Sounds like things are working perfectly according to plan

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Good grief. You’ve been warning us since 2020 that this was going to happen again and here we are.

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Did we really have any doubts? They got away with it. And got 2 years to destroy our Country, why shouldn't they do it again? Seems like a no brainer.

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We were told that 2020 was the most secure election ever. Sounds like 2022 is on track to be even more “secure”.

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They’re (the Dems) are so brazen! Let’s just shut down voting completely….because we know we’re not going to win! OMG! God help us!

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Amazing that banks are able to deny purchases with debit cards, if the funds aren’t sufficient to cover the purchase, but if you immediately transfer funds from savings to checking and try the transaction, again, the purchase is successful. Yet our elections are completely rigged…

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This is exactly what I predicted would happen, months ago. SABOTAGE is the only explanation if its happening everywhere. ARREST THE DOMINION BASTARDS.

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They are working for Klaus "the Louse" Schwab. And if we don't take down the whole WEF/DAVOS/G7 group of ELITE, nothing will change. They'll just pick another company to do their dirty work for them. This battle is GLOBAL! Look at Brazil! Same thing. The WEF is controlling every thing in every country except for Russia. Russia was able to kick them all out because Russia got of the WEF PETRO DOLLAR Currency. They kicked them to the CURB!!! I sure hope we can do the same thing soon enough that we can save this Country from becoming a Commie Colony of the WEF.

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Spot on!

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Why are downed machines a problem when paper ballots and hand counts are available?

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True the Vote hotline # 855-585-2022

Report Voting and Election issues

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Isn't it voter suppression? Cancel "these" elections and schedule new ones when the machines are fixed so everyone has a chance.

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NO. computerized voting can't be fixed. paper ballots, hand counted is the only possibility for fair elections.

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To samghjk: Are you kidding me? Wake up! There is NO FAIR VOTE WITH MACHINES! THEY ARE RIGGED! Go back to one day of voting. Paper ballot. Hand counting.

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Com mie Dems control all the Levers. None of this surprises me. Hopefully Pubs don't give up and don't vote. Com mie Dem Urban Sh it Holes are the end of the Republic.

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This is going to be real interesting.

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Yep! I'm watching AZ - let's see what happens there.

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As "samghjk" commented - THIS IS VOTER SUPPRESSION!!! Straight freaking up.

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Broken country. So very sad. The Democrats are evil the Republicans complicit cowards. Patriotic Americans must stand up against the corruption!!

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Time for a seriously patriotic THIRD PARTY to start up, and screw the republican wing of the Uniparty. Really, really necessary before they try to neuter what’s left of us approaching 2024.

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Sadly, this is exactly what I predicted prior to the election. SABOTAGE is the only explanation if this is happening everywhere in the USA.

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They are just letting us know they will do whatever they wish in any way they wish and there is no one to hold them accountable.

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Of course they are cheating? WHY wouldn’t they? Last time they cheated they got their guy in office and we the people did nothing but moan and groan on social media. Dems are liars, not dummies.

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