The problem is the DOJ is Marxist infiltrated like the entire Fed Gov. Durham will only go so far. I am pessimistic about the future because most on the Right have their heads in the sand. The Marxist won post WWII. That is a fact and we are seeing the results today.
Joseph McCarthy was beyond correct regarding the Commie infiltration. I posted this Diana West quote but here it is again.
"Until we get McCarthy right -- and by "right," I mean by overthrowing the strategic destruction of his persona and evaluating his record rationally and with fidelity to the record -- we are not going to be able to repulse and survive the ideological assaults on our nation -- and nation's character.
I was put in mind to post these thoughts amid the latest cries of "McCarthyism" on the Right."
Hey Ole "Buddy" - you're special aren't you! Ridiculing someone who points out the obvious while you prefer to wait with your head in the sand. Are you still waiting for Hillary's emails to come out as well? Only a brainless dork prefers to believe the cesspool that is WDC will cleanse itself. This is why the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed! Please go back to Fox and CNN and leave us and Emerald alone over here. Oh and why in your world is a woman who writes like this, having "ample cleavage" a negative. Asking for a friend.
Sure thing, Q. You'll be laying this crap on thick in 10 years when there's still no real justice. "Be patient...Good things come to those who wait...Trust The Plan!"
You are welcome to present your own take on the situation.
You are doing what you accuse Emerald of doing (you must be a Democrat) - making accusations without presenting evidence.
Believe it or not, there are cases where insight is more valuable than reporting on the "evidence" that is allowed by the government/corporations, etc. Read Emerald's recent article about the Kennedy assassination for one example.
Buddy, your note reminds me of an old song that begins: "Feelings, nothing more than feelings..." And LOL to the idea that the Russia Hoax is "complex." Are you sure that you're not really an old Hillary 2016 campaign staffer?
How is the Russia Hoax not complex? It involves private individuals, political organizations, law firms, the FBI, the DoJ, Congress, the FISA court, media outlets and journalists, members of Trump's staff, and even some Russians. It's an enormous web of criminality and the media has suppressed discussion of all aspects of it throughout its lifetime.
If you've captured this and related info to memory, don't be dismissive of the accomplishment. It's truly a special skill to be able to understand and connect this much information.
He talks about his "evidence" as though it were something proven. All he has done is regurgitate prog talking points and asserted them as facts. I guess Stalin was right, if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.
Before Twitter canceled me 3 years ago, how many stupid memes did I see about how Hillary should be out shopping for orange jump suits? Crickets Chirping...
Remember how Judge Napolitano assured everyone there'd be mass resignations at FBI if Hillary wasn't referred for prosecution? Now genius Nappy Pants is over at NewsMax. Crickets Chirping...
Yep. Nappy Pants is a moron. Typical True Believer "Libertarian" when it comes to the suicidal policies of amnesty, unlimited immigration and 1-way "free trade", with a twist: He's a delusional apologist for the cop-prosecutor lobby. The fairy tale about how 99% of FBI agents are honorable and FBI is corrupt only at the highest level is puke-making. For starters, tell it to the Branch Davidians. FBI doesn't send out political appointees in swat gear to arrest political dissidents for jumped-up "crimes" as they did to Roger Stone and countless others. None of this abuse can happen without rank & file agents "Just Following Orders" and pissing on their constitutional oath.
But I'm with Emerald on this. I'll continue to see Durham as a fluffer until he proves otherwise in a big way. I consider it cynicism based on overwhelming evidence of fluffery.
I think I should apologize to Durham for calling him out as an updated Where’s Waldo. Now I hope he shames me by actually getting some indictments that matter. Not looking good. At all. Remember Pappadopoulus (sp?) betting his last dollar on Durham in a GP article? Total support. Whassupp wid DAT?
I agree with you. It’s obvious at this point: government is not accountable. It covers up its crimes. Can’t expose any weakness or they might lose control.
You have hit the nail on the head. There is no reason major Indictments shouldn't have been delivered already. This is a complete farce. Our government has been taken over via elite globalist and I've been sick of it for a long time. It's not going to change unless we take back our government via civil war or separate from the union.
There aren't too many people I agree with these days other than you. It's a blessing to know others think alike. God Bless You and those with you.
How about compared to the capitol trespassers? They were jailed immediately, charges to follow. That's a good model for the political class and their mindless supplicants.
There are millions who agree with her. Unfortunately we've been too complacent and hopeful that our rulers and their advocates will protect us. They won't.
I agree Durham will do nothing b/c he’s done nothing for 3 years. Why he’s doing nothing is speculation. To keep Hillary C at bay? Maybe. To be well paid and not have a boss until he’s ready to leave seems the most likely explanation to me. He’s just mailing it in.
Hey “Buddy”. I can trust whoever I want after having spent decades thinking for myself as a conservative. You are the self righteous PoS that thinks you can judge me because I agree with a very smart, brave and perceptive person and want to encourage her. If you thought for yourself you would not tell others to do so, you cliche driven moron. There! I used PoS and insulted you. Come get me… or think for yourself😘
The problem is the DOJ is Marxist infiltrated like the entire Fed Gov. Durham will only go so far. I am pessimistic about the future because most on the Right have their heads in the sand. The Marxist won post WWII. That is a fact and we are seeing the results today.
Joseph McCarthy was beyond correct regarding the Commie infiltration. I posted this Diana West quote but here it is again.
"Until we get McCarthy right -- and by "right," I mean by overthrowing the strategic destruction of his persona and evaluating his record rationally and with fidelity to the record -- we are not going to be able to repulse and survive the ideological assaults on our nation -- and nation's character.
I was put in mind to post these thoughts amid the latest cries of "McCarthyism" on the Right."
But, amdoremi, while we sit on our patience the left continues its relentless march to totalinarianism.
Let's become as relentless as the progressive one-worlders.
Trust The Plan! What a load.
Hey Ole "Buddy" - you're special aren't you! Ridiculing someone who points out the obvious while you prefer to wait with your head in the sand. Are you still waiting for Hillary's emails to come out as well? Only a brainless dork prefers to believe the cesspool that is WDC will cleanse itself. This is why the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed! Please go back to Fox and CNN and leave us and Emerald alone over here. Oh and why in your world is a woman who writes like this, having "ample cleavage" a negative. Asking for a friend.
Sure thing, Q. You'll be laying this crap on thick in 10 years when there's still no real justice. "Be patient...Good things come to those who wait...Trust The Plan!"
You are welcome to present your own take on the situation.
You are doing what you accuse Emerald of doing (you must be a Democrat) - making accusations without presenting evidence.
Believe it or not, there are cases where insight is more valuable than reporting on the "evidence" that is allowed by the government/corporations, etc. Read Emerald's recent article about the Kennedy assassination for one example.
I didn’t miss your reasoning, and I reject it, along with the nasty name-calling. Please go away.
You just did both. 🤣
I don't mind trolls. Their only use is reminding us what we're up against. This one isn't impressive.
No, we didn’t.
Mr. Glass, that is a well reasoned and capably argued objection to Ms. Robinson's opinion. Over ruled!
Could it be that you are a serpent in the garden of conservatism?
"Reading" and "Comprehending" are different activities, though I will admit osmosis may play into voluminous reading.
Buddy, your note reminds me of an old song that begins: "Feelings, nothing more than feelings..." And LOL to the idea that the Russia Hoax is "complex." Are you sure that you're not really an old Hillary 2016 campaign staffer?
Get lost. CNN beckons.
Project much, Buddy Boy?
What an ass.
What a mature and perceptive comment, for a troll. I thought you guys lay in wait under bridges for unsuspecting little girls?
And I would prefer it if you would use a fresh tack with me. "Shill much, shillburger?" gets a little stale when used again and again.
You subscribed to be a troll?
Well see a lot more of them as elections approach.
How is the Russia Hoax not complex? It involves private individuals, political organizations, law firms, the FBI, the DoJ, Congress, the FISA court, media outlets and journalists, members of Trump's staff, and even some Russians. It's an enormous web of criminality and the media has suppressed discussion of all aspects of it throughout its lifetime.
If you've captured this and related info to memory, don't be dismissive of the accomplishment. It's truly a special skill to be able to understand and connect this much information.
The average reader will need a helping hand.
Drink some Kool-Aid. Some psyop will be along to fluff you up soon.
Why don’t you educate us and publish it on sub stack? Sure sounds like you’re the smartest one in the room.
I doubt he's even the smartest one on the short bus.
He talks about his "evidence" as though it were something proven. All he has done is regurgitate prog talking points and asserted them as facts. I guess Stalin was right, if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it.
Great job tracking all this down. Good luck at LindellTV as well!
Thanks, I will let you know when the show launches too.
I am so happy that you have that show 😀
I'm pumped! Let's go Emerald!
Before Twitter canceled me 3 years ago, how many stupid memes did I see about how Hillary should be out shopping for orange jump suits? Crickets Chirping...
Remember how Judge Napolitano assured everyone there'd be mass resignations at FBI if Hillary wasn't referred for prosecution? Now genius Nappy Pants is over at NewsMax. Crickets Chirping...
Yep. Nappy Pants is a moron. Typical True Believer "Libertarian" when it comes to the suicidal policies of amnesty, unlimited immigration and 1-way "free trade", with a twist: He's a delusional apologist for the cop-prosecutor lobby. The fairy tale about how 99% of FBI agents are honorable and FBI is corrupt only at the highest level is puke-making. For starters, tell it to the Branch Davidians. FBI doesn't send out political appointees in swat gear to arrest political dissidents for jumped-up "crimes" as they did to Roger Stone and countless others. None of this abuse can happen without rank & file agents "Just Following Orders" and pissing on their constitutional oath.
But I'm with Emerald on this. I'll continue to see Durham as a fluffer until he proves otherwise in a big way. I consider it cynicism based on overwhelming evidence of fluffery.
I think I should apologize to Durham for calling him out as an updated Where’s Waldo. Now I hope he shames me by actually getting some indictments that matter. Not looking good. At all. Remember Pappadopoulus (sp?) betting his last dollar on Durham in a GP article? Total support. Whassupp wid DAT?
Consider the source of the information!
I forwarded the article to some friends. FYI, here's a reply:
"GREAT article. The only thing I don’t agree with is 'the rubes at Fox News.' They’re not rubes; they’re complicit."
Damn your good at this Ms. Robinson.
I agree with you. It’s obvious at this point: government is not accountable. It covers up its crimes. Can’t expose any weakness or they might lose control.
Bill Barr's big words and cowardly non-action gave the game away. D.C. is a swamp in which only the corrupt survive.
Ruby Ridge Bill Barr
Emerald, thank you for delivering a message many don't like hearing but know is true. It's good to curb unrealistic hopes and expectations.
Just sitting over here not holding my breath…
You have hit the nail on the head. There is no reason major Indictments shouldn't have been delivered already. This is a complete farce. Our government has been taken over via elite globalist and I've been sick of it for a long time. It's not going to change unless we take back our government via civil war or separate from the union.
There aren't too many people I agree with these days other than you. It's a blessing to know others think alike. God Bless You and those with you.
How about compared to the capitol trespassers? They were jailed immediately, charges to follow. That's a good model for the political class and their mindless supplicants.
The only false flag at the capitol was Pelosi's. She created the tyranny, and perpetuates it.
Well thank goodness
Thank you.
Did you read the article? Kinda one of the writer’s main points. Are you a lawyer?
There are millions who agree with her. Unfortunately we've been too complacent and hopeful that our rulers and their advocates will protect us. They won't.
The 'old boyfriend' analogy is priceless. 😂
Thanks for the "love slap" (reality check), Emerald. Good reminder that, in politics, the nasty smell coming from the kitchen isn't a good omen.
I agree Durham will do nothing b/c he’s done nothing for 3 years. Why he’s doing nothing is speculation. To keep Hillary C at bay? Maybe. To be well paid and not have a boss until he’s ready to leave seems the most likely explanation to me. He’s just mailing it in.
I trust you, Emerald. Keep going!
Hey “Buddy”. I can trust whoever I want after having spent decades thinking for myself as a conservative. You are the self righteous PoS that thinks you can judge me because I agree with a very smart, brave and perceptive person and want to encourage her. If you thought for yourself you would not tell others to do so, you cliche driven moron. There! I used PoS and insulted you. Come get me… or think for yourself😘
Well see lots of trolls as the elections approach. Easily identified by their preference for insults, not facts.
Thanks for the demonstration.