I won't give the GOP in general another dollar. I will support individual Candidates ONLY! They MUST BE like minded as me. Term Limits is what we desperately need folks.
Absolutely great idea I think there’s so much blackmail and corruption going on in Congress it would probably make us all blush. Also for Ted Cruz’s own mouth flies food from Texas to feed the republican senators once a month. Who’s paying for that?
That's a great point Hugh. I will have to query anyone I am considering supporting, about this issue. We are really being squeezed out here aren't we... On one hand we never could support any Leftist but on the other hand there are many reasons not to support the GOP.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons why Trump happened. The first Republican to actually call balls and strikes and represent Americans. The GOP grifts on not winning ejections and saying all the right things, if only they were in charge. And Portman is doing one hell of a job decimating Ohio and her people. He’s going to burn it all down on his way out the door.
Ohio has two leftist totalitarians decimating Ohio: Portman and Gonzalez. Doesn't seem Ohio Republicans learn as they voted DeWine in again as the Republican governor candidate...Maybe holding the people of states that vote for American traitors accountable with constant (peaceful) public shaming until the problem is fixed would do more good then going after the candidates? At this point there is no excuse to be uninformed and still claim to be an American.
I don't give a crap about Trump. He was useful to expose the grifters on both sides, but he was not smart enough or a good enough judge of character. I care about the true America First agenda. If we have to go through 2,000 POS politicians to get 535 real Americans, then so be it. Unfortunately, we may run out of time before that happens.
I agree Lawrence. He had courage, but no idea how he could stop the massive assault on his presidency. Frankly, I am not sure how anyone could get anything done under those horrendous fake attacks, lawsuits, agency corruption etc. Simply too huge for just about anyone IMHO. And yet, he still was able to get many things accomplished that benefited the USA. Sadly, Obama and Susan Rice have undone most by now.
Here we are wasting time and money on an idiotic proxy conflict in Ukraine that we actually at least helped create (thanks Obama) when we should actually declare war on Mexico. 100,000 Americans died of drug OD’s last year. How did the majority of those drugs get into the country? Mexico. Who is the #1 sponsor of this current migrant invasion? Mexico.
Declare war tomorrow. Start bombing on Friday. This migrant invasion stops on Saturday.
Why the hell is Trump backing him instead of calling him out as a RINO? None of this makes sense. It's like we're watching a long drawn out scenario concocted for our disbelieving eyes.
Next, look at the 14 R Senators who voted for gun confiscation and then look at how much money they took from the NRA. Lots. Some of them are at the top.
Mittens, #1, received $13 million from the NRA
Richard Burr, #2, received $7 million
Roy Blunt #3, received $4.5 million
Thom Tillis #4, received $4.4 million
Joni Ernst #6, Rob Portman #7, etc.
9 out of the top 11 highest funded Senators (funded by the NRA) voted FOR unconstitutional gun confiscation.
Power corrupts. If we want competent government, we must actively restrain the power of our rulers. That requires constant vigilance, and active participation. Government of the people and for the people can only be achieved if it is BY the people. Labels don't matter, only results matter. Get to work!
Amen. Livid at my end of the pond. Get spines and resist! Government BY the people. Time to finish the Wall. Time to declare the invasion and to stop it once and for all. There remain Patriots among us!
the GOP is not "caving" on gun control or Amnesty. They want it passed as much as the democrats.
They cant initiate these bills if they are the majority so they need to get all the Liberal Agenda items passed now.
Normal, decent law abiding Americans with traditional values and outlooks have ZERO representation in Washington DC right now. It doesn't look to change anytime soon, even if the GOP become the majority in the the House and Senate next year.
Right on Emerald! One only need to look at how the Democrats are not worried about the mid-terms. No campaigning or even trying to coverup their destruction of the country. It's because they have nothing to worry about. They will continue to rule and stay in power by rigged elections, along with the GOP who will retain their power. They will rule as a uni-party and stay in power forever.
Exactly right. We need to be constantly reminded of the infinite ways in which the GOP has fought on the enemy’s side. I believe they are bought—why else are there no insider trading restrictions on the legislative branch? They can do with impunity what we’d be jailed for doing. And I believe they accept direct payments from Pharma, big tech, and perhaps other corporate entities. And I suspect there’s a component of blackmail or other threats. Wasn’t that what Jeffrey Epstein was doing, collecting damaging information on anyone sucked into his orbit? Very few resist the pressure, and those few are sidelined by the establishment.
Thanks, Emerald, for the generous dose of reality. Years ago I made the mistake of donating to the RNC. To this day, I get dozens of spam email messages every day pleading for money. They don't understand. Until they represent me, they get nothing.
I doubt that will happen. The Patriots of that time were willing to sacrifice everything for their cause. I just don't see that happening today. America will just continue it sink lower and lower. Will become Mexico 2 maybe worse.
My position since 2020 is we need a new party. Patriots party or whatever we agree to call it. A multi ethnic workers party for America and Americans interest. The GOP is dead.
I won't give the GOP in general another dollar. I will support individual Candidates ONLY! They MUST BE like minded as me. Term Limits is what we desperately need folks.
No, not term limits. This instead:
While in government:
-->annual polygraph asking about illegal / unethical activity / family & friend grifting.
-->annual disclosure of complete tax returns
-->no royalties, equity grants, or outside income
-->ALL assets placed in a blind trust audited annually
After leaving government service:
-->No pension.
-->No health care.
-->No more security clearance.
-->No Secret Service protection.
-->100% taxation of every dollar above their final government salary for ten years after their term in office expires. Same for capital gains.
And Congress shall not exempt itself from any law passed.
Absolutely great idea I think there’s so much blackmail and corruption going on in Congress it would probably make us all blush. Also for Ted Cruz’s own mouth flies food from Texas to feed the republican senators once a month. Who’s paying for that?
We are!
The #1 problem with trying to donate to ANY single candidate is that the GOPe usurps the links and you end up donating to them without knowing it.
That's a great point Hugh. I will have to query anyone I am considering supporting, about this issue. We are really being squeezed out here aren't we... On one hand we never could support any Leftist but on the other hand there are many reasons not to support the GOP.
Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF)
Yes, and they are omnipresent in nearly every candidate’s appeal for funds. I will NOT donate to any candidate who splits funds with the GOP .
Need to clean out the perpetual admin state
I haven't in years. I continue to give to local candidates that are true MAGA
Smart and SAVVY!! LOL
I’m right there with you, Anthony.
My stars, it's hard to read this. My blood just boils when I am reminded of the perfidy of the DC Repub wing of the DNC.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons why Trump happened. The first Republican to actually call balls and strikes and represent Americans. The GOP grifts on not winning ejections and saying all the right things, if only they were in charge. And Portman is doing one hell of a job decimating Ohio and her people. He’s going to burn it all down on his way out the door.
Ohio has two leftist totalitarians decimating Ohio: Portman and Gonzalez. Doesn't seem Ohio Republicans learn as they voted DeWine in again as the Republican governor candidate...Maybe holding the people of states that vote for American traitors accountable with constant (peaceful) public shaming until the problem is fixed would do more good then going after the candidates? At this point there is no excuse to be uninformed and still claim to be an American.
Trump supported this precise issue. Get informed.
I don't give a crap about Trump. He was useful to expose the grifters on both sides, but he was not smart enough or a good enough judge of character. I care about the true America First agenda. If we have to go through 2,000 POS politicians to get 535 real Americans, then so be it. Unfortunately, we may run out of time before that happens.
I agree Lawrence. He had courage, but no idea how he could stop the massive assault on his presidency. Frankly, I am not sure how anyone could get anything done under those horrendous fake attacks, lawsuits, agency corruption etc. Simply too huge for just about anyone IMHO. And yet, he still was able to get many things accomplished that benefited the USA. Sadly, Obama and Susan Rice have undone most by now.
I'm wondering why Abbott doesn't just build the wall with all the material that's laying there? Who will stop it?
We are allowing an invasion.
Abbott is just a crippled Cornyn.
All he has done is stall. Oh yes, and photo ops.
He sent about ohhh 5 buses of the most polite illegal immigrants to DC. They're surely feeling the sting of that move. 🙄
Makes me wonder why he hasn't declared an invasion of illegals He could completely ignore, Biden
Here we are wasting time and money on an idiotic proxy conflict in Ukraine that we actually at least helped create (thanks Obama) when we should actually declare war on Mexico. 100,000 Americans died of drug OD’s last year. How did the majority of those drugs get into the country? Mexico. Who is the #1 sponsor of this current migrant invasion? Mexico.
Declare war tomorrow. Start bombing on Friday. This migrant invasion stops on Saturday.
Why the hell is Trump backing him instead of calling him out as a RINO? None of this makes sense. It's like we're watching a long drawn out scenario concocted for our disbelieving eyes.
Next, look at the 14 R Senators who voted for gun confiscation and then look at how much money they took from the NRA. Lots. Some of them are at the top.
Mittens, #1, received $13 million from the NRA
Richard Burr, #2, received $7 million
Roy Blunt #3, received $4.5 million
Thom Tillis #4, received $4.4 million
Joni Ernst #6, Rob Portman #7, etc.
9 out of the top 11 highest funded Senators (funded by the NRA) voted FOR unconstitutional gun confiscation.
How about that.
Sick commies.
Power corrupts. If we want competent government, we must actively restrain the power of our rulers. That requires constant vigilance, and active participation. Government of the people and for the people can only be achieved if it is BY the people. Labels don't matter, only results matter. Get to work!
Amen. Livid at my end of the pond. Get spines and resist! Government BY the people. Time to finish the Wall. Time to declare the invasion and to stop it once and for all. There remain Patriots among us!
Nothing short of a biblical level miracle will save us now. If they do away with cash, then it's game over. Done. We're doomed.
the GOP is not "caving" on gun control or Amnesty. They want it passed as much as the democrats.
They cant initiate these bills if they are the majority so they need to get all the Liberal Agenda items passed now.
Normal, decent law abiding Americans with traditional values and outlooks have ZERO representation in Washington DC right now. It doesn't look to change anytime soon, even if the GOP become the majority in the the House and Senate next year.
Not zero. Maybe 10 out of 535 in Congress.
The tipping point is nearing quickly. And it's time to pick a side. Good vs evil. Choose wisely.
Right on Emerald! One only need to look at how the Democrats are not worried about the mid-terms. No campaigning or even trying to coverup their destruction of the country. It's because they have nothing to worry about. They will continue to rule and stay in power by rigged elections, along with the GOP who will retain their power. They will rule as a uni-party and stay in power forever.
ONCE AGAIN, the GOP suppresses the vote and I expect them to gaslight the voters when they lose.
Instead of serving the American people they serve anti-American democrats and then pretend they are surprised when they lose elections.
Become a delegate, join school boards, run for city councils. Only chance we have.
Exactly right. We need to be constantly reminded of the infinite ways in which the GOP has fought on the enemy’s side. I believe they are bought—why else are there no insider trading restrictions on the legislative branch? They can do with impunity what we’d be jailed for doing. And I believe they accept direct payments from Pharma, big tech, and perhaps other corporate entities. And I suspect there’s a component of blackmail or other threats. Wasn’t that what Jeffrey Epstein was doing, collecting damaging information on anyone sucked into his orbit? Very few resist the pressure, and those few are sidelined by the establishment.
Thanks, Emerald, for the generous dose of reality. Years ago I made the mistake of donating to the RNC. To this day, I get dozens of spam email messages every day pleading for money. They don't understand. Until they represent me, they get nothing.
History will repeat itself. Looks like another 1776 is brewing. It’s the only way to keep our Freedom. 🇺🇸
I doubt that will happen. The Patriots of that time were willing to sacrifice everything for their cause. I just don't see that happening today. America will just continue it sink lower and lower. Will become Mexico 2 maybe worse.
Not on my watch. My grandchildren are too important to me. I’ll sacrifice everything for my cause. My Grandchildren!
To be honest I don't know how those corrupt Republicans look their grandchildren in the face.
They can’t even look in the mirror because they will see the lowest form of human filth.
My position since 2020 is we need a new party. Patriots party or whatever we agree to call it. A multi ethnic workers party for America and Americans interest. The GOP is dead.
Who would make this happen? It would have to be in a coalition with the Global Marxist Pubs for a long time and they would have the upper hand.