Hilarious Emerald! AND so true!!! It is a clown dinner for clowns in media and the other clowns in Government. Especially to roast Brandon -- The Chief Clown -- as the world laughs and laughs.
By the way, the actual Brandon who provided the pseudonym for Joe, is a NASCAR race car driver. He lost again this weekend, as he has every week since the serendipitous win that immortalized his name. A gift from God.
What a pleasure to read your incisive assessment of a true national parody. It never occurred to me to actually watch the event for the reasons you illustrate. It annually makes fun of American pain and disenfranchisement. The media elite are whistling past the graveyard.
Great and to the point, as usual Emerald! Their disdain for the "common people" has been obvious from the beginning. The good news, as you mentioned, is the people are on to them.
Yes, meanwhile the real people in the real world have changed to Channel 5 in L.A. to watch a police chase in progress with 5 illegals in a Hyundai crashing into a telephone pole knocking down the wires. The illegals crawl out of the upside down car with their hands up. The police dogs are jumping around at the end of their leashes salivating to sink their teeth into these guys. Now, tell me again what exactly are the Kardashians famous for? Did they try to out run the police?
I wonder how many of "hacks" actually bought their tuxedos so they could attend future such love-fests in style, while working-class Americans try to put food on the table?
If all these morons disappeared the World would be a better place. The problem the Marxist Globalist control all the Levers. You are seeing it with how much of the alternative Right media is covering the Russian Operation in so called Ukraine. They are spreading total lies about how so called super corrupt Ukraine is winning and that they are on the right side of history. It's similar to how much of the alternative Right media jumps on the anti Joe McCarthy bandwagon. The Commie threat was real and is still real. Joe McCarthy was 1000000% correct but much of the Right today considers him a bad guy which is telling. Just shows that the Commies won post WWII and we are seeing the final results today.
The problem is almost all American media is spreading propaganda regarding the Russian Operation in Ukraine. There is NO Way Ukraine is winning. It's not even close but that is all you hear from most of the Right leaning non MSM. At this point there is really no American based media that can be trusted. You are either super pro massively corrupt Ukraine or you are not American. I don't like Russia either but I admit they had reasons to invade and are winning. Sorry but just the truth.
The greatest value of this event was that they vainly televised it, providing ample marketing materials for every pub candidate up and down the ballot. Joe giggling about inflation will get a lot of mileage. The absurd clown photo with lemon and fauch is notable for the servant in the background fully masked and tuxed while the clowns depress us with their naked mugs. The event was an epic display of hubris that shows the world how feckless and disconnected they are.
I appreciate the photo of Kim in the slinky dress, though.
Hilarious Emerald! AND so true!!! It is a clown dinner for clowns in media and the other clowns in Government. Especially to roast Brandon -- The Chief Clown -- as the world laughs and laughs.
By the way, the actual Brandon who provided the pseudonym for Joe, is a NASCAR race car driver. He lost again this weekend, as he has every week since the serendipitous win that immortalized his name. A gift from God.
LOL --
What a pleasure to read your incisive assessment of a true national parody. It never occurred to me to actually watch the event for the reasons you illustrate. It annually makes fun of American pain and disenfranchisement. The media elite are whistling past the graveyard.
Great and to the point, as usual Emerald! Their disdain for the "common people" has been obvious from the beginning. The good news, as you mentioned, is the people are on to them.
The WHCA is an abomination and their stupid dinner hasn't been actually funny for years.
Or relevant
Yes, meanwhile the real people in the real world have changed to Channel 5 in L.A. to watch a police chase in progress with 5 illegals in a Hyundai crashing into a telephone pole knocking down the wires. The illegals crawl out of the upside down car with their hands up. The police dogs are jumping around at the end of their leashes salivating to sink their teeth into these guys. Now, tell me again what exactly are the Kardashians famous for? Did they try to out run the police?
I wonder how many of "hacks" actually bought their tuxedos so they could attend future such love-fests in style, while working-class Americans try to put food on the table?
If all these morons disappeared the World would be a better place. The problem the Marxist Globalist control all the Levers. You are seeing it with how much of the alternative Right media is covering the Russian Operation in so called Ukraine. They are spreading total lies about how so called super corrupt Ukraine is winning and that they are on the right side of history. It's similar to how much of the alternative Right media jumps on the anti Joe McCarthy bandwagon. The Commie threat was real and is still real. Joe McCarthy was 1000000% correct but much of the Right today considers him a bad guy which is telling. Just shows that the Commies won post WWII and we are seeing the final results today.
The problem is almost all American media is spreading propaganda regarding the Russian Operation in Ukraine. There is NO Way Ukraine is winning. It's not even close but that is all you hear from most of the Right leaning non MSM. At this point there is really no American based media that can be trusted. You are either super pro massively corrupt Ukraine or you are not American. I don't like Russia either but I admit they had reasons to invade and are winning. Sorry but just the truth.
A group best to be ignored. Vacuous morons. Corrupt predators.
The greatest value of this event was that they vainly televised it, providing ample marketing materials for every pub candidate up and down the ballot. Joe giggling about inflation will get a lot of mileage. The absurd clown photo with lemon and fauch is notable for the servant in the background fully masked and tuxed while the clowns depress us with their naked mugs. The event was an epic display of hubris that shows the world how feckless and disconnected they are.
I appreciate the photo of Kim in the slinky dress, though.
Emerald you are a scream! LOL.
But as I’m reading I can’t help feeling more and more like an unwilling character in the Hunger Games.
Elitist freak show mocking working stiffs juggling essentials and paychecks.
Right on, Emerald. Right on! We despise these fakes more than they despise us.
No offense, Emerald, but these folks are boring.
Spot on Emerald!
Great, incisive writing as always, Emerald!
I had a rough April so I needed a good laugh. Your comments on Meghan McCain's book really hit the spot, too.