The Farmer & the Snake

A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life.

The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around:

Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel.

~~Aesop’s Fable 176

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The ADL and the Stupid People Libeling Christians (SPLC) are two of a kind, with the same mission: Opposition to traditional religion.

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Libs don't learn from anything. They are brain dead. They are happy to die having received multiple injections of they have no idea what, so they can die with " less symptoms". So proud to do mindless things. That is how you spot a liberal.

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10-23-23: The ones who never stopped or resuming wearing face masks are the obvious ones that you speak of. Went to my doctor's office last week. "Wear a mask." Responded, "No thank you, the epidemic ended TWO YEARS AGO. Let me know when you change your policy and I'll be glad to come back." The well-meaning, moronic nurse just stared at me as if I had just told her that I'd gotten her teenage daughter pregnant. Her response indicates that these dangerous sheep really believe that what they are doing is "science." We've regressed to the Middle Ages. Ands now, once again, come the religious wars.

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Thank you for acting on your good sense! If people would stop complying to these idiotic and evil tyrants, we would not have this problem.

Do Not Comply!

I need to remember to end every post with these words as a reminder.

We all need to wear a little something other then a smirk to remind people " We" are not stupid followers, we think for ourselves. I thought white shields but they took them all off amazon...go figure. Katherine Austin Fitts suggests a paperclip 📎, she says they do it in Norway.

We need to start this simple thing so we know who we are dealing with in public.

What do you think?

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Thank you. I think that going incognito until it's time to say "NO" is the best way. Having learned the hard way as a lad, I don't telegraph my punches.

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marxists are the ones still wearing masks, outside, on the nature trail.

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🎯 😂🤣😂🤣

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Thank you for another excellent report, Emerald. I hope your Monday is going well. I pray daily for God to save us and to return our great country to its Christian foundation.

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Progressive groups are evil

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Thanks for information on Samantha Woll. This murder was not about what most of us assumed.

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Yes. The "liberal condition" is one of blithe foolishness. Facts do not matter. Sense to them is not common. They live in a dream world. Many also suffer from the false notion that they are smarter than commoners or conservatives.

What happened to Samantha Wolf is a microcosm of what they are fomenting against the entire West. And, you have been fearless about calling it what it is - The Christian West.

Barack Obama has made it his life mission to infiltrate our nation with muslims.

I remember when he enlisted Lutheran Social Services to inundate Minneapolis with Somali "refugees". It was purposely hidden from Americans that these people were 100% Muslim and as they moved in they were quite resistant to assimilation. Detroit likewise.

Emerald, you have been one of the very few who has been unafraid to raise this warning. I have been sending your editorials to lots of my friends this last few years. This editorial finally decided me to kick it up a notch and join your program.

Keep up the good work. Speak The Truth. But please, "Check 6" literally and figuratively. "Check 6" comes from the Fighter Pilot Community and refers to ones "6 O'clock position" which is directly behind you. That is where the enemy will strive to be in order to shoot you out of the sky.

We will pray for your continued safety and herald your right to speak.

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Words have meanings and matter. Thank you for calling a spade a spade, Emerald. History repeats itself. When will they ever learn?

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10/23/23: "No good deed goes unpunished." --- Don White, NBC, 1980. Nothing has changed.

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It SHOULD be instructive for American leftist Marxists, but it won’t be ... because The Narrative.

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NIMBY Liberal

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The “bogeyman “ of the elite and Americans left, “white supremacists”. So scary, while Muslims go on murderous rampages. I agree with Jordan and Egypt NO “Palestinian “ refugees.

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Awful. Heinous. Terrifying.

But Emerald is correct: It's not correct to call this a tragedy. Surely, this is a woman who refused, for decades, to acknowledge the inconvenient stories about Islam and immigration put before her , likely again and again and again. Perhaps evidence to the contrary will emerge, but I am sure her "bridge building" involved lots of ritual slanders of conservatives and other critics of too high-levels of immigration from Islam-dominated nations, and lots of squelching of anyone bringing inconvenient data about typical Islamic attitudes towards Jews (supported by multiple Koranic passages), and towards liberal democracy itself, to the table. I am sure she has been a Denial-oriented Democrat, and did nothing to take the Dems away from the Addiction to Narrative that has so characterized them for the last fifteen or so years.

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The Left has Terminal Liberalitis - always will!

"The killings were seized on by the far right to attack Islam"


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Beware those that champion you or your friends to partake in unnatural acts that lead to the destruction of your values.

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More evidence that the Biden admin was pulling strings behind the scenes of the Israeli "intelligence failure" and judicial reform protests. Six ways from Sunday!


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