"You" need Food stockpiled for 6 months min, 8 is better, Water purif/filters, selfprotection, and stockpiled projectiles, then anything you need for the foressable future.
a well regulated militia is a prepared militia. If not ready to insure your own survival then you are a liability. Not "You" personally, as I don't know you, but "You" to anyone reading this. No One is coming to save us. No One. but You.
I think they want to have President Trump involved in lawsuits that will end up going nowhere. It's the Comm ie Dem and Uniparty Marxist Globalist Pubs joint effort to take down President Trump. There are going be endless hit pieces up to 2024.
McConnell and his Globalist Marxist Pubs are as much behind this harassment as the Commie Dems. We know who they are (almost all the Pubs in the Senate and many in Congress) and they aren't going anywhere soon.
They 100% will arrest him. The regime can’t have him run and win in ‘24. And if DeSantis steps up to defend a resident of Florida, they’ll do the same to him. We need to keep the pressure on Republicans to get out and do the right thing. No more Lindsey Graham on Hannity promising to “get to the bottom” of this. No more Tim Scott on CBS This Morning saying to just “wait it out”. The clock is getting ready to strike midnight.
Forget about republicans. Left or right! Does not matter anymore. They are all corrupt. They all must go. We need to bring in a candidate not backed by any party!! We need people in there who can not be bought or sold!!! The only way we can win is if the left and right ban together and create our own party. Is it even possible???
Outrageous FBI behavior. No strong or moral backbones either. Stand up for DJT. Stand up for truth and honesty! Stand up for freedom! Remember: there are more of us than there are of them! Don’t allow bully behavior. Period! It takes guts and will power to resist. Shine some light on the darkness! Remember to pray! Thank you, Emerald, for another stellar report!
Something doesn't smell right as to what we know as of now.
IS it possible that when the fbi first went thru the boxes, they planted something to sit and simmer until the right time to do this this now fake action and say, ohh look what we found !
In this way they would avoid being seen planting anything.
No matter hows this plays and what goes down, this will only serve to further divide this country into a Hatfields and McCoy's fever pitch scenario .
Never thought I’d say this but I hate the United States of America right now. We have the most corrupt government that has ever existed in the entire history of our country and it’s looks like there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. They laugh in our faces and flaunt their corruption while we all just sit and watch. 🤮
They are threading a needle. Keep the normies somnambulant, and simultaneously persecute and push a particular sector of the population (armed Trump supporters) to the breaking point, to bait them into any action that could be labeled "insurrection 2.0" which would be the excuse to declare martial law. If this doesn't work, plan B was my previous post.
I get so tired of people talking and talking and talking about all the details.
But the truth is people in America who cared about all of this could stop this today, better yet could have already stopped this dead in its tracks.
Too many people have not been convinced things are as bad as they’re hearing.
Why I can almost hear them:
“Oh, it’s just a temporary economic setback, gas is already getting better, the government said we’ll be fine and concerning Trump we don’t care about that rich fat cat anyhow. As long as McDonalds has cheeseburgers and fries when we drive around, why should we be alarmed.”
In America remember it’s all about ME,
So then, it’s only when the intrusions of the Federal Government begins to cramp their style that they’ll begin to cry out for help. But there won’t be anyone to help because Obama’s FBI jackboots will have already removed all the resistance leadership.
These fools who sat on their fat a** and wouldn’t lift a finger to stop all this will be forced to do whatever this evil horde dictates and there won’t be any recourse, absolutely none.
You could say these folks deserve it, but there’s a lot of good folks and future generations who don’t and we gotta get together, we gotta get a plan together to turn this thing around.
I’m afraid they have no intentions of just walking off because the majority of Americans don’t want them ruling over us, forget voting them out they not gonna budge.
What they took is gonna have to be taken back or we’ll just end up working when and where they say, for room and board and what food they make available.
What we know so far: Reinhart took on the case to defend Epstein's 21-year old "recruiter" back in '07, when Epstein was being prosecuted for pedophilia. The 21-year old, whom Epstein took under his wings when she was 15, then paid for her to get a pilots license which she used to commander the Lolita Express during the time frame when Donald Trump was known to have flown on the Lolita Express, along with his pal friend, Bill Clinton. 3D Chess at it's finest. Reinhart has the dirt on Trump from the first-hand accounts of Epstein's darl'n (and attractive) pilot. The plot sickens.
Trump flew once to NYC is my info. and Trump kicked Epistein out of Mar Largo Club when or before the Miami case broke.
Trump doesn't diddle minors. He likes grown women and they seem to like him. Most of us have had our planting wild seeds days without getting perved I hope we now have settled down in maturity, at least somewhat.
You assume facts unknown or proven at this time. I don't know, but will refrain from accusations, opinions to the contrary are not accusations, btw.
I can show you facts but you'll continue to believe only what you want to belive. If you desired to be informed the info is out there. "... is my info."
Just a nother notch on the arrow.......the storm is coming, soon, as Rush would say"dont doubt me". Everybody keep their cool, stay informed. Open your eyes!
The GSA kept all transition records from 2016 and gave them to FBI. Is it too much to suspect that the GSA packed away a special gift for Trump in those 15 boxes?
Where is this going.... Are we (freedom, constitutional, God-fearing) to be like the Taiwanese?
Where is our freedom?
IS there an example where any country has come back from such losses (of freedom)?
God help us.
One thing is sure.... we need Emerald, Miranda Devine, Dinesh D'Souza or we don't have a shot.
"You" need Food stockpiled for 6 months min, 8 is better, Water purif/filters, selfprotection, and stockpiled projectiles, then anything you need for the foressable future.
a well regulated militia is a prepared militia. If not ready to insure your own survival then you are a liability. Not "You" personally, as I don't know you, but "You" to anyone reading this. No One is coming to save us. No One. but You.
I think they want to have President Trump involved in lawsuits that will end up going nowhere. It's the Comm ie Dem and Uniparty Marxist Globalist Pubs joint effort to take down President Trump. There are going be endless hit pieces up to 2024.
McConnell and his Globalist Marxist Pubs are as much behind this harassment as the Commie Dems. We know who they are (almost all the Pubs in the Senate and many in Congress) and they aren't going anywhere soon.
And so it begins!
They 100% will arrest him. The regime can’t have him run and win in ‘24. And if DeSantis steps up to defend a resident of Florida, they’ll do the same to him. We need to keep the pressure on Republicans to get out and do the right thing. No more Lindsey Graham on Hannity promising to “get to the bottom” of this. No more Tim Scott on CBS This Morning saying to just “wait it out”. The clock is getting ready to strike midnight.
Forget about republicans. Left or right! Does not matter anymore. They are all corrupt. They all must go. We need to bring in a candidate not backed by any party!! We need people in there who can not be bought or sold!!! The only way we can win is if the left and right ban together and create our own party. Is it even possible???
Outrageous FBI behavior. No strong or moral backbones either. Stand up for DJT. Stand up for truth and honesty! Stand up for freedom! Remember: there are more of us than there are of them! Don’t allow bully behavior. Period! It takes guts and will power to resist. Shine some light on the darkness! Remember to pray! Thank you, Emerald, for another stellar report!
Something doesn't smell right as to what we know as of now.
IS it possible that when the fbi first went thru the boxes, they planted something to sit and simmer until the right time to do this this now fake action and say, ohh look what we found !
In this way they would avoid being seen planting anything.
No matter hows this plays and what goes down, this will only serve to further divide this country into a Hatfields and McCoy's fever pitch scenario .
god help us all.
Sow the wind....reap the whirlwind. They are digging their graves. Keep poking the bear, see what happens. I think Sri Lanka showed us how it’s done.
This entire spectacle benefits Trump. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that "White Hats" have orchestrated it.
You have to be a demorat to even think such.
You are clueless.
Only in your mind
Never thought I’d say this but I hate the United States of America right now. We have the most corrupt government that has ever existed in the entire history of our country and it’s looks like there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. They laugh in our faces and flaunt their corruption while we all just sit and watch. 🤮
They are threading a needle. Keep the normies somnambulant, and simultaneously persecute and push a particular sector of the population (armed Trump supporters) to the breaking point, to bait them into any action that could be labeled "insurrection 2.0" which would be the excuse to declare martial law. If this doesn't work, plan B was my previous post.
BINGO! I smell a false flag event coming!
I get so tired of people talking and talking and talking about all the details.
But the truth is people in America who cared about all of this could stop this today, better yet could have already stopped this dead in its tracks.
Too many people have not been convinced things are as bad as they’re hearing.
Why I can almost hear them:
“Oh, it’s just a temporary economic setback, gas is already getting better, the government said we’ll be fine and concerning Trump we don’t care about that rich fat cat anyhow. As long as McDonalds has cheeseburgers and fries when we drive around, why should we be alarmed.”
In America remember it’s all about ME,
So then, it’s only when the intrusions of the Federal Government begins to cramp their style that they’ll begin to cry out for help. But there won’t be anyone to help because Obama’s FBI jackboots will have already removed all the resistance leadership.
These fools who sat on their fat a** and wouldn’t lift a finger to stop all this will be forced to do whatever this evil horde dictates and there won’t be any recourse, absolutely none.
You could say these folks deserve it, but there’s a lot of good folks and future generations who don’t and we gotta get together, we gotta get a plan together to turn this thing around.
I’m afraid they have no intentions of just walking off because the majority of Americans don’t want them ruling over us, forget voting them out they not gonna budge.
What they took is gonna have to be taken back or we’ll just end up working when and where they say, for room and board and what food they make available.
All the Best,
What we know so far: Reinhart took on the case to defend Epstein's 21-year old "recruiter" back in '07, when Epstein was being prosecuted for pedophilia. The 21-year old, whom Epstein took under his wings when she was 15, then paid for her to get a pilots license which she used to commander the Lolita Express during the time frame when Donald Trump was known to have flown on the Lolita Express, along with his pal friend, Bill Clinton. 3D Chess at it's finest. Reinhart has the dirt on Trump from the first-hand accounts of Epstein's darl'n (and attractive) pilot. The plot sickens.
Trump flew once to NYC is my info. and Trump kicked Epistein out of Mar Largo Club when or before the Miami case broke.
Trump doesn't diddle minors. He likes grown women and they seem to like him. Most of us have had our planting wild seeds days without getting perved I hope we now have settled down in maturity, at least somewhat.
You assume facts unknown or proven at this time. I don't know, but will refrain from accusations, opinions to the contrary are not accusations, btw.
I can show you facts but you'll continue to believe only what you want to belive. If you desired to be informed the info is out there. "... is my info."
Just a nother notch on the arrow.......the storm is coming, soon, as Rush would say"dont doubt me". Everybody keep their cool, stay informed. Open your eyes!
Thank you, Be Prepared Food ,water purif, self-defense.
The GSA kept all transition records from 2016 and gave them to FBI. Is it too much to suspect that the GSA packed away a special gift for Trump in those 15 boxes?
1776 time is nearing
The military will take orders from the legitimate President and will honor their oath.
They are too busy learning pronouns. This military is not your daddy’s military.
Meanwhile back in the mountains, after much discussion, Resolves are being made independent of city folk.
Thanks to autoimmune politics, the emoluments clause is now brought into parity with fish emulsion.....
Are we running out of options?