An EMP would be faster and easier, and less risky. Our government elites know about this not-unlikely possibility, but have done nothing to harden our grid against such attacks. Instead, they have built government installations, literally underground cities -- such as Mount Weather and Raven Rock -- to shelter themselves in the event of such a catastrophic attack.

It hurts me to say this, but a large part of our population is uneducated, obese, and physically and mentally unhealthy. There probably wouldn't be enough Americans who could survive either by skills, or by willpower, if the Chinese decided to take us on. We are also run by mental defectives who have engineered the current crises, making us vulnerable to every conceivable disaster.

At any rate, anyone with any awareness at all knows that something big and horrible -- a "black swan" -- is coming. The FSK bridge was just for starters.

Oh, well. Just my depressingly pessimistic two cents. I apologize.

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You’re just being honest. We all feel the deep gash opening in the belly of the world letting the evil out to take over. I only hope we fight back instead of don masks and hide in houses. 🙏🏻

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Your words are not at all pessimistic. And your delineation of the state of America's degenerated population is spot-on - as a partial truth, and is in fact immeasurably worse - existentially.

If someone is offended by truth, then they were hoping to be lied to. To them we must say; "goodbye".

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Otherwise, I agree with pretty much everything else you wrote. It's quite possible China would employ an "all of the above" strategy.

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Actually, I think you are right and I'm wrong on this one. They would want the infrastructure intact.

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Amen, Diane.

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EMP faster? No. Would take roughly a year to run its full course, leaving behind a feudal state of hardened survivors with much destruction to infrastructure. Bio could do the job in a month or two with little infrastructure damage.

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Yes, of course. I meant, an EMP would be a quicker execution -- just exploding a specialized bomb 100 miles up -- than unleashing containers of microbes, by spraying, contaminating water supply, etc.

But you're absolutely right. The grid would still be here, and they could move right in. After they had cleaned up the bodies. I guess I don't know much about how they would hit us with biowarfare.

The government studied the effects of an EMP for about 8 years and concluded that within a year 90 percent of us would be dead from disease, starvation or violence. But from their point of view, no remnants of the specialized contagion lying around for the invading army to contract.

Well, perhaps you are right. I'm not the expert on the most efficient form of genocide.

What a state we are in that we are even discussing such things, eh?

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deletedMar 29
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Not even sure what you're talking about. The FSK bridge didn't enter into this thread. Perhaps you inserted it in the wrong place.

Besides, I've clear run out of conspiracy theories since all of mine have come true.

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I had to browser windows open, ooops! Thanks and sorry.

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As a China hand of some 40 years standing, I have always judged General Chi's leaked speech to be authentic. His sentiments are shared by many in the Chinese leadership, including Xi Jinping. They believe that the battle between China and America is a fight to the death--and they intend to win.

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Exactly right. Now, how to get our leaders to WAKE UP?

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There are a lot of issues that the Chinese Communists can't take back and will lead to their downfall--which has started already. The Communist Party is failing and is backsliding. They cannot sustain total tyrannical control over their people without substantial push-back that is occurring now. It seems that 80-100 years is the length that these Marxist/Communist governments can sustain themselves before the people rebel. The Chinese people (not the military) are in revolt against the CCP. There isn't enough food or energy to go around. The country is a filthy pig-sty. Effluent runs in the streets and into the drinkable water systems. Their rivers are polluted. Their air is polluted. Even the military is getting "antsy" because they're not being fed properly. China has built a number of "ghost cities" that are big, beautiful cities in the central and western part of the nation. But, nobody lives in these cities. They are big monuments to a failed COMMUNIST PARTY!!!! People don't want to live in them. And, did I say that China is running out of food to feed its people.

Everything the CCP does militarily is to copy our weapons systems. Their weapons systems are not up to par for what we have. Even their own new jet fighter propulsion systems are 30 years behind ours. If they are so interested in biowarfare, why do they continue to build large aircraft carriers (they have 2 operating [former Soviet aircraft carriers] and 2 being built?

If China wants a war, why do they keep saber-rattling about Taiwan, and now the Phillippines. The Chinese would most likely start a war with the Phillippines first, and that would be a huge mistake, as the Phillippines fought fascism against the Japanese in WWII and will fight to the death again. Plus, we have 3 large military bases in the Phillippines, and we have large, major bases in the surrounding areas in the Western Pacific (Japan/Okinawa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Australia, Diego Garcia (large B-52 and other heavy bomber base, and missile base in Indian Ocean). Then the Chinese would have to contend with the Indians to their southwest. And, the Indian air force, army and navy is formidable. The Indian Army (special forces) and Chinese Army have faced off numerous times in the Himalayan area, and the Indian Army has represented itself well.

And, the CCP knows they are criminals and fear the Chinese people rising up and taking them out. They have their own internal problems that cannot be stopped. The clock is ticking on the CCP, and it only has a few short years left. The CCP propaganda is trying to say that it will become the dominant species in the world, but they forget that their own people dislike them.

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You're living in a fantasy. Firstly, the United States does NOT have any permanent or large bases in the Philippines. As of 2023, what we do have is a new agreement to put limited numbers of American military, mostly naval support, at a few Philippine bases, and not with any long-term entitlement.

Second, the very conditions you list in China make the CCP dangerous and more likely to do what dictators have often done to ward off internal revolt: start an external war. I wonder if you really read all of General Haotian's speech. He covers all that pretty frankly.

Finally, you should take a lesson from Sun Tzu about underestimating your adversary. Your message conveys exactly what the CCP and General Haotian would want American audiences to hear and think: Don't worry, everything's fine. Go back to your video games and TikTok. Ignore the spy balloons and thousands of single, military-age Chinese coming across the southern border. We're The invincible US of A, no one can take us down. Pride goeth before the fall.

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As of January 2024, the U.S. now has 4 large interoperability bases in the Phillippines, and the United States is moving back into Subic Bay. The U.S. is presenting a large presence in the Phillippines to show we support them.

As for General Haotian's speech, it occurred over 20 years ago, and to date, is nothing but bluff and bluster--which is the CCP's way for the past 3 decades. The CCP has really done nothing but rattle sabers with Taiwan, the Phillippines, Japan, etc. They aren't going to do anything.

The Chinese say they're going to take Taiwan. How???? They are 100 miles from shore to shore. The Chinese would need a vast fleet 5 times larger than D-Day at Normandy in 1944. And, the Allies only had to cross 28 miles of the English Channel at night. The Chinese have to cross 4 times that distance if they want to invade. Don't you think they'll be blown out of the water. The U.S. is the only nation to have ever done massive amphibious landings (150,000 men at Normandy on June 6, 1944 and simultaneously 150,000 men at Saipan on June 15, 1944). On August 15, 1944 we landed another 100,000 in Southern France in Operation Dragoon. In September1950 General Douglas MacArthur landed 75,000 troops at Inchon, Korea and cut the Communist forces in half. The CCP has never conducted any such landings, and presumably will be a major military disaster for the CCP. Don't think that for one instant that Taiwan is not ready for it.

If the CCP doesn't make its move in the next 8 months, it never will, and their own people will take them down. As for your comments that I'm living in a fantasy, I grew up during the Cold War in the 1960s until the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. The Soviets said the same thing Gen. Haotian said. And, where are they now? Because we have a feckless, puppet President and weak foreign policy administration, don't count it out. So, I'm led to believe that you're nothing more than a CCP troll.

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You just lost the argument by calling your critic a “troll.” I assume you’re a veteran like me? My father was a WW2 veteran. You sound like Neville Chamberlain confident we are already winning against the CCP. You fail to look around and see the internal strife within our nation because of the Marxists who have infiltrated our republic. You seem to believe everything will be fine because our nation won WW2. We lost VN, we lost Iraq, we lost Afghanistan, we stalemated Korea. We lost millions of Americans but as the CCP general stated only Hawaii suffered attacks in Pearl Harbor. How about LA, SF, NYC, Chicago, Miami for starters via biological warfare? Did you read far enough? CCP is willing to lose millions of its own people to “colonize” our nation. Did you get that? He said “colonization.”

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well said!

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Well said.

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"The country is a filthy pig-sty. Effluent runs in the streets and into the drinkable water systems."

So, are you saying the Chinese are modeling their country after Democrat controlled cities like San Francisco, LA, New York, Phillie, Seattle, Portland, and Chicago?

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Well, yes; but didn’t initially think like that, but yes, “modeling” fits!

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Nope. I'm not saying the Chinese are modeling their country after Democrat-controlled cities. The Chinese are doing a "fine job" all by themselves, by polluting their water, their air and their ground.

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Sarcasm, Bruce. What Democrats pollute are the minds of it's citizens, the decline follows as anyone can observe.

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I couldn’t finish this speech. China has a gigantic land mass, which it has thoroughly polluted. They envy our clean water and blue skies, but if they conquered America they would bring the same terrible practices here and destroy the land.

This chest pounding is so idiotic. It doesn’t matter who is doing it. It’s entirely possible that American will be destroyed, one way or another, but all the people who think they’ve figured out how to survive the calamities they’re planning will cower in fear when the Lord Jesus Christ returns in power.

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Right on, Steven. But our country is in the grip of the ultra-wealthy and powerful who want to work with China and make lots more money for themselves. They really don't care about the safety and security of the people in the US. They will never read or acknowledge the warnings and plans outlined in Chi's letter. I saw this during 34 years of working in the "Community".

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Yes the Chinese are very wise. Perhaps that wisdom would have allowed them to foresee that limiting the number of births for as long as they did would demographically destroy their country. They are in a population death spiral and it cannot be turned around.

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The Malthusians loved that model!

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one of the most chilling articles emerald. ! Keep Biden in for four more years and it will have a

fait 'accompli

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This is beyond alarming - they certainly had a hand in helping Biden getting into the WH - they own him and can control him as we have seen these past 3 and a half years. God help us.

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That's right. We need God's help, and he would certainly give it if we would but ask. But this country has collectively turned its back on God, so maybe he'll let us destroy ourselves. We're well on our way.

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This seems surreal and impossible but given the last 4 years and what’s happened in the western countries he mentioned, Canada, Australia and the United States plus Covid and the effects of the Vaxx, it seems the plan is well in place.

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Wow, what an insane lunatic! Ironic that he did not foresee the coming demographic collapse of China.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Chi Haotian insane? Don't think so. Xi Jinping? Nope. Barbaric and evil enough to favorably contemplate murdering every man, woman and child in the US? Absolutely. It's the very fact of CCP's grasp of its weakness that makes it so dangerous when coupled with the technologies that it has "acquired" from us. (Thank you very much, Dr Fauci, for teaching the Chinese "gain of function" genetic engineering.)

If you read and understood what General Chi was saying, then you understand that the CCP sees USA v China as a life-or-death struggle where there can be only one victor. Expecting demographic collapse to save us from a devastating attack from the CCP is wishful thinking.

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Don't think for a second that if the CCP hits us with a massive biowarfare attack and/or EMP attack, that we don't nuke them. You can bet that Beijing and all other major cities and Chinese military bases are turned into glass. Yes, the US will get hit, but not the same as the Chinese, which have almost all of their population on the coast.

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1980 the general says the Germans were to soft when it was time to be tuff. But the CCP will not make that mistake? Float that balloon over real slow.

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Is ANYONE in our government - particularly in our military - taking this Communist philosophy and strategy to eliminate the United States seriously?

If they're not, they should be court-martialed immediately and replaced with serious warriors who will begin developing an aggressive strategy to defeat China. This includes breaking our financial/economic dependance on them for food and goods - especially medical goods.

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This is top shelf information, Emerald. Thank you.

The USA is woefully unprepared. Sadly. It is happening as we as a nation sleep .

DC is a cesspool on inaction on behalf of its citizens.

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Precisely why the Chinese decided to go with a different COVID19 vaccine than did the US. It biologically differentiates the two populations. A large percentage of the US population was vaccinated by mRNA vaccines, making them into a separate and biologically identifiable population, now susceptible to bioweapons that selectively target humans that have been exposed to mRNA vaccines.

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More Chinese died from COVID and then their own vaccines than any other country. Some estimate that 200 Million died in China. Uttar Pradesh, one of the largest Indian states with about 250 Million people (roughly similar population to U.S.), used Ivermectin as the cure, because they couldn't get the experimental shots. And, when they found out the clot shots weren't working, they stopped all "vaccine" supplies and went strictly to ivermectin, HCQ, and a few other established drugs. A lot of Americans did not take the faux vaccines. According to the CDC only 40% of Americans took the faux vaccines and then stopped when they realized it wasn't working and people started dying from them. If there is another bioweapon attack by the CCP, Americans will not lock down or comply, and many will take alternatives to fake "vaccines", and the CCP will run the risk of being burnt to the ground.

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September 27 to October 1, 1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev Foundation, funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s most important statesmen, economic leaders and scientists, including George W. Bush (he was not the U.S. president at the time), the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world’s most popular characters, in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level roundtable conference, discussing problems about globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st century. According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st century a mere 20 percent of the world’s population will be sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity, the other 80 percent or 4/5ths of the world’s population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. The people in attendance thought that this excess 80 percent population would be a trash population and “high-tech” means should be used to eliminate them gradually.

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I think that the rest of the world might come to our defense, should the Chinese make this type of move. We also have a gun-owning citizenry that would be unlikely to just roll over and the let the Chinese march right in. As someone has already commented, and EMP would be easier to accomplish the goal…and our leadership is doing nothing to deter the Chinese.

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Our leadership seems to be and might as well be working for the CCP. Everything they do makes us weaker as a society and weaker as a nation. If they aren't on the CCP payroll, they are on the WEF/Globalist banking cabal's payroll. No way is the uniparty membership obliviously tearing us apart and desecrating all that is good.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Agreed. Sad day when we might hope to be enslaved by WEF and fed lab meat and bugs as the alternative to being bio-weaponed out of existence by the CCP. Guess the WEF will eventually accomplish the same thing by involuntarily subjecting us to Frankensteinian vaccines. Why does it feel like The Great Reset is all the way back to the dark ages?

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

If/when it happens, will be so fast and devastating no one will be able to help in time, even if they want to, which they won't, because they'll be wetting their pants hoping same doesn't happen to them. As for guns, they aren't much good against microbes. General Haotian covered that subject in his speech. With the US gone, most of the rest of the world will bow to China. If you want to explore an EMP scenario, read the book "One Second After" by William R. Forstchen.

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The CCP had their shot with COVID. Gen. Haotian made his statement over 20 years ago. Still waiting.

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Excellent book. Highly recommended.

Thank you.

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