God bless you, Emerald!

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This is awesome. Thank you and God Bless you Emerald

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Wow, this was so touching to read, thank you Emerald.

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Emerald; this is thought provoking on so many fronts. It felt like I was reading the stations of the cross. For for you to find and share this convinces me that your reporting and investigative insights are all grounded in truth and Justice!

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St. Melito of Sardis, ora pro nobis!

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Thank you for sharing this with your reader followers, Emerald. More of the absolute truth which is needed more than ever especially after the clown show in Congress on Saturday.

Amen to Melito of Sardis, Emerald for sharing it and for the Light of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Amen & Hallelujah!!! May the Lord God who reigns, 'shower' you, beloved Emerald, with His Abundance, for sharing this precious Pearl-of-a-Paschal Sermon...Christ is risen...He is risen, indeed!!!

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Emerald… Outstanding, a great read, what a trip through the passage of time.. to the subscriber below questioning the distinction of this post from you as relates between Easter and Passover relative to your comments.. all I can respectfully say in reply.. is read and understand your scripture, the time lines then overview this great and wonderful text being the sermon of Melito… seems self explanatory to me…

Melito was at pains to explain as he has so efficaciously leaving the reader and undoubtedly at the time the sermon was delivered, the audience to whom it was delivered in no doubt whatsoever as to his thoughts as he sought to answer the answer of God, who God is, the relationship of god to the Saviour Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, of how the earth, man upon the earth was created, indeed to point out the lengths God had gone to in freeing from bondage in Egypt, the Children of Jacob-Israel, his favoured, of ultimately what was the murder of god, at the hand of his anointed.. Israel..

We know in scripture God divorced Israel, because of their penchant and propensity for evil, a predilection for all evil, best exemplified the events resulting the death of Jesus Christ, God the Lord, all due petty jealousies, the coveting of earthly possession, lifestyle, power, authority, considerations by the Elite of the day, to be of far more import than adherence and following the words of the many prophets sent by God The Lord to forewarn his chosen, those who would hear and learn of his message, the gospels, his ordinances and sacraments…

Indeed the history of Israel as a nation is littered with the detritus of sin, inequity, hence God divorcing them as a nation, save as we know the limited number as defined of 144,000 whose names have been written, the absolute purest of the 12 tribes, 12,000 from each of the Tribes of Israel, from Reuben through Benjamin… incorruptible, not pre disposed to guile, the cleanest and purest amongst all of Israel… the guile issue I believe of all of the traits God The Lord speaks of in scripture being of major weight in his decision to favour these 144,000 sums up Gods resulting attitude to what had once been his favoured… thus Israel is contrary to belief, not Gods chosen, but destined to suffer because of their evil, hardheadedness, backsliding, intransigence, constant murmuring… in essence God The Lord Washed his hands of them… understanding scripture as it’s written, all I can say is it seems he made the absolute right call more so given traits all to prevalent today as has been written in so many tomes that record their truly checkered history… this text, really further enunciates and reiterates what is readily known, understood and acknowledged by many who read and understand scripture… worst of all the present Zionist want to invoke scripture to justify the bloodlust they have and before the world have facilitated in Gaza, indeed not just Gaza, but what seems an insatiable appetite to spill the blood of innocents, thus not only did they murder God the Lord as so well written opined, and underscored the Melito Text just read, but we have the perverse situation going back nearly a hundred years whereby Zionists in particular, many of them self avowed atheists and or non believers in God The Lord, actually want to usurp him, themselves playing God, deciding who lives and who dies, the numbers killed extra judicially at their hand numbering in the hundreds of thousands…mood was correct, one of his critiques when divorcing them was they are a murderous lot… couldn’t have put it better, prescient you could say…

To all and any Zionists, you know who you are, those of you that for the rest of us, we do not conflate with those who follow and observe strictly the tenets of Judaism, worshippers of the Jewish faith, not to be confused or conflated with Zionists, as we know a vast majority of Zionists by their own admission hold a completely different belief orientation to observers and believers of Judaism, sadly it is Zionists who have hijacked the Holocaust and to whom I say… enough, the games up, we see through your sham, your callous appropriating a truly terrible and barbaric event, the holocaust to use as a shroud to hide behind, to silence critique of evil … thankfully the World has woken up, the craziest thing… you bought this heightened awareness, shone the spotlight, as if you had to go and find the brightest of lights to be shone upon your filth for the entire world to see.. well, all I can say is at least we have you to thank for that… a slight mea culpa? Unlikely.. more the consequence of chance, happenstance and or accident than good intent, but thank you anyway.. I appreciate the awakening… there is a difference between Zionism and Judaism… we mustn’t conflate the two, seems Melito hasn’t either…

Thank you E.R… outstanding, worthy of your journalistic skill and long proven professionalism.

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Thank you!!! The vision of this is so grand that it truly opens one's eyes - and offers a slice of humble pie to our intellect.

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Easter is an idolatrous holiday regarding Astarte. Passover refers to Jesus' crucifixion. They are not the same. Easter occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Passover occurs on the 14th day of Nisan/Abib. This year they are three weeks apart.

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Why is it that every time someone slams Easter, I get this revelation about who killed Christ, it was the Sanhedrin Jewish rabbis that had Christ murdered. Yet, they all want to take credit for Christ's resurrection.

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How does making a distinction about Easter and Passover relate to your comments?

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If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.

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I'm not a moron and I don't speak moron, as you do, so it is impossible to know what you are saying.

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Did not say you were a moron, but if you're that insecure, then you must be.

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