As an American I stand with our Canadian brothers and sisters against the horrible vaccine mandates. 🇨🇦🇺🇸

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Way to go Canada!! This same thing needs to happen in the US and soon. We may have temporarily avoided the vaccine mandates for a large part of the population however this tyrannical PINO has still stuck with mandates on those in the medical community, the armed services and other government agencies. These mandates are just as unconstitutional as the ones that the Supreme Court stuck down so let’s get a similar protest started in the US and other tyrannical countries around the globe. Enough is enough!

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Per Etana Hecht's Substack, "Courage is contagious, and every day there are similar convoys being organized and advertised everywhere. I’ve counted 16 countries so far, with more jumping on daily." The U.S. is included in the 16: See CONVOY TO DC 2022 on Facebook, if you go there.


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$100 says it won't last long on PfacePf-ck.

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Trudeau is a super Commie. Who would replace him? Most likely another super Commie. Canada has long ago given into the Far Left.

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And here in the U.S., we hear more about migrant convoys than this massive Canadian truth to power uprising. Same corporate media.

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If they stay until Trudeau is replaced, it'll be increasingly hard to ignore. They'll still smear it, but they'll have to cover it.

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Well, clearly since the Prime Minister has gone into hiding and Canada is a Parliamentary system, the obvious remedy under that system is to call for elections. But, the problem is that much of the vote (and power) comes from Eastern Ontario and Quebec Provinces. I've driven through Western Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia and much of the time I felt like I was time travelling back to Route 66 in the 1930's. Hardly anyone lives there. Most of the Trans Canada Highway was one lane in each direction (it might have been widened since 2000.) There just aren't many people living in Western Canada to counter balance the voters in Eastern Canada. That's part of the reason Canada gets stuck with boobs like the Trudeau's (father and son.)

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100% Correct. If Commie Trudeau is replaced it will be with another Commie.

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The soy latte Prime Minister

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Well maybe you need Eastern and Western Canada. Your eastern vichy french group wont survive without western Cansda's workers and goods

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"...Your eastern vichy french group..." Excuse me but I have no say whatsoever in what kind of government Canadians choose. I am merely an observer. I could say that Canadians could do better but so could the United States, especially after the last election fiasco. But, as a boss I once had used to say (with a mournful expression and a sad, slow shaking of his head): this is not a perfect world.

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Update: Zero Hedge is reporting that Gov. Scott Moe, Premier of the Province of Saskatchewan reports an end to all Covid restrictions in that Province. If Alberta, Manitoba, and British Columbia join in, my guess this will be the beginning of the end in the rest of Canada as well. I think that Trudeau's cowardly conduct should likely bring calls for elections.

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Well, it looks like the truckers have the means and the determination to stick it out. Probably the only recourse Trudeau has is to resign and call for elections. When you are the leader of a country, you can't go and hide in the closet and wait for the storm to blow over.

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Ten to One Trudeau is at Pelosi’s house enjoying her designer ice cream.

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Lets hope he chokes on it

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In her new Florida home no less ;)

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Hey useless Corporate Media.

We don’t need or want you.

Up yours.

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“Presstitutes”. Perfect!

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You know it is a sad day when the Canadians (whom I love) teach the Americans about FREEDOM

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You cannot get a more appropriate symbol for the middle class and the blue-collar spirit than a truck driver. The middle class and small businesses were probably squeezed the most during C19 government restrictions. What a way to strike back at the elites than with a trucker convoy stand-in. GO TRUCKERS!!

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It is time to support our Canadian brothers and sisters! Bravo to all who have spines and remain unafraid against all odds. The truth will set us free and defeat tyranny!

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Consider donating through GiveSendGo & Warroom Canada instead of left-run GoFundMe.


GiveSendGo is a Christian conservative crowdfunding site.

Lefty-run GoFundMe often cancels & censors righteous campaigns.

The GoFundMe goal was $3 million a few days ago, now increased to $9m. That's great, but it'll end up paying the people's enemies at GoFundMe at least $300,000 that should've gone to the protesters.

GiveSendGo lets you choose how much to give GiveSendGo for handling donations.

Interview with GiveSendGo organizer & ground zero coordinator, Chris Garrah.


GiveSendGo press release: www.givesendgo.com/site/pressrelease

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Trudeau is between the proverbial rock and a hard place. The longer this goes on, the more word gets out and the rebellion spreads around the world. But if he gives in, it also encourages workers around the world that they can likewise bring their governments to their knees.

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Great article. One question: If 50,000+ truckers in a convoy descend on a Canadian city and the New York Times does not write about it, do their honks make a sound?

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