Banned from Twitter -- that's a badge of honor!

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oh well... I was kicked off Twitter on Nov. 16, 2020 (50 days before the "Big Purge"), for exposing the Election Fraud and the rigged Dominion Voting Machines in 28 States. I had 164,000 followers on Twitter, and 72 million impressions in 28 days. Twitter Analytics screenshots: https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/greg-rubini-on-twitter - I had exposed Eric Ciaramella in Oct 2019, and Sean Hannity stole my information, without asking permission, and without giving me due credit for the discovery. Source: https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/ciaramella

I hope Elon Musk will takeover Twitter, fix it, and reinstate my account.

I forgot: Amazon SUPPRESSED two of my books in Sept. 2020: "The Spy Operations on Trump" and "Durham Indictments". Amazon = Burning Books, like NaziGermany did in the 1940's

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“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” Selwyn Duke

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Here! Here!, Pete.

Our Society is adrift because, ever since the early sixties, education in the United States has been coopted by those who seek to destroy the foundations of government.

Does anyone take civics?

What's that?

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Richard, your comments are always positive towards other deserving posters!

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I try, Fred. You can always attract more people to your cause with honey than you can with vinegar.

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Excellent as always Emerald!

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I have been posting the truth about the vaccines, Fauci and the global predators on FB all along. I won’t stop either! Consider it an honor to be kicked off of Twitter and don’t stop what you are doing!!!

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It is an honor, that's true, but it's also psychotic that they are so obviously nuts, bent, biased, stunningly ignorant (I mean, like, truly low IQ and chronically on-line low beast-type ignorant), breathtakingly dishonest, incredibly smug, and lacking any respect for those Americans who might see things (objectively and subjectively) different than they do, and Twitter is directly responsible for so much damage to the nation's mental health. Banning the sitting President of the United States was a spectacular betrayal of Democracy, and I pray that new Republican leaders can inject some ball hormone and break through the staggering amount of election fraud and plandemic corruption to win a few seats more than they need to

not just talk, but actually do, a total

overhaul of their Mittish rino ranks, then go full tilt ballistic on social media corruption, without pause. Oh, unless that pause is to hydrate, cuz it's gonna take one or two billion rounds (Emerald, you helped keep me (somewhat) sane by cracking open that National Review walnut, please keep up the great work!)

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Badge of honor to be kicked off Twitter!!

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We give the Left, big corporate interests, and the political class far too much power by virtue of our passivity. Time to follow your lead, stop, push back, and grow a set of bollocks. No is one of the most powerful words in the English language.

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Truth to power. Emeralds before swine.

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You go, Girl! I have your back.

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Before I knew much about Twitter, I read about this censorship of the tweets. I also read that it was a popular site for sharing baby pictures or something. I had just closed my LinkedIn account because of Third World Scammers. (No, to my knowledge, none of my Scots, Irish, or Swedish ancestors had ever set foot in the Middle East, India, or China. Anyway, I needed my money for myself, thank you very much. ) I can't remember now if I opened a Twitter account because I closed or neglected most all of the social media accounts that I had. I'd rather not bother at all if I have Big Brother (or Sister) lurking over my posts. Nor do I need a Playground Safety Monitor so that I don't fall off the Jungle Jim or the Swings. I really hate what our country is becoming. Beware, the political correct gestapo is on the lookout for you.

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Twitter's motto -

"ignorantia sit beatitudo"

*ignorance is bliss*

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Someone needs to sue or prosecute them for wire fraud IMHO

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Continue to be a champion for Truth. AMerica needs less SM platforms, but more courageous reporters like yourself, Emerald!

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I'm completely stumped where there was anything misleading or untrue, but I guess when you're omnipotent, you can make your rules as you go along, Just like President Trump, You were right!

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Twitter's too much of a sewer to frequent anyway.

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You were always honest and a truth teller. That also made you dangerous, and we can’t have that, now can we 😉??

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