfare or Perkins Coie ?

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Thx for what u do

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The CDC NIH NAIAD deserve the trial lawyers association. They will only get the bones of buildimgs left by the time the lawyers finish with them. Boy do they deserve it. I hope the lawyers go for the falsified Pfizer Moderna and to a lesser extent J&J fake patient testing stripping their immunity. Bidet is president not emperor, his immunity is worthless against fraud

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This is the tip of the iceberg unfortunately. Emerald, I am certain you know the other key investigative journalists doing similar work. Your writing style is clear, truthful and to the point. As a paid subscriber, I have your back and believe in you. There is also strength in numbers, especially in dealing with the Feds. You can do it!

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