The GOP's Crack-Up Is Finally Here
American voters now understand: all the Democrats are Democrats, and most Republicans are Democrats too.
A well-known senator appeared on TV recently to discuss the omnibus bill to fund the federal government, and delivered the following remarks: “Republicans are emasculated. They have no power, and they are unwilling to gain that power back. The Republicans do not have the intestinal fortitude. They always collapse, and they fear shutting government down — so no policy objectives ever get added.”
Now the question is: which liberal Senator pointed out that the GOP has completely collapsed as a party since the 2020 election?
The answer: Rand Paul.
A GOP senator was willing to state publicly — on Fox News no less! — that his own party has become a joke.
That was Thursday.
Two days earlier, Kevin McCarthy had taken the extraordinary step of appearing on a prime-time Fox News show to openly criticize Mitch McConnell and GOP Senate leadership for trying to pass the omnibus bill with Democrats.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham even took to Twitter to open fire on McConnell’s chief budget negotiator Richard Shelby.
Rep. Chip Roy took to the House floor to denounce Mitch McConnell and Richard Shelby by name — even pointing out that the retiring Shelby was getting $656 million in earmarks for himself in the omnibus bill.
That’s an obscene retirement gift. Richard Shelby said a tearful goodbye to the Senate, and so the Senate wiped his tears with America’s checkbook.

Chip Roy was not alone in his condemnation of GOP Senate leadership. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Byron Donalds, Lauren Boebert, and Mike Lee all took to TV (or social media) to denounce the omnibus bill. The conservative pundit class also went ballistic: Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin, and many more were throwing lead at Mitch McConnell last week. Needless to say, this kind of inter-party fighting is quite rare — and a clear sign of the GOP’s ideological crack-up.
If GOP House members have to go public with their disapproval of GOP Senate members, then you know that private discussions did not go well. In other words, McConnell and his gang are going to pass the omnibus anyway — and only the American public’s outrage can stop them.
As for Richard Shelby, he made sure to note that McCarthy was running for House Speaker — which seemed to be a nod to the idea that McCarthy was merely pretending to dislike the omnibus bill.

The civil war between the GOP House and GOP Senate over the omnibus bill follows — by a few days! — the GOP’s not-so-secret attempt to negotiate a mass amnesty bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on the gay marriage bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on endless aid for Ukraine, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on restricting gun rights a few months ago.
In truth, the term “capitulation” is too kind a word for what the GOP actually did in most of these cases. That word assumes that some sort of fight took place when, in fact, “enthusiastic embrace” might be the more accurate phrase. The GOP has simply abandoned every one of its core principles in the last two years — the entire party platform! — and done so in such a flagrant fashion that even a transparent charlatan like Kevin McCarthy is concerned.
And he should be — most of our Republican senators resemble the weepy buffoon John Boehner at Nancy Pelosi’s portrait unveiling this week.

Let’s be clear: John Boehner has no game. He never had any game. Does anyone seriously believe that Nancy Pelosi thinks this effeminate marijuana lobbyist is her political equal? Or that she would show up to gush over a portrait of John Boehner?
Don’t be absurd. Sure, Nancy Pelosi’s 82 year old husband might have been caught by police with a 42 year old friend in his underwear holding a hammer in the living room of Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco house at 2 in the morning but that’s nothing compared to the humiliation of watching old GOP leaders like John Boehner kiss the ring in ritual surrender to Democrats at Capitol ceremonies.
As Rand Paul said: the GOP is emasculated. They always collapse.
The only place that Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy and Ronna McDaniel have led the Republican Party is to a complete surrender to the Democrat Party. Naturally, they all want to be re-elected to leadership anyway — and they probably will get their wish.
That’s the GOP for you.
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As usual, Emerald hits them right between the eyes. The only quarrel I have is with the word "emasculation", which implies that there was something there to emasculate in the first place.
Watching this kabuki theatre for years has essentially revealed that we're dealing with Washington's version of the Harlem Globetrotters vs. the Washington Generals, with the Generals being happy to be on the same court. Shameful.
The Uniparty plays well together. McTurtle is happy to be the minority as long as he controls the party and his grift. Hence, his big spend against the MAGA candidates in the mid-terms.