Establishment GOP hates MAGA. The FBI hates MAGA. There's your answer.

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Establishment GOP swore to support and defend the Constitution. FBI officers swore to support and defend the Constitution. Both dump on an FBI whistleblower who refused to participate in unconstitutional raids. There's your answer.

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Thank you Emerald, there are few people on the platforms I post on daily, GAB, Truth and GETTR that tell the truth about the backstabbing republicans as much as I do, but you are a breath of fresh air that never gives a pass to the Uniparty GOP, a gutless group of traitors who I can’t support in its current leadership, I can’t see how they think they will ever win another election without ridding itself of the corrupt and traitorous hierarchy they foolishly choose to keep, and then there MTG selling us out for a committee position and everyone is like, oh she knows what she’s doing, and I am like no, she just sold us out, lot of naive voters, more than I thought, after 6 years of active and identifiable illegal third world level tyranny I would think people would wake up quicker?

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Everyone is brainwashed or just plain lazy. My family members keep saying. Next election. Oh yea. The big red wave. Things are gonna change. Right!! Big F in joke! We all either take control or lay down and die.

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I disagree on MTG... She knows 2hats going on, and she is 4ight about the Dims and RINOs colluding. We should just use it from space, for sure.

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The Deep State threatens the GOP and they fold. Courage is virtually extinct in DC.

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Add me to the list! Promises made, not kept. Grassley has tried to get DOJ OIG to look at my case but nothing has happened. Ron Johnson said he’d help me after I gave him some extensive information and when I called the aide he told me to call, he said your case sounds like a personnel issue and we don’t do those... Ten years later, I live at the poverty level. Car repossessed, can’t get a good paying job because the FBI has blackballed me like they do all whistleblowers and EEO Complainants! Nothing. Information given, promises made, promises not kept!

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Prayers to you Robyn. You are among the top 1% of the bravest of our patriots. I'm still not sure if General Flynn's assistance and offers to assist, did more harm than good. Your disclosures only served to terrify even more the already terrified Uni/Deep/Tyrants - who are terrified of their multiple layers of multiple ongoing coverups being made public. Truth hurts!

In fact, I think their ever more public flailings are proof that they have lost control of some of the coverups and are going into "bunker" mode, and that the threshold of Stupid People may be to low to sustain this G.I.N.O.

God Bless You!

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Again, pure gold from Emerald.

I just started supporting her with a monthly subscription, and I encourage everyone reading this to do the same. We must do what we can to spread the truth.

MAGA is hated. MAGA laughs at the hatred. The biggest struggle I have right now is refusing cynicism or despair, when I look at what's real and true.

Hold on and take care of as many as you can, because the next few years are going to make the 1930s look like a vacation.

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I became an AZ GOP precinct committeeman in order to be an agent of change where all was not yet lost (yet). After knocking on over 500 doors for America First candidates, I watched as the national GOPe and the usual McCain RINOs sabotaged one candidate after another. Never mind the Democrats--you can count on them to stab you in the heart. The America Last GOP is worse because they'll stab you in the back. Since I worked the polls for the election, I've attempted to get involved with efforts to cleanse the voter registration roll (yes, it was a mess on Nov 8). Well, power-clutching GOP bureaucrats can't be bothered to respond. The Maricopa County GOP is moving at a snail's pace from what I can see. I'm feeling strongly that it's time to move on from the GOP.

Please, would somebody launch the America First Party?

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I know these guys are anxious but there has been no reason to contact the whistleblowers until the GOP has some control. Tell me in 3 months. I will agree the left protects them better but we'll see 3 months isn't long to wait.

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Why should they have to wait? Why isn't the GOP, getting their ducks in a row, and taking testimony so when they come into power they are ready to go. I'll tell you why. Because they are not going to do shit!! They don't care about anything but keeping the grift going.

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I agree with you. We need a new party. We all need to leave both party’s!!! It’s the only way

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Why are we all paying taxes? Seriously. We get taxed to death and get NOTHING.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

I was around and in politics during the Perot years, knew the guys that set up the Party....Millions back then of Perot's money, and lots of time and aggravation, opening and staffing offices and getting registered in all 50 states. Would be billions now, and it wouldn't get done in time for 2024.

MAGA needs to have its own money, hire professional recruiters to search and find, and FUND ITS OWN PEOPLE. Problem here...MAGA and conservatives are cheap...I say this with years of political and fundraising experience. Cheap.

If half the 2020 Trump voters gave just $10/month on autodebit, our new PAC would have $400 MILLION...EVERY MONTH! Must have honest people in charge, no large salaries, etc, but we have to pay for good candidate recruiters and vetters, etc. When I suggest this, nobody says "Great, let me be the first to give"! Nope...They want someone ELSE to give.

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They have been conducting investigations according to reports but without subpoena power it's difficult. They might not do shit but you'll know within 3 months

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The whistleblowers are lined up, why are they being ghosted by the Republicans? You don't need subpoena powers to talk to them. Here's what I think is going to happen. First thing they will do is set up all these committees to investigate all the ways our government fucked us over. Then they will have public hearings, were they will assemble all the scofflaws. So that they can pound on the table and clutch their pearls while falling on the fainting couch, screaming How did this happen. Then a few low level people get sacrificed. Rinse and Repeat.

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100% agree!

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For a look at current GOP House Judiciary members, scroll down from the Dems:


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Still dosen't give me hope.

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Same here. Was disappointed at the MAGA folks on Judiciary who are keeping their heads down. Am anticipating two fruitless years of Kabuki Theater...

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Yep. The gnashing of teeth. The pounding on the table. The grandstanding. Then they sacrifice a couple of low level people on the altar of globalism.

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I hope you're right Glenn, I can see why you might be. Meanwhile I'm glad Emerald Robinson is putting this out there.

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We've all been watching since Jim Jordan and others have revealed many agents have come forward. We've known there's a reason why not much has been done or said. Agent Friend has been everywhere getting exposure. I'm sure he's frustrated. I never underestimate the ability of Republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory though

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I will be seriously disappointed in Jim Jordan if nothing comes of this. It will be the LAST time I give a penny to any politician .

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The GOP is a pathetic bunch of losers. I will never give them a nickel until they grow a pair and get rid of Mitch and Luntz’s lover. We need a new party and like yesterday. I dislike them as much as I despise the left and at least the left fights to win. It’s a joke.

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Patriots Party. For America and Americans.

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Amen. Has a positive ring to it!

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if Kevin from Heaven, the Lobbyists pal becomes Speaker of the House, then just put the fork in America.

the GOPe marshalled its forces and cheated the MAGA candidates out and Ushered the RINOs in.

There is No hope.

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Would that we had an opposition party! It’s certainly not the republicans as currently constituted.

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I LOL'd when that sackless man, McFailure said that he would subpoena the 51 Intel officers who confirmed that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation.

Nobody believes you McFailure

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McCarthy, McConnell and (Ronna) McDaniel - the McRINO triumvirate. They ALL need to go.

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Oh, he might subpoena them, but they won't show up and they'll do nothing but maybe hold them in "contempt of congress," which, again, is a big nuthin. After all, what happened to Lois Lerner and Eric Holder vis-a-vis Steve Bannon? I rest my case...

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Very few truth tellers in Media. If you tell the truth, you are gone. Based on those facts, what are Tucker, and Hannity to name two, really reporting? The CIA script of the day??

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I can't quite figure out Tucker, something is not right if he's allowed to stay on network TV and just say whatever her wants. He stops short of saying the death shots should be taken off the market. He only goes so far with most controversial subjects and then he pulls back. Hannity is a complete joke.

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Do not marvel we knew the “R’s” are really playing “good cop bad cop” routine with D’s eager to be the bad cops.

Dumb as I am I knew that the Republicans were gonna do zero. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature can look at the lizard lipped R’s historical record to see they’re anal preoccupied. Simply put the R’s aren’t leaders they’re followers. Following all the other scumbags to the trough where the printing press is located.

Where did I read Fauci double his net worth during the pandemic when millions of us were under mandates lockdowns.

Seriously, all of Washington knows Americans are hooked on hopium. As long as we get our hopium fix regularly they good to go. And all a good hopium addict needs to succeed is plenty of copium.

One other matter it looks as though Musk releasing of the Twitter files is intended to blame a handful of employees.


When it’s common knowledge two dozen FBI “professionals” worked at Twitter including infamous liar James Baker.

If “all men are liars” who then can we trust except the Lord?

But then “why call me Lord and not do as I say.”

I read a very compelling piece outlining how in five years under

present rate of destruction this United States will be another Venezuela.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Sundance always brings it...Been a reader and donor since Trayvon days. The best political mind on the planet, and a true patriot.

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You're probably right except one difference, now there's MAGA. Let's hope there's plenty of MAGA influence. I don't think they are ghosting them. Jim Jordan said he's talked to 20. 3 months ain't long to wait besides there's nothing else we can do. My Rep doesn't care what I think. I've stopped telling him

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need to ignore every politician - no money, no support and no votes. They are ego maniacs that need constant reinforcement. It's a one party system designed for them to steal from the peasants.

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