every word you say is true.

so what do we do?

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Only donate money to your county or parish GOP, maybe the state too, but none to the Senate, RNC, or House funds. Also, contribute directly to candidates and not through any of these groups who runs ads for this that cause on Fox. You do need to study the candidates on both their public statements, but also do research and see what their actual voting records are as that reflects their true beliefs. Many of Rinos are just "D's" who've lied but rely on our laziness to get elected.


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And stop watching Fox. Go to FrankSpeech, OAN, Epoch TV and Bannon's War Room.

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Actually, Tucker Carlson, Jesse Waters, Mark Levin, Maria Bartiromo and Stuart Varney are all good. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

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That's what it looks like for sure but, are you sure? It's only taken them 3 years to get around to calling out the corruption. Why? Rupert Murdoch? It doesn't matter 'now', does it? The damage is done and they won't suffer the same rejection they would have 3 years ago. Now it makes them look like Freedom Fighters even though the battle has been fought already. Can't be trusted. I like Tucker but, do I trust everything he says? No. Do I think they omit important news? Yes. Who knows? Maybe Tucker "thinks" he's doing the right thing by staying there but, in my mind, he loses his credibility. Being better than CNN isn't much to be proud of.

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And whence is the Absolute Truth to be found? In one's own head? Cynicism goes nowhere. Tucker is the best of the lot, I hope he watches his back. He's probably been on the FBI's SWAT team list for some time now.

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What is absolute truth anyway??

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You got that right, Ray B.

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lol, Mark Levin is a RINO establishment, he's no friend of conservatives He wants WW III with Russia over Ukraine.

Foh, Varney for that matter us the same, he's no maga guy

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You know, I forgot about that. Mark Levin is big on the Constitution, but he's a neo-con when it comes to foreign policy. Scratch him off the list.

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Mark Levin wants a constitutional convention, a way to terminate the Constitution.

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Not true idiot.

Even Tuckers a whore.

The only one with a conscious was Lou Dobbs.

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Yes, Lou was the best and they kept him on Fox Business until he was sent packing by anti America First Globalist Rupert Murdoch.

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I watched Lou Dobbes religiously throughout 2015 and 2016, maybe longer. He was such a bright spot and he was Donald Trump's biggest supporter on all of the news networks.

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"Conscience" not "conscious".

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Just sayin' I watched "Life, Liberty, and Levin," and invested in a precious metals company per his recommendation. I got the Mark Levin "special" and lost $100,000 dollars. Yep, you are reading that right, ten years of savings. Cost me about two years of retirement, will have to leave earlier than expected. FOX News Media is not your "Friend."

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You didn't lose it because Mark said so. You lost it because you did it wrong. No investm3nt is guaranteed. Every investment should set a limit on your losses. Warren Buffett has one rule -- never lose money. It's not very hard.

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I did do it wrong. Foolishly was caught in a well executed scam, bought metal through Safe Guard Metals, the company Mr. Levin recommended. It was easier than you imagine. I even got the Mark Levin special, that would be a LOL, except many people were destroyed via this scam. Fools. Believed I was buying metals at spot plus 8% and was sold spot plus 100%. Mark Levin and other Fox celebrities are well known for metals scam. Mr. Levin was compensated for his endorsement. He was the "con"fidence man. I'm willing to be the example if it prevents anyone from calling firms advertised by Mark Levin and other Fox News Media personalities. The SEC is pursuing the company owner, along with 27 States Attorney General's and the FBI. I'll never see that money again and take full responsibility. Learn from my mistake.

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Mark Levin wants a constitutional convention which is a way to terminate the Constitution.

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Since 2018, GOP has not gotten a cent from this household. I have stopped watching Fox News which is a part of the MSM. No difference whatsoever.

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keep your $, stop Donating all together, or send $ to a particular MAGA candidate

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The best funded campaign usually wins. If you withhold your funds, you give advantage to your opponent.

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I think you mean the campaign who cheats the best wins, $ has little to do with it nowadays

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Funding has everything to do with it. Cheating only matters in very close contests. The problem is most precincts are evenly divided. Shouldn't be that way. One candidate is always objectively better than the other. The failed education system has made many people unable to determine that. Advertising sways the simple minded. That takes money. Both sides cheat, by the way. Read Parallel Election to see how its done. Both sides complain about it when they lose, defend it when they win. We live in a corrupt society.

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how did Ana Paulina Luna win in FL when her opponent outspent her by a margin of close life to 10 - 1?

all the swing state candidates were outspent as well, but bc of the cheating, they lost by an extremely small margin...

We do live in a corrupt society though, agree

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Then you guarantee dems win. Which is better? If you think it doesn't matter, you aren't paying attention.

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No, your the one being the constant fool.

It does not matter.

Revolutions coming.

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How could it not? Prepare in every way you can is my best advise.

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I doubt you've ever experienced a revolution. You won't like it.

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We experienced a Color Revolution in 2020.

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Not sure what that means, but 2020 was an evenly split electorate which certified Joe with about 40,000 vote margin in the right places. Not much of a revolution.

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New party

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Third parties always lose. If you want better results, choose one of the majors and work to make it better. That won't happen by writing about it.

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Historically, third parties have lost, because the two primary parties represented the majority of their voters' wishes.

But that has changed significantly for the worse. Neither party represents the majority of its voters wishes. The Republican Party is the absolute worst - representing almost none of its core constituency - the middle class, traditional values, God-fearing, Constitution-respecting moderate-to-conservative suburban and rural voters. The RNC is only interested in what it can grift from the voters while accepting huge donations from multinational corporate titans in the form of quid-pro-quo money. Those donations are made with the understanding the the GOP will push only policies that favor those corporations and disfavor their Main Street competitors as well as those who would put restrictions on their global monopolies and oligarchies.

The GOP has positioned itself to be untouchable by voting. They buy their incumbency via voting machine manipulation plus elimination of primary challengers using massive campaign funding from the PACs and multiple organizations setup solely to hide the real sources of money.

We need a 3rd party that will take most GOP voters and actually represent their wishes. It could work because the time is ripe for it

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Totally agree. The Patriots party. For America and Americans.

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If they didn't represent their constituents, they wouldn't keep getting reelected. "The party" isn't monolithic. You can't have it your way. You support candidates who share your interests. If you can't find one, you need to get involved in finding better candidates. It's entirely up to us.

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David there isn't enough space here to bring you up to 2022 from whatever decade you stopped studying RNC / GOP Establishment campaign tactics. Suffice it to say that the GOP incumbents are not getting elected because they represent even a 51% majority of voters policy preferences. They don't. For the recent decade, most are getting re-elected because they have effectively eliminated the voters true preferred candidates via primary "splitter" candidates, overwhelming funds from globalist corporate benefactors, and willing media assistance by printing false smear stories against the challengers. A large number of Republican voters have been voting **against** the Democrats (not **for** the Republican incumbent) for at least 10 years (few thought McCain was worthy but he was marginally better than Ozero; the same sentiment applied to Romney in '12). Most Republican voters are straight down-ticket voters. At the general election, they'll vote R (against the D) every time, regardless of who it is. There is much more but please look more deeply into this than you appear to have looked.

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That's why you lose.

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Forget national and focus on local: school boards and city councils. It took them 100 years to get us here and we have to work from the bottom up.

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It will become very obvious when the Govt begins to run out of money. Federal Govt is going broke it is just a matter of time. They can't print money for ever. Then enforcement will become hard and real.

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Yes, they can print money forever. That printing becomes increasingly expensive, so eventually those who pay for it will make it stop. The debt service-- the interest on the debt -- will be a trillion very soon. That won't leave much room for welfare and waste without huge taxes. Which is why Joe is hiring and arming 87000 new tax collectors. It will get messy.

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Digital currency is next. What could possibly go wrong there? 😳

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I grew up as a yellow dog Democrat, in a family of the same. But I always knew that our party was called the evil party because it was the party of slavery, secession, the Klan, Jim Crow, facism and communism. But we always knew the Republican Party was the stupid party and even though I switched to the "R" many years ago, I have been shocked that our leaders are even dumber than I thought. Maybe not insane, but everything you list literally shows the establishment is willing to cut their own noses off to spite their faces, losing 3 very winnable Senate races in a deep red state, just to defeat MAGA and President Trump.

Pray for the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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They’ve been bought, and everything they do is designed to protect themselves and their ever-increasing wealth. The entire government is a giant criminal enterprise.

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Funny, you thought that Pubs were dumb 'then'. Imagine what Dems think about us 'now'. We practically hand elections to them.

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I’m very demoralized. I despise the Republican establishment almost as much as the Democrats. I am convinced we need a third party. The Patriots Party. For America and Americans.

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Third parties never win. Ever, ever. What we need is to rally around one man, Donald Trump, who has the charisma, intelligence, authenticity and principles to lead us.

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Your wrong.

The time for the new party is now.

Before the collapse of the country happens..

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Afraid it may have to come to just that - a collapse- to bring any meaningful, lasting change. Things are so ossified in DC & with the apparatchiks of both parties that it may be impossible to vote our way out of it.

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DC spent $4 or 5 trillion this year. That's not ossified, it's psychotic. Voting won't change it. We have to convince others to vote. Each vote is meaningless. Millions of votes make a difference. It's a marketing problem.

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Trump IS the new party and he has at least 60 percent of the country behind him. The RINOs are the third party, and will fade away as a useless, decadent, out-of-touch third party.

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That's why you lose.

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I think the reason is obvious why we lose and it has nothing to do with a 3rd Party. It has to do with corruption, from the local school board, all the way to the Presidency. You're thinking a 3rd Party would hurt us? You're joking, right? Trying to make the existing GOP establishment into something we desire isn't going to happen. The Monster has already been created. We're already in the position of losing elections, from now till kingdom comes. What do you propose we do different because time is wasting away?

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Third parties split the vote for one of the majors. If you support the third party, you take away from your favorite major, guaranteeing a win by the less desirable major. Splitting your party only helps your opponents. Do the math.

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Screw the major. In case you haven't noticed, these times we are living in are not normal by any stretch of the imagination. It's going to take more than worrying about splitting the vote to correct it. I am guessing you're not a believer in what I believe to be 'rigged' elections by evil people with even more evil people sitting in the Judges seat just in case. This 'regime' is violating the Constitution every minute of every day and no one does anything. You know it. I'm not too worried about destroying the Republican Party by not voting in line with them. But, I would jump at the possibility of a Vibrant Conservative Party and believe me, it wouldn't take much to grow one, especially in this present environment. I'm in. How about you?

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Republicans started as a third party. Whigs are long gone Federalists are long gone. You are simply wrong

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I may be wrong in the long term. But I am right in the short term.

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I worry about that every day and that's the loose thread in all of this. I agree with you. But I truly do not think that anyone but Trump can generate the hope and enthusiasm needed to keep "the resistance" going. What the last seven years have taught me is that leaders are essential. The same people who supported the Tea Party support Trump. Perhaps the Tea Party could have survived the onslaughts of Lois Lerner's IRS had there been an articulate, charismatic, smart leader to push back. And frankly, I do not think that Gov. DeSantis has what Trump has by nature. Of course he's a great governor and is doing all the right things -- but will he rally the country?

What you say is the chief problem. This is why, in an earlier comment, I said it would be up to the states to mount a legal resistance to the totalitarian federal government, in the form of Constitutional sanctuaries and 10th Amendment challenges. And it may already be too late. We might just be screwed.

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That's why dems win. They're not demoralized, just demented and demonic. Demoralized loses, every time.

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I understand, I understand matter of fact your preaching to the choir.

I remember to many times the R’s had both House and Senate but accomplished absolutely zero.

The R’s are either afraid of the D’s for some reason or they are actually one and the same corrupt lawyers turned politician.

Personally, I think the latter.

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See my comment elsewhere in this thread. They're traitors working at the behest of the Globalist-CCP Axis.

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They're just corrupt people seeking their own best interests. Sinners like the rest of us. But unlike us, they chose to get involved and do things their way. We sit and whine, and wonder why we lose. Winning is a choice.

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Heart-wrenching to read this post because we know you speak the truth. You have put many of our thoughts into words as you type. It's sickening to see how much money I've contributed to GOP since 2001 come to the point where they've become the party I've come to hate with my every fiber being. I was a member of Colorado Democrat party for several years. I became active after 9/11 to help GOP. I sincerely thought they had America's best interest in mind. After Trump exposed the truth, we all now know how despicable the party has become. They are the UNI party. I'm saddened to see that we are living in end times more rapidly than ever before. Ukraine President has banned the Christianity church. How many Christian's have contributed to this mess we are in? It's very much of our own fault for allowing this inhumanity in our own country. I'm sickened to the point where I want to say screw them all. We are better off not watching the news but read posts from our substack subscriptions. We are better off attending church with true disciples of our faith. We are better off praying and take things into action. Whether we like it or not, One World Order is here. It is here to stay. We've lost this country. Our only hope is heaven bound. May God bless you and your family. With love always.

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I agree with seeking spiritual solace. We will be persecuted for our beliefs. Many of us will end in jail. Be ready.

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You only lose if you surrender. Don't do that.

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Totally correct !

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It all begets crystal clarity when viewed through the lens that the Vichy Republicans are actually doing their job.

The GOP establishment exists to make it appear that there is a two-party political system in the United States. It's all kabuki theater - both parties - the UniParty - works for the Globalist-CCP Axis.

Dominion aside, officeholders "win" based on a plurality of voters (that actually vote). People who stand-down are irrelevant. So leading up to 2024, betraying and demoralizing the GOP base, especially the MAGA base, is (to them) a feature, not a bug.

I've often compared them to the Scottish nobles in the movie Braveheart, who betrayed their countrymen and country in return for lucre from the English king. The comparison is apt.

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So true. Republicans sold us out on the Disrespect Marriage Act. Does anything else matter? Republicans died on that mountain. As they will be in continual retreat now we might win a few hills here and there championed by the few brave souls that are left. But the 12 Senators and 47 representatives who voted to cave to the final goal of the sexual revolution have gutted western civilization based on Christianity in America. Some will cheer this as a long-awaited victory in the war against God. I think God will have the last laugh, but it’s going to be rough going for who knows how long.

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Pubs didn't sell us out, 12 individual pubs did. And one dem. (If those 12 were loyal to us, the vote would have been 49-48, still a loss. They flipped because they wanted to signal their politics to their voters, who apparently aren't christians. Or muslims, for that matter.) But they don't work for us, but for their own constituents, who keep re-electing them. They don't owe us, or the party, anything. They only answer to their state. If their constituents want something different, they can change it. Our target isn't those politicians, but their complacent voters.

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No, Emerald, you are not alone. I was a foot soldier for our Virginia county's GOP committee for 22 years; I stepped this up in 2009, worked as Precinct Captain, then District Chair, worked at the polls, even for several years represented the GOP as an election official....Went to fund raisers , rallies, meetings upon meeting.

And for what? I was shunned by most of my fellow Republicans when I came out (early) in support of Donald Trump. They are still luke warm, a key group still supporting Romney.

The behavior of the Republicans in D.C. is disgusting. Luckily our own Congressman Bob Good is one of the true conservatives holding the line --but he is one of only about 20 others in the Freedom Caucus.

We have been betrayed by our so-called "leaders" who have worked only for themselves and their own portfolios. They tell us lie upon lie -- why are they not holding investigations into WHERE those trillions went for the "infrastructure" bill? Where are those billions pouring into the Ukraine being spent on? Why does the GOP not demand an audit by the CBO? And why do the Republicans not challenge the White House, legally, for not following U.S. immigration laws?

I don't know where all of this is going, but we can be sure, nowhere good.

All we can rely on is our own state governors who can declare their states Constitutional sanctuaries and kick the feds out legally under the 10th Amendment. And hopefully Californians will succeed in carving out a new state, and leaving the deep blue dysfunctional urban areas to their own devices. This could start happening in other states. That, as I see it, is our only possible way out of our current disaster.

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Excellent comment.

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You are not alone. Thanks Emerald Robinson. I am an annual subscriber because you are reliable.

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Thank you Emerald! Yes. The GOP betrayed American conservatives. President Trump didn't do any of that -- he just EXPOSED the corruption and betrayal that has been going on for years.

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Thank you again for being the sole truth teller of this entire debacle. I'm ashamed, having been fooled by everyone I've voted for since Reagan (Trump the only exception). Sadly, the GOP implosion is probably by design. A parting gift from the establishment as they make their way, slowly, toward the exit. Dark days.

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We must keep in mind that we have only the uniparty pretending to be two parties with both sides owned entirely by <pick your own puppet-master> with tons of money and a willingness to bribe and blackmail.

In 2016, Donald Trump caught the uniparty puppets napping; they had rigged the election but they miscalculated the mood of the people and failed to stuff enough fraudulent votes. They vowed it would never happen again.

In 2020, the uniparty openly displayed their intent to circumvent elections by printing, distributing, and harvesting mail-in ballots as if they were propaganda leaflets. Even so, they failed to harvest enough fraudulent votes to win. They were forced to nakedly stop the count until they could stuff even more fraudulent votes into the system. And the GOP did nothing. Why? Because there is no GOP; there is only the uniparty and the puppetmaster.

The point is that not one of these jackasses would be in power today if the people and their votes counted. These pathetic frauds are neither GOP nor Democrats; they are merely puppets whose strings are being pulled by <some entity> who remains out of view. More to the point, the puppetmasters will also subvert any third party with equal amounts of bribes and blackmail. I do not know what the next step is but I do know that, to have a prayer of success, we must do something that our oppressors do not expect.

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Superb article, Emerald: Comprehensive, well-written, and COMPLETELY TRUE. Maybe it really is time for a third political party.

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Right on. They are Democrats. But it's been this way for a long time. Remember the Tea Party? Voters are fighting to fix elections and waiting for an opportunity to start a new party perhaps.

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Tea Party worked because a lot of people got involved and demanded change. They got it, and returned to their bridge clubs and football games. Successful societies require constant involvement. As Tom Jefferson taught us, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

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It's not called the Uniparty for nothing. Everything you said reinforces the notion that the 2-party system in the U.S. no longer exists. Elections are, sadly, a waste of our time, and the grand illusion that we have a choice among feckless, vetted career politicians is naive at best. Only by tearing the system to the ground and starting over could we have any hope of redeeming our Republic.

I am reading Witney Webb's new book, "One Nation under Blackmail." In it, she describes the intricate and endless connections between government, organized crime and the world's intelligence industries. One obvious and troubling conclusion from her work is that there are so many uber-wealthy and nefarious actors, working through an endless maze of corrupt institutions (that they create for their own benefit) that it would be nearly impossible to end the massive corruption that runs like a river under nearly every institution we used to respect. It is clear, also, that we can never vote our way out of this mess; we cannot use the existing system and power structure to reform the existing system and power structure. We truly are on our own, and we'd better start now to find alternatives to the prison these people are building for us (or the prison we are building for ourselves).

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Well said

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Does WINRED have a K Street office? Who actually runs it, the RNC? What’s their average salary? What percent of my dollar goes to the candidate I’m intending to support? Why does my email get dozens of daily WINRED solicitations even after I’ve unsubscribed? Yet election integrity goes unaddressed, so my usually candidates lose. Is the RNC the right’s version of a shake-down organization?

Help us out here Emerald

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