The GOP Has Ghosted FBI Whistleblowers
Republican lawmakers have perfected the art of doing nothing while America crumbles - why change now?
Did you think that the GOP establishment was actually going to investigate the FBI? Hey, I know that they promised to really do something about the corruption of our national security state before the midterm elections — but come on people.
Those are campaign promises.
It’s like Kevin McCarthy not having enough votes to become House Speaker — suddenly he promises to subpoena the 50 intelligence agents who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, and he announces this promise at the same time that he’s handing out medals to cops for participating in the January 6th federal insurrection orchestrated by the FBI!

In other words, McCarthy’s campaign promises are strictly for the suckers and rubes.
Don’t just take my word for it: FBI whistleblowers are coming forward to say that they have never heard back from GOP members of Congress who made promises to them.
Here’s Steve Friend telling you: he’s never heard back from any GOP elected officials since the elections.

Perhaps our elected officials have contacted other FBI whistleblowers — but forget about Steve Friend?
Well, I’ve got more bad news for you: fellow FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin hasn’t heard from any GOP elected officials either.
Seraphin has heard that he’s “too hot politically” for GOP leadership — and he thinks that Steve Friend is probably “too hot” as well.
“Too hot” is a common phrase used by GOP elected officials to identify an American citizen who’s actually a patriot and a conservative — as opposed to the grifters and frauds who hold office in Washington, of course.
As one wag put it on Twitter: “If the House Judiciary GOP is afraid to hear from you, the Senate GOP would need smelling salts and a weekend retreat to recover from the sight of you walking into a hearing room.”
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Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption every day like me?
Who’s the only reporter in the world to ask Dr. Fauci why he funded the Wuhan Lab of Virology? Who was the first reporter to confront Jen Psaki about Hunter Biden and his Chinese investments? Who asked President Trump when he would stop the NIH’s funding of the Wuhan Lab in April 2020 — a year before any other media outlet?
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I need your support like never before.
The corporate media is completely corrupt. If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
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Establishment GOP hates MAGA. The FBI hates MAGA. There's your answer.
Thank you Emerald, there are few people on the platforms I post on daily, GAB, Truth and GETTR that tell the truth about the backstabbing republicans as much as I do, but you are a breath of fresh air that never gives a pass to the Uniparty GOP, a gutless group of traitors who I can’t support in its current leadership, I can’t see how they think they will ever win another election without ridding itself of the corrupt and traitorous hierarchy they foolishly choose to keep, and then there MTG selling us out for a committee position and everyone is like, oh she knows what she’s doing, and I am like no, she just sold us out, lot of naive voters, more than I thought, after 6 years of active and identifiable illegal third world level tyranny I would think people would wake up quicker?