Newspapers and TV Networks lost their "credibility" long ago, just people didn't realize. Did they tell the truth, about 9/11 ? No. Did they tell the truth, about the Kennedy Assassination? No. And that was year 1963... And they did not tell the truth even before.
This is not surprising: Pfizer makes $54 Billion/year, and can bribe and threaten anyone with that money (we discovered that Neil Young is connected with Pfizer). Add to this BlackRock, which manages $15 Trillion in assets, worldwide, and may force ANY Corporation in the world to comply with their "Woke" agenda and their "Inject Everyone" agenda.
If the corporation doesn't comply with the agenda, BlackRock dumps their stocks. So, they all comply.
If I were you, Emerald, I would take a look at the relationship between Larry Fink, Kapito (BlackRock) and George Soros. And the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. They all come from the same breed. But yeah, that is just a coincidence.
We no longer have a free press in the mainstream media. CNN, MSNBC, the networks and even a good portion of 𝐅𝐎𝐗 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 have become state media and propagandists. This is why we desperately need fiercely independent journalists like Emerald Robinson. If you don't have a paid subscription then change that 𝐍𝐎𝐖!
It's sad the way political opinion magazines that had a solid relationship with their readers in the 1950's and 60's lost that relationship in recent years. What makes it worse is that attitude of the writers and publishers of these once great magazines think that the readers are to blame for their loss. They need to look in the mirror where to find the blame. But blame really doesn't matter anyway. If the readers no longer find what they are looking for, they will look elsewhere.
Now that they have destroyed their credibility they will never get it back. We cannot give it back to them...ever.
Newspapers and TV Networks lost their "credibility" long ago, just people didn't realize. Did they tell the truth, about 9/11 ? No. Did they tell the truth, about the Kennedy Assassination? No. And that was year 1963... And they did not tell the truth even before.
This is not surprising: Pfizer makes $54 Billion/year, and can bribe and threaten anyone with that money (we discovered that Neil Young is connected with Pfizer). Add to this BlackRock, which manages $15 Trillion in assets, worldwide, and may force ANY Corporation in the world to comply with their "Woke" agenda and their "Inject Everyone" agenda.
If the corporation doesn't comply with the agenda, BlackRock dumps their stocks. So, they all comply.
If I were you, Emerald, I would take a look at the relationship between Larry Fink, Kapito (BlackRock) and George Soros. And the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. They all come from the same breed. But yeah, that is just a coincidence.
* * *
Forbes: interview with the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, the "Savior of Humankind" (sarcasm):
Nobody elected Fink or Soros yet they have more power than any politician.
exactly, Curtis: well said! This proves we are in a Fascist/Communist dictatorship, not anymore in a Constitutional Republic!
We no longer have a free press in the mainstream media. CNN, MSNBC, the networks and even a good portion of 𝐅𝐎𝐗 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 have become state media and propagandists. This is why we desperately need fiercely independent journalists like Emerald Robinson. If you don't have a paid subscription then change that 𝐍𝐎𝐖!
Emerald, TRUTH above all else. Thank you.
Most US news organizations more closely resembles Pravada in the old Soviet Union than they do news organizations
I agree
Thank you, Emerald! Outstanding. Some day, we may learn -- but not surprised -- that Le Doctor Antonio Fauci is connected with the ...CIA.
you bet!
And do the bribes expire or did it silence the MSM on factual Fauci news forever? Parents, don't pay for any journalism classes for your kids.
This needs a thorough investigation!! Govt capture of the press. Criminal.
It's sad the way political opinion magazines that had a solid relationship with their readers in the 1950's and 60's lost that relationship in recent years. What makes it worse is that attitude of the writers and publishers of these once great magazines think that the readers are to blame for their loss. They need to look in the mirror where to find the blame. But blame really doesn't matter anyway. If the readers no longer find what they are looking for, they will look elsewhere.