Let us agree that when a human in the throes of delusion decides that they are not the sex (of which there are two) defined by their DNA, that we shall anoint such as “it”.

Let us also agree to anoint a plurality of “its” as informally as “its” or, formally, as “those goddamned freaks”.

Just ruminating….

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In Upside Down World, the worst of the worst can be idolized and memorialized and thugs like George Floyd can be elevated to sainthood and buried in a gold coffin. Stop the world I would like to get off now. Please.

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The last sentence of this article is a gem, summarizing the apotheosis of this movement. The hatred of whites, and therefore of civilization, is what they are all about. The hatred of everything normal and good and decent is intrinsic to them. And no, this country was not built by the ancestors of blacks, as so many of them claim. It's time for a little honesty. They did not invent electricity, or air conditioning, or indoor plumbing, or anything else. White people did.

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Never heard of this dude. Doesn’t seem like much of a role model deserving of a public statue.

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Civilization won't survive looking the other way. Righteousness in our time is afraid. Afraid to be sued; afraid to be doxed; afraid to be cancelled; afraid to be de-banked. Fear engenders surrender of freedoms. Freedoms surrendered are freedoms lost for generations to come.

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The malcontents and dregs of society? Unless I am flushing out the bottom of the barrel with bleach, I prefer to focus on the positives in life.

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I left New Jersey because of a number of things, notwithstanding the high education-property taxes that quadrupled in the 25 years I lived in one town in northern New Jersey, and we got nothing but aggravation for it. New Jersey taxpayers are getting soaked for $4-$5 BILLION PER YEAR for illegals glomming on to free entitlements like free healthcare (hospitals are starting to complain they're losing money), free education (we see a dumbing down of the student body in NJ; contrary to Governor KNUCKLEHEAD'S prevarications that NJ is one of the best states for education), free housing, free legal services, free food stamps, etc., and they don't have to work for it. And, the illegals are demanding $5-$6,000 per month in free cash for living expenses that they pay for drugs, alcohol and prostitution).

In fact, NJ had the temerity to drop off more and more illegals in our town, as NJ became a sanctuary state. They walk around looking at you as some type of interloper when you walk down the sidewalk. And, most of them are short and small. I used to walk right through their little packs on the sidewalk and would look at them to have them try something. They always looked away and gave me a wide swath. These people are not Americans, and never will be.

Just like the transgender mental defectives. They are not part of society as the left claims they should be. They are deviants with severe mental disorders. As the recent major almost 400-page study out of the U.K. National Health Service shows, the transgender/LGBTQ crowd is seriously mentally disturbed. It is not some type of biological dysphoria, but is covering underlying severe mental disorders. The Left has released the mentally disturbed into society by closing down the psych wards and psych hospitals. Now, they are allowing violent thugs and mentally disturbed savages from other countries that don't want them. I will bet that if the statue goes up, it won't be long before it comes down.

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Why do I get the feeling all of this is going to get much worse before it gets better? And on top of all this nonsense we have the Pendemic Treaty and its mandated poison shots coming, for our own good of course! Followed by lockdowns, quarantines, famines, anmd increasing poverty as part of the Great Reset! Pushback and prayer are essential but what this will do at this point is mitigate the damage. It would help a great deal if we had more real journalists like Emerald, Lara Logan, Julie Kelly and such and not just Deep State sock puppets and stenographers the likes of Morning Joe, the gang at CNN and MESSNBC and the ever celebrated (in his own mind at least) Mr. Colbert!

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Democrats Love Gonads with a monomaniacal fixation.

They: talk about them almost to exclusion, paint them, sculpt them, celebrate them, sing to them and about them. Legislate them ad infinitum.

Gonads are the only thing democrats want to set free!

Who can forget Biden plagiarizing Obama's coronation speech: "A Labia Majora and some pot, and Two Testis in every garage!" Stirring...

The whole darn party is one big Crotch Racket!

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Why, Emerald, you ask? Because it is New Jersey.

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Chuck Missler used to say. Heterosexuals reproduce. Homosexuals recruit. So true. God judged Sodom and Gomorrah. He will judge the US. And all the other countries that allow this perversion. Not only allow it but try to normalize it. Or even celebrate it as an alternative lifestyle. Mental illness, disease and perversion of normal human interaction. Romans 1 answers this in simple language. It is deviant and totally against God. Enough said.

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Anti White Racism? Please stop pushing this it’s very dangerous. It’s not anti white since the people propagating this are themselves white. You think BLM was really run by 3 black women? You think this whole trans movement is being run and funded by non white people? You think the anti Christian attacks are being funded by non white people?

The majority of the people in America are white. It’s just demographics. People are called a minority group because of population numbers. Getting Whites to think that there’s an attack against white people, and writing books on it is another Pys-op. It’s another way to create division and get us pitted one against the other.

The Marxist who are doing all this, funding it and pushing it are WHITE and mostly men. The people you see fronting this like AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Ursula Ven de Leyen, Leticia James, Chrysta Freeland etc are just puppets.

This is about bringing down Western culture, destroying the traditional family, creating hatred between Christian’s, Jews and Muslims. It’s about taking our rights away to own property and to lead lives where WE decide what we become and where we live.

If you keep focusing on it being against White peoples they will have succeeded in creating another schism which keeps THEM in control. WE white, brown, black, yellow and red better Unit together, we better wake the heck up because they are coming for all of us.

This is all about Marxism repackaged under DEI or Transgenderism. It’s coming to enslave all of us. Our only hope is for us to work together against those who are trying to enslave us. Don’t be fooled! “We must all hang together or we shall surely hang separately.”

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