Thank you for keeping on this Emerald. Our friend's 23 year old son has had two friends die suddenly, and the 15 year old brother of my daughter's ex-boyfriend collapsed at football practice last summer and died a few days later. Totally normal stuff.

My wife and I both had COVID back in May, and when my wife asked her doctor for ivermectin, the doctor said she'd rather keep her ability to practice medicine. Neither of us vaxxed, neither of us sick for more than 36 hours - just fatigue, headache, and a light cough.

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Unvaxxed, I got the crud in Jan and beat it in a week w/o meds. Just doubled my usual dosages of D, C, Quercetin, Zinc. My vaxxed, former heavy smoker wife got it several days after I did. I started her on IVM, Azith, Fluvoxamine, etc. immediately. She got quite sick, so we ended up asking for Dexamethasone and a nebulizer / Albuterol. She took three weeks to get back to normal. Looking at her eyes and low blood oxygen for the first week I feel strongly that she would not have survived had we not prepared by getting IVM, Fluvox, and Azith.

Every MD that shut up about this horror show will go to hell.

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Every doctor, nurse and pharmacist who towed the line and received financial bonuses for doing so...

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Glad to hear you're both okay. We upped our dosages of all the stuff and neither of us ever got bad.

Yes, these doctors and other health professionals who have been quiet about this all will get their due one day.

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No Jab for me either. I got the Virus back in late December 2021 and was able to compete in a national age group fencing tournament a week later and place 3rd. Had to fly from the East Coast to the West Coast. I took Ivermectin as protocol and upped the dosage once infected. I tested (Antigen test) negative prior to the competition. It wasn't easy competing but I pushed through it.

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www.alldaychemist.com You can order ivermectin and HCQ from here. Takes about three weeks to arrive. That way you’re never dependent on a Doctor Who is worrying more about their career than properly treating their patients!

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Also, ivermectin is now available over the counter in the free state of Tennessee. So if you have friends/acquaintances there, just have them go get some and send it to you.

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Appreciate info! Thank God for Tennessee! Any Updates on New Hampshire? I heard they were doing the same thing

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Thanks....good to know!

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Thank you!

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I ordered 3 years worth at the time...plus now antibiotics - coming into short supply ...great source.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

President Trump continues to push the Jabs and he will not admit they are dangerous. Yes he is against mandates but his pushing of the Jabs aids the mandate pushers. Also most Pubs hold the same view point. They are super Pro Jabs but are against mandates. They will not admit the Jabs are dangerous. Anything is better than a Commie Dem but most of the Pubs are Jab pushers. Would be interesting to know what Emerald thinks about this.

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Speculative on my part, and there are doubtless innumerable variables that factor into a *truly* accurate picture (if one will ever be known publicly this side of eternity) but I sometimes wonder why there isn't a clearer guess on this question by more people. If the things experienced since 2020 have really been in service of the rollout of a bio-security state based justification for actions that wouldn't be accomplished otherwise, then anyone with sufficient understanding within the authority structures of the country and a genuine willingness to act in opposition to said agenda would be facing war planning style circumstances.

My personal suspicion is that President Trump meets both conditions described above and chose to allow many players who desired the agenda to go forward to expose themselves while also planning significant monitoring and likely mitigation. May sound like excuse making to many who are upset that he doesn't just lay out the whole picture or seems to speak in promotion of the shots but it seems likely that "Warp Speed" and some level of withholding their knowledge of the nature of what would have been done otherwise was inevitably necessary. If the "vaccine nightmare has just begun" as Ms. Emerald writes, then I'd guess 25th amendment would have been instantaneous had President Trump held a press conference sometime in 2019/2020 and given a detailed description of worldwide efforts to institute a planetary totalitarian regime and depopulation campaign by gov./corporate leaders over several decades ending in a technocratic/demonic slave state. "Now, my fellow Americans, please help me defeat them." The response by so many in authority and amongst we the people would not have been conducive to success in such an endeavor. I think it's accurate for so many reasons and can still barely fathom it on some level. Really though, he (and many others) have helped people to see with greater clarity the realities at play. Complaining that progress isn't swift enough is more an example of lingering lack of proper evaluation of the scope of the problem than it is a spur to others "fixing" it faster.

Sorry, lengthy reply. We all have to expand our patience and willingness to work together to address the full extent of what we've allowed to develop in the world over such a long period of time. Seems daunting, but it probably shouldn't.

...whoever has despised the day of small things...

Zechariah 4:10

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

President Trump doesn't have go that far. All he has to say is that he was mislead and that the Jabs don't work and that they are dangerous. The problem is he went way too far in promoting them and kept digging the hole by promoting them after being taken down by election fraud. President Trump feels the Jabs are one of his greatest accomplishments. I just can't get by this but as I stated almost all elected Pubs are Jab pushers. There are maybe only a handful that are not. I am pretty sure Massie is not pro Jabs. MTG might be another one. It could be that many are backed by Big Pharma like President Trump. Another thing (who is getting money from Big Pharma) Emerald might want to look into. Again anything is better than a Commie Dem but I think it's important to realize the Pubs are no saints when it comes to the Jabs including President Trump.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

Agree with you on many of your points. The "Deep State", who I call The Trilateral Commission which was place as far back as Carter ( 13 of his appointees, of the 14 members at that time) were placed in our government. This plandemic was being planned going back to 2003, and coronaviruses planned as a weapon since that time, to do nothing but put money and profits into the International Bankers and their ilk. I strongly believe much of the medical "solutions" we have seen for the last 50 years have all been a scam, including Psych drugs, Cancer treatments, and all vaccines. Our Medical began a covert deterioration back in the early 1900's when The Rockefellers began to fund the medical schools, and created the Pysch Schools. The Cancer Industry has at best a 1% success rate yet gets billions of federal funds every year. The Psych Industry makes addicts, and destroys lives yet gets Billions of federal funds every year for decades, and is now incorporated into every single Health Insurance program, and just about every social government program. The Industry is one big Ponzi, creating patients for the future, and depopulation throughout time. The three letter "Health Agencies" are all run by investors and the same Commissions, our House and Senate about 40% are all invested. The public need to FULLY WALK AWAY. In 1910 The Rockefellers with The Flexner Report set out to destroy all natural medicine at the time, so they could take over "medicine". Today they are targeting any private practice Doctor that does not follow the "Standard of Care", and threatening loss of the license by their funded medical boards., we need to shut down public private funding and control of our medical systems.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

YES, YES, YES!!! Rockefellers and the Flexner report were indeed the beginning of the end for natural medicine. One thing you forgot to mention is that Big Pharma now funds ALL of the medical schools and therefore has a huge impact on the curriculum, which of course these days is largely prescribing their kill pills, as Dr. Jennifer Daniels calls them. It's one big disgusting circle jerk. UGH.

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Yes FNP unfortunately Big Pharma is buying influence in all the three letter agencies, politics, media etc. It is no "wonder" the United States is the largest consumer of drugs. This pandemic was imo the worst nightmare against humanity since WW2 and the creeps are trying to double down on suppressing the truth of what has happened. The W.E.F. one largest concern in their latest Davos COLLUSION MEETINGS, is suppress "mis-information and dis-information" In others words "the stake holders" a.k.a the invested need to collude to suppress the truth and or any other narrative to keep their dark money flowing. No doubt with another pandemic. The "Public-Private" Collusion is other wise known as racketeering and or insider trading, but the PSYCHS always help change the wording in their publications "in the guise of help of course". The planet is finally catching on to what has been happening for decades, the only way these massive agencies and their marketing ngo's can breathe is through taking money from others, taxes, donations, and funds for their events from billionaires, and investors., otherwise they will die a slow death. And the only way to dismantle the dishonest is to shine the light of truth. In the Public Court of Law, that is WHY they have to suppress communication.

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agree with this...appears to be a strategy to out the dark side here. there are casualties unfortunately in war ...and we are in one.

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My mother in law just told me she was diagnosed with Afib and vertigo.....she's had 3 shots. My friend has hundreds and hundreds of cancer spots all over her body. They popped up after she got two shots (her hubs begged her to get the shots, she didn't want them). When are people going to wake up!?!?

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I just heard about someone who had vertigo, who has been jabbed (not sure how many times)>

Is vertigo a common side effect of the shots? They were able to cure it with a one-time

therapy (don't remember the name of it).

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Yes, I rarely heard of anyone having vertigo and now I'm hearing it a lot and it's from people getting 2 and 3 jabs. It is being treated successfully thank goodness!!

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

As a reseracher and a scientist I am appalled at what we are seeing globally. There seems to be a need by the media to protect the politicians and scientists who made horrible decisions forcing their populations to receive vaccinations. Are they in fear of being fired if the speak out? Are they comprimised in some way that forces them into silence? I think it's time for the Jeanie to escape from the bottle folks. Please pass these testimonies on to your friends and families. I think many were spared death due to being on blood thinners frankly! This could be much worse in the upfront numbers if they were not on the thinners for other cadiac reasons. They are the LUCKY ones (kinda sorta). A nursing friend who works in oncology at my local hospital called me and asked me why they are seeing so many clotting issues in their patient populations lately??? I simply cannot believe these "health professionals" are that ingonorant! So many are clueless and others are complicit. We are in a very bad place and I fear it is going to get much worse. Follow Del Bigtree over at the Highwire as they are really at the tip of the spear with data and professional debates. Of course, I am so greatful for Emerald's continued superior reporting on the topic as well. This is why you pay for content IMHO.

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Am very concerned about this, but we must find and highlight data, not anecdotes. Military data was very concerning.

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I would argue: the data is already out there, and it's so terrible that we're all hoping and praying that it isn't true. But that's a form of magical thinking. The reality is that the majority of vaccinated people have probably shortened their lives dramatically. There are many countries that are now reporting birth rates that are in rapid decline. The military data is horrific. The insurance companies are warning of high mortality rates among young people. The anecdotes are concerning AND the data is concerning.

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I disagree somewhat. Although governments have started to hide data since it destroys the vax program, there’s plenty of data analysis (vax inefficacy, injuries and deaths) by authors on Substack (Jessica Rose, Matthew Crawford, Bad Catitude, Dr. Toby Rodgers). But you need the anecdotes as well. Numbers are one thing, but reading Mark Crispin Miller’s weekly “died suddenly “ compilations — so many people literally dropping dead! — that drives things home in a way data alone may not.

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Vaccine Impact (part of the Health Impact News Network) also does a great job of providing a full range of information (including faces, names and stories of vaccine victims). Here's the link:


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"Concerning" doesn't cut the mustard, my friend. Righteous Anger may come close, but probably isn't enough. Perhaps Mad Howling Fury is more "appropriate".


We must remain polite, "mustn't we?" Enough with the "Thoughts and Prayers" Enough means Enough, or just put your masks back on and stfu.

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Check out Sonia Elijah too, on Substack, she has been doing a very deep dive on the vax.

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Doctor Malone too.

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Thank you, Emerald, for keeping on this. And, as promised, I'll keep squawking until someone--anyone in position--shows the intestinal fortitude to demand AND SEEK accountability. I railed against this BS from the beginning; friends and family responded with shrugs and eye rolls. When my best friend of the past 50 years up and died--while we were talking on the phone--things may have changed. Slightly. Likely the true believers simply stopped admitting to getting jabbed, but certainly none have had the integrity to admit that I was right all along. And as said since this scam first surfaced: this will go down in history as the greatest con job ever foisted upon mankind.

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And you wonder why there are cancelled flights and overall employee shortages. The world's elites have been talking about de-populating Gaia since the 60s. Here you go. I am truly sorry people fell for the sham. I know three otherwise people in their 40's that died weeks after third poisoning.

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So, What does the Feral Government of the USSA do? VaXXX the Children!!! See the Consequence from a non-medical viewpoint:


A "society" that tolerates this Justly Deserves Everything it Gets.

Cold Fury Reckoning can't come soon enough.

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Those videos are absolutely heartbreaking. I hope people, many, many people, hang for this.

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This makes me beyond furious and absolutely sick to my stomach. Thank you, Emerald for staying on this. We NEED to hear this, read it in black and white, no matter how bad it becomes. I was praying that us “anti-vaxxers” were wrong, that every study I read in 2020 was incorrect. Every single thing I told my family would happen, is now happening. My parents and sisters willingly lined up for a booster. A booster that made my mom have emergency gallbladder surgery and for all of them to still get COVID. And the insane thing is that they don’t think any of it is related. They keep getting sick while my immediate family has stayed healthy this entire time.

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One only needs to read RFK Jr's book on Fauci to understand that both Covid and its vaccine were created to kill. And now we are about to relive another AIDS-parallel nightmare with Monkeypox vaccines (oops, monkeypox is racist - I forgot) as China continues to develop more virile strains and gay men are targeted once again. And with the fervent, drooling talk of the "new variant" of omicron wave coming in the fall, expect more "emergency" actions for pushing murderous Covid vaccines. Again. I'm guessing they will arrange for house-visit jabs since no one will be able to afford the gas to drive to the pharmacy or other death-dispensing location.

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FWIW, I don't think mpox "targets" gay men. It's transmitted by skin contact and the outbreaks began at gay orgies - lots of skin contact.

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Who is actually affected is not the point. The point is for gay men to become fearful and get their vaccine. Same song. Different verse.

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Yes. Good point.

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Crimes were committed. Worse, they're still being committed. Even worse, they're still being widely tolerated. The medical crime wave is a symptom of a wider societal destruction. Prosecutors are refusing to charge street crimes. Addicts are filling the sidewalks. Schools are perverting children. Churches are not only supporting the crimes but sometimes are active participants. Correcting the medical malpractice is one mole in a frantic whack-a-mole contest. We need to reconsider our tactics.

Dr Mercola yesterday posted a recommendation to sue doctors who fail their patients. They know how to diagnose and treat myocarditis, but they aren't. That's malpractice. They know the sars2 infections are easily treatable, but they don't. That's malpractice. They know the vax is causing injuries, yet they continue forcing them. That's malpractice.

Medicine is still a noble quest for many young doctors, but it quickly becomes just another profit seeking business. Empathy won't affect that. Logic won't affect that. "Science" won't affect that. Affecting their business model will.

We also need to litigate prosecutors, schools, churches, politicians, corporations that are destroying our society. It will be a good time to be a tort lawyer. Let's keep them busy.

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we moved out of Houston 3 years ago just because (SW Houston WAS a great place to grow up and raise kids, that is no more)

we never got vaxxed

I haven't missed any work

my long time friends ask me "How did you know?"

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In the end all will be revealed. Hope big Pharma is ready for the big payout. There is no immunity when you knowingly harm people.

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It is a curious thing: China has not allowed the dangerous mRNA vaccines to be used on its own people. Why is that??? What do the ChiComs know that we don't know?

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Thanks again Emerald!! I'm happy to see Steve Kirsh mentioned here as he is a true warrior. This is why I feel all the awake, honest ,independent journalists should and need to be united , in communication and working in concert. No competition here, only a search for truth. I thank you all.

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