@emerald, who can we send these files to, for review? I have two files from TX counties: Williamson and Travis.

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I think you need to send them to Ordros Analytics:


(Click on "HERE" to get an email address.)

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We need more than just the file. First, we need the capability to analyze the file, to determine if there is evidence of fraud (or, more optimistically, errors). Then we need analysis to detect clues that the file itself might have been manipulated. Those both require more expertise than most people have.

Better solution is for Mike or others to establish watchdog groups to collect this data from every precinct, county, and state, and develop the expertise to thoroughly analyze it.

A more sophisticated advance would be development of software (an "app") that can automatically process these files. Organizations like SETI and others use crowd based distributed processing this way to sift enormous data files, and might be appropriate for a task like this one.

The risk of machines is they can be easily manipulated. The benefit of machines is they can be easily audited by other machines. The vast scale of national elections in a large nation demands machine support. It also demands machine audits. Those who resist these audits in any way are enemies of democracy, and should be treated as such.

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I learned the TRUTH of the 2020 election (and elections in other years)

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Any chance you can put the letters to ask for in a PDF file? That are photos and I would like to do this but hard to get a letter out of the photos to copy to my Election Supervisor. Where I live we use the scanning into the ballot which we learned in Selection movie can also be changed. Thanks

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Emerald, name me the group of Politicians and the courts that will lead this open air discovery process.


Thought so.

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Was disappointed in Lindell who emailed me to watch streaming on Frank Speech. I set aside the weekend and turns out it was only on the app which you had to download. No can do. Evil Google. That's why I don't have a Truth Social Account.

Found out Sunday was on RSB but they cannot expand screen so I watched for 1.5 hours on a 1 inch square screen. Couldn't see their visual aids. I finally gave up.

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Get Roku.

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Your comment is narrow minded. I doubt you meant harm but your white bread thinking is that everybody spends $$$ every month to have internet services. I have a phone. I listen to talk radio all day. I don't have tv. My income is $800/ mo. Don't get me wrong I live fine but cable and internet are unnecessary expenditures. Some folks might perish if they lived at my standard😆

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Yup, I was an ass for assuming you had internet access ~ mea culpa.

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Oh but I do have internet on my phone but you knew that. A little passive aggressive sarcasm?

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Thank you for breaking it down, Emerald!

Please consider letting your audience know that they can visit https://ordros.com/CVR and look up their state to see if their county CVR is already posted.

If it's already on there, then it does not need to be re-requested, as the CVRs on ordros.com can be downloaded by any who wish to perform analysis.


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