Tucker is the only thing worth watching on Fox.

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yes, you are so right. I used to watch a lot of Fox shows, I'm especially tired Brett Beir

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So true, Brett is devoid of passion. I often wonder if he's a human or clone. He's got no vibe

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He was so good when he started. I watched him every night until that abortion on election night 2020. By which time I was yelling at the tv most nights anyway. Never again.

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How about Mark Levin and Jesse Waters? And Fox Business -- Maria Bartiromo and Stuart Varney.

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Mark Levin is a neo con as well, pushing war with Russia via Ukraine.

Jesse and Maria are good watches

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Oh, dear. I didn't know that about Mark Levin. I thought he was just a Constitution guy, I didn't know he was a neo-con. I take it back. I get Tucker and Jesse and Maria on youtube, I never watch TV. Thanks for the correction...

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The mere fact the MSM is bashing TRUMP makes me certain of my whole hearted support for him.


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This is the essence of her article. These idiots in the MSM (and that includes FOX) think it's still 2002. Somehow the rise of the independent media has totally escaped their notice. They fail to see that the harder they push something, the more we distrust it and turn the opposite direction.

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I've always hated Stupid FUX News, as much as I hate NPR, CNN, CBS, MSNBC and all the loudmouth stupidos in the fake news media. I'm not so sure about Trump any more, after his going to work as BIg Pharma's pimp, but if it's Trump against Michele Obama in 2024, I'd have to support Trump. We need a new political party based on Freedom, Peace and Truth that can bust up the media conglomerate that controls both major political parties. Until that happens, we will see no peace or justice in America.

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I’m not ready to agree with the Trump is big pharma’s pimp thing, yet. At this time I believe he was conned just like umpteen million other old folks were that they would die if they didn’t take the jab. He’s been fairly (but not totally) quiet on the “vaccine” front. Let’s give this a bit of time before we pass judgment.

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Thanks Bernie for giving Trump some measure of humanity re the jab.....if we all were forced to admit it, we ALL quaked at the possibility of the virus being as dangerous as we were told. Then some of us started noticing kinks in the story's armor and thanks to men like Drs' Joseph Mercola, David Martin, Shiva Ayyadurai and so many others, we began to wake up. I am so grateful for these credentialed, credible men coming out and telling us what was going on.

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I agree fully. But we need a pro-Trump 3rd Party! The two wings of the Uniparty, the Libertarians,the alleged indepedants- all, at best a group of hypogonadal eunochs, will never capture the Populist voters who we so desperately need to cleanse house in the District of Criminality. With his faults, we need, desperately, for him to save our weakened country; the milquetoasts and PC weaklings will not push back upon the Chinese or the Russians or the WEF/Gates adversaries. The neutered Deep State types are in bed with the Satanics just mentioned, getting money/power from them, traitorously , damn their soulless existence. So, with or without faults, whether you approve of Trump or not, we need Trump; a Populist third party may be the best,or only way.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

I admit Trump comes off as SCHIZO too often but then who among us doesnt at times? I still lean toward Trump, We don't know the pressures he's under way, way behind the scenes and most men or women in that position would have collapsed.

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Outstanding and crucial. A third party such as Populist Party, or Patriot party sounds good, as does Conservative party- let’s build one. I rather think that a run by our Pres.Trump in the Republican wing of the Uniparty would be compromised and sold out even more and quicker than in2020 and in 2022-combined.So, let’s have it start now- we have less than two years to do it, if he will agree.

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I’m with you, to me there is no Democrat or Republican party anymore, it’s high time to make a new party, one that stands for the good of USA!! Patriot Party sounds good 🙏🇺🇸👊

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If you are interested in helping create a new political party/movement, feel free to contact me by e-mail (forestry@efn.org) or on my landline phone--570-224-4061! No time to waste!! :)

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If you are interested in helping create a new political party/movement, feel free to contact me by e-mail (forestry@efn.org) or on my landline phone--570-224-4061! No time to waste!! :)

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Very much agree with your last comment about needing a new party. What we have now is completely corrupt and broken.

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If you are interested in helping create a new political party/movement, feel free to contact me by e-mail (forestry@efn.org) or on my landline phone--570-224-4061! No time to waste!! :)

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If you are interested in helping create a new political party/movement, feel free to contact me by e-mail (forestry@efn.org) or on my landline phone--570-224-4061! No time to waste!! :)

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Another excellent article E...love your perspective on the whole of the GRIFT..your always over the target. It’s why I’m a subscriber👍

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I couldn't agree more~! I left FOX 3 years ago with the eception of recording Carlson. I have been better off for subscriptions like yours Emerald. Wonderful read for sure and I plan on sharing it often.

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Another homerun!

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Bravo! As per your usual repertoire you are two-steps ahead of any alleged journalists in your field and informing with bold prescience.

This is the content I signed up for!

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Murdock's first wife was, as first wives often are, a conservative Christian who actually worked as a volunteer on Bruce Herschenson's 1992 campaign as the California Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. Then Murdoch went to China, and got Fang-Fanged. Whatever conservative values he once had are long gone. He's been on a slow, downward spiral ever since.

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And seriously, there are some eligible women who would not go for a man of Murdoch's age and looks, no matter how much money was at stake. Seriously what would Murdock look like in the raw anyway? No woman could get turned on by a mummy.

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Excellent article, Emerald. Problem is, we have fewer and fewer information outlets that we can trust. I still watch Tucker and Jesse Watters when I have time, but I always have my BS meter engaged. Thank God for your Substack as well as some selected others! Keep up the good work! Anyone not yet subscribing... Get on board and be part of the solution!

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Dirtbags at Fox are dead to me. All they've proven is that when Lactating Lachlan yells "JUMP!" every single person at the NY Post responds, "YES SIR! HOW HIGH, SIR?!" As far as I'm concerned, The NY Post is now the closeted New York Times.

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And, damn it, if Paul Pelosi can come out of the closet, so can the NY Post.

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Amen, Emerald.

I'm becoming so weary of Fox... it's not even subtle anymore (that - or my B.S. meter is on high alert!). I was down to watching just Tucker, Laura and Gutfeld. But Laura is now anti-Trump, and I'm tired of Gutfeld's sexual innuendo every other sentence (can they give Tyrus his own show?).

The only one left is Tucker. If he has integrity, I wonder how much longer he can last there...

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I was just saying this week he probably won’t be allowed on the network much longer.

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News to me the Murdochs ever really supported Trump...since 2020 many more options for news and social media. Glance at these government run operations periodically to keep up on the enemy. Time to put energy into building back the America we had and canceling these people in all our affairs. Cancel the NWO Commies and their followers

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yes, Stanley is right. I used to watch a lot of Fox News. I'm especially tired of Brett.

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Please do an article on Tucker as well and how he cannot be trusted. I am so tired of people saying they hate Fox, but will only watch Tucker. Do they really think that his paycheck doesn't come from the same neo-liberal globalists? Wake up and cut the cord people!

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