The Facts: Trump won Georgia:

Trump ..... 58.1%

Biden ....... 40.6%

Trump won Arizona:

Trump ..... 55.9%

Biden ....... 42.5%

Trump won Pennsylvania:

Trump ..... 56.8%

Biden ....... 42.0%

Source: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/elections-real-results-5

How I found the Real Results? applying the Scientific method: I "reverse engineered" the Fraud.

(claiming that Biden won the 2020 Elections is a Conspiracy Theory)

by the way: Trump won also Michigan:

Trump ..... 55.3%

Biden ....... 43.1%

Trump won Wisconsin:

Trump ..... 53.9%

Biden ....... 44.3%

There has been Election Fraud in 17 States that the Conspiracy Theorists claim were "won by Biden", plus in 4 States won by Trump (FL, OH, TX, NC). It was an Election Fraud of 45 million votes.

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2) by the way: Dominion voting machines are used in 28 States, not 16 (also in Cook County, Chicago, and in almost all the California Counties). It's not just the Dominion voting machines and tabulators that were rigged: also the ES&S, Smartmatic and Hart Civic voting systems. These 4 companies control 90% of the votes in the entire country.

Smartmatic is owned by George Soros (through Mark Malloch Brown, his British lapdog). Smartmatic controls all the 4.2 million votes in Los Angeles County.

Dominion voting machines are used in 52 of the 62 counties of New York State. The other 10 counties of NYS, including the 5 boroughs of NYC, use the ES&S machines (same sh*t as Dominion).

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Great stuff. Thanks. Landslide victory.

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Thank you, Madjack! Yes, it was a Landslide victory for Trump in 2020. There is no doubt on that. The only question is the size of the Trump Landslide victory: was it 406-132?

or 435-103? or 475-63?

Will we ever know the answer?

The NRO has all the data, the NSA has all the data. And someone else has all the data, too.

(NRO = National Reconnaissance Office, they operate all the KH-Keyhole Military Satellites, developed by DARPA and Lockheed-Space Systems)

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I want to cheer every time I read Emerald’s reporting. Her take down of the WaPo guy was so satisfying 😂

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Great reporting as usual, Emerald.

So the regime is throwing us a bone so we can nod in agreement saying “I told you so!” meanwhile how long till the fake-fraud disaster-in-Chief is removed from office?

As we speak primaries around the country are being rigged and mid-terms only five months away!

Unless someone suffers consequences, besides us, nothing will change.

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keep up the good work

Proverbs 12:22

The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

John 8:32

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

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I agree we need to keep praying for God to bring these evil people down; however, whenever someone "cuts up" John 8:32 and quotes it out of context, I cringe. Because it completely distorts the meaning of that text (John 8, BOTH verses 31 AND 32):

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "IF (there's a condition) you ABIDE IN MY WORD, (THEN) you are truly my disciples, and (THEN) you will know the truth, and (THEN) the truth will set you free."

If we are NOT Jesus' disciples, who are abiding in his word, we will NOT know the truth, and the truth will NOT set us free. Jesus said that HE is the truth (John 14:6); truth is a PERSON, and truth is only known through a right relationship with (the person of) Jesus. All others are being deceived - by pride, or distraction or the enemy.

Don't mean to be harsh, just setting the biblical record straight. (And yes, I'm an ordained minister with a seminary Master of Divinity degree...)

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Hacked machines rigged election. Trump won, in a landslide

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Even the AP is reporting that CISA is admitting Dominion Voting Systems are flawed!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Thanks Emerald! And i agree that apologies are in order... I won't hold my breath.

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Keep slamming them.

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How about if voters go into every polling place with hammers and start "dismantling" Dominion voting machines?

Of course we'd be arrested - but maybe there would have to be paper ballots - and fair elections?

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You may be on to something

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Emerald, can you please link to your TV show in all of your substack posts? In the bottom section would be great. A great reminder to watch it. You don’t even mention it. People need to be reminded. Thanks!

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That's a great idea: you can find previous episodes of my show THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH here: https://frankspeech.com/shows/absolute-truth-emerald-robinson-tv-show

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Amen. Thank you, Emerald. We the People need to take back our country! Thank you to all who toiled to expose the fraud! Kudos!

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"The smallest Australian export to America since the koala bear, Axios’ Jonathan Swan...

!!! Emerald Robinson is the reincarnation of H.L. Mencken! (and much more readable).

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Like the great 45, you’re always right!

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What we've known all along, doesn't help undo what's been done, yet!

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Perfect snark, Em! Great reporting as usual.

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They are always trying to spew that collective narrative! Great read! More coming!!!

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