Does anyone still think President Trump is going to win next year? Remember, they only have to flip a few key states with whatever fraud they can get away with. Just like 2020.

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Unfortunately I do not see Trump winning unless there’s a change to paper ballots only and no mail in ballots. It’s like we all know the machines are fixed yet we just keep pretending like they are not. Biden or Newsom will be elected effortlessly in 12 months.

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They plan on fraud again. That’s the only reason they’re comfortable running a brain dead unpopular candidate.

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They cannot lose. They could run a monkey and the monkey would win.

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I'd rather have a monkey

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Hilarious 😂

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Sadly, at least one of the trials TPTB are putting him through will result in some sort of conviction or judgment that will be used to keep him off key ballots. He will never be "allowed" to win another election in his life. "They" will not make the same mistake they made in 2016. If he had not puled troops out of the ME and if he and continued or started another war, he would have been "allowed" to stay. But only war makes TPTB really wealthy, so war is what we get, and Trump did not like war (just like JFK did not like war, and look what they did to him).

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No, Biden won’t campaign, no rallies, no debates but will miraculously win in a landslide. Just like his last election.

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Will Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul raise hell about the obvious steal in Kentucky? If not, they're worthless!

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You must be kidding. How do you think they win their (s)elections? Mitch would be long gone if it wasn't for fraudulent balloting.

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We need to ban electronic voting apparatuses. Period. Why in the world would anyone support allowing computers to count votes? This is a new litmus test type question for assessing a person's character and intelligence: "is computerized vote counting a good thing?" Anyone who answers yes is a nitwit or a scoundrel.

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Everyone currently in office is tainted by this, which makes it difficult to fight. And the ever helpful media says nothing.

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Interesting that NONE of the media outlets (looking at you, NewsMax) are touching this story. WTH is going on in this country?

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MSM is a joke. Not sure why anyone watches any of them. We don’t have power over a lot of things but ending CNN, FOX News, Newsmax etc is easy...just turn them off. They need viewers to charge advertising dollars.

No viewers = no money.

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And people STILL keep voting. That’s called insanity.

Remember the COUP of 2020?

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Yep. No evidence of widespread vote fraud tho cries the Marxist media and Con., inc. the pussy republican candidates that see all this and concede defeat deserve to lose, why I vote against these losers. It’s been going on since the late 1800’s it’s just getting worse now cuz no one’s ever punished for doing it.

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Republicans aren't "pussy republican candidates", they are TRAITORS TOO.

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I’d rather be a pussy than a traitor. I’m neither for the record.

Remember the Ninth Circle of Dante’s Inferno: TREACHERY

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The UniParty wants this. That's why Ronna's RNC is perpetually ineffective - that's their goal.

Donald Trump's 2016 victory disrupted the timeline for consummating "The Great Reset" by 2030.

The UniParty's bosses - the Globalist-CCP Axis - are working to get back on schedule, doubling-down.

Hence the 2020 coup d'etat / color revolution. The 2022 "red wave" reduced to a trickle. And now yesterday's <ahem> election results.

Oh, and let's not forget the invasion at the southern border, paid for by U.S. State Department taxpayer dollars funneled to the U.N. and various NGO's. Now, about those CCP / People's Liberation Army special forces being welcoming across the border ...

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Ronna's RNC is a money-gathering organization, plain and simple. Winning elections is really not a priority for them - however, blocking Trump from winning (while pretending not to) is currently their major objective.

Lester Holt moderating a Republican "debate" - really? Apparently a race to the bottom for these contenders,or at least a battle to be the "first loser."

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Thanks for the information Emerald. I agree next year's ballots will most likely be full of glitches.

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While I exercised my right to vote, I came away with the distinct feeling that the scanner did not record my vote. When I pointed out the discrepancy of instructions with what I viewed at the end point, I was told they "wanted to save taxpayer money by not ordering new cover sheets." Right. And I have a bridge for sale... Rampant fraud!

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A preview of what is to come if we don't have paper ballots and ID's required. Absentee ballots should be limited to sick people or people out of town. They must give a reason NOT just because they are too lazy to go to the polls.

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Why am I not surprised??

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Smells like an early Christmas present. It's failing so obviously now, it would be an uphill climb to still be wanting machines. LOVE the GAS meme.

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You can talk about the voting machines all you want. In this election per the Kentucky website only 38% of the voters elected to actually vote. There are more issues than the machines at play here.

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Why is America still USING electronic voting machines? Do the PEOPLE need to switch to PROVISIONAL PAPER BALLOTS and have the crooked Voter Registrar determine "Not eligible to vote"? What's the answer to all of this fraud, Emerald? Your thoughts?

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Getting used to failures of this kind (ALL kinds) means that in the eyes of the general public, after enough reports, it loses importance as well. A plan by Big Gov’t? These days, sadly it appears plausible.

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It’s a sick feeling of knowing that they will just do it again - especially for the presidential election!!! They are practically out in the open about it because they know NOTHING will be done to them. This is beyond frustrating

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You're right. But since past performance is the most accurate predictor of future performance, it will continue unabated.

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