The WHCA Dinner Is An Abomination
The least trusted people in America gather to celebrate themselves
Let start with an obvious point: the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner is an abomination. It’s an event thrown by the most unpopular people in America — the corporate media — to celebrate themselves and their profession. In the early days of the WHCA dinner, there were no Trevor Noahs because journalists did not worship Hollywood: journalism was a more serious calling than the entertainment industry. Now the corporate media is just an ugly stepsister to the TV business. That’s why the annual dinner often feels like a televised hate crime directed against working class Americans.

Watching the media elites chuckle on live TV because Americans are struggling to afford gas and groceries is confirmation that the corporate media really is the enemy of the people. It was just last week that most of these ghouls were demanding that people stop mocking the employees of CNN+ for losing their jobs. This is real class warfare on display, and the corporate media is totally aligned with Big Government and Big Business in ways that were unimaginable a generation ago.
What is the profession of our White House press corps anyway? Because it’s not “holding the powerful to account” as they liked to say during the Trump years. I’ve never in my life met a less curious group of people. Most of them will write down anything the Biden regime apparatchiks tell them to say — like stenographers. These people have no shame, and they don’t hide it. Just look at the celebrity guest list. Nothing tells the world that you care about the profession of journalism quite like inviting that cultural icon for morons, Kim Kardashian, to your party — right?
The WHCA dinner was also a reminder that big events only become “super-spreaders” when the crowd is conservative. Liberalism is an effective antidote to the virus, apparently. These are, after all, the same media elites who told everyone in America to stay inside their homes, shut down their businesses, close their churches, and stay away from crowds for two years due to COVID.
That advice was only for you, and the rest of the peasants. For them, of course, it’s really no problem. There’s one kind of science for the common man, and there’s another kind of science for Very Important TV Personalities. And if you doubt it: here is CNN’s soon-to-be-fired Don Lemon taking a selfie with The Science itself.
Here’s another picture to make you groan: Kim Kardashian and Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner were invited — and Jenner was probably seated at the Fox News table since (s)he has a job at that network now as the in-house tranny!
And thank goodness that part-time journalist and full-time Biden voter Meghan McCain was in attendance to show her support for — what exactly? Nepotism? Neoconservatism? Insufferable columns buried in The Daily Mail? There’s still no word on whether Fox News will be offering her that one-hour TV show she wants to host — called “Daddy.”

Meghan’s recent bi-polar attempts to paddle away from her vocal support of Joe Biden and re-brand again as a conservative have been hilarious to watch too. (Her new audio book “I'm So Conservative I Voted For Biden!” is 5 hours and 16 minutes of your life that you will never get back —so it’s a perfect stocking stuffer for ex-boyfriends, abusive bosses, and relatives that you particularly dislike.) Meghan McCain’s public career reminds me of a cat with nine lives — once eight of them have stiffened with rigor mortis.
These people are so terrible that there’s literally nothing they won’t do — they will even get up on stage and demand that you celebrate the journalistic career of April Ryan. And that’s impossible — because April Ryan was actually a shlock jock at an urban radio network. I’ve never met anyone in Washington who didn’t snicker at the mere mention of her name. The WHCA dinner was actually one of the first times that April Ryan has been seen in public since her bodyguard (allegedly) assaulted a journalist when she was the keynote speaker at the New Jersey Parent Summit.
Now I ask you: who hires April Ryan to be the keynote speaker at a school event? And who brings a bodyguard along to a parent summit when they’re the guest speaker and they don’t even live in New Jersey? This incident is the single most interesting thing about April Ryan too. She’s never said or done anything even remotely more interesting than going full Hunter Biden at a New Jersey school convention.

In any case, even the people who follow April Ryan on Twitter agree with me. Though she claims to have 735,000 followers — pure baloney — Ryan can’t get 300 people to hit the “like” button on her big night!
Quite the underwhelming response from her adoring audience, isn’t it?
Here’s the good news: the animosity between the corporate media and the American people is now out in the open. Nobody is pretending anymore. The failure of CNN+ is now the specter haunting the entire industry, and there’s a looming realization that they’ve lost their audience.
These tuxedo-renting hacks are starting to wonder: how long have they been talking into the void?
I Need Your Support!
Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption every day like me?
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.
The corporate media is completely corrupt. Just go down the list of their fake stories: Russiagate, the stolen 2020 election, the harmful COVID vaccines. The corporate media is actively trying to hide the truth from the American people on a daily basis.
If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back.
Do you have mine?
Hilarious Emerald! AND so true!!! It is a clown dinner for clowns in media and the other clowns in Government. Especially to roast Brandon -- The Chief Clown -- as the world laughs and laughs.
What a pleasure to read your incisive assessment of a true national parody. It never occurred to me to actually watch the event for the reasons you illustrate. It annually makes fun of American pain and disenfranchisement. The media elite are whistling past the graveyard.