OUTSTANDING! Everything you said is true (I have been doing research) but I believe there is even more evil to come from the forced "vaccines". I believe there are multiple reasons why they are forcing this on the world and none of them are for the benefit of all humankind.

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Unfortunately many of my friends tell me that I am (choose your own synonym for crazy) because that is only science fiction that could never happen. They are the same ones that tell me the elections couldn’t be rigged because there could never be a crime of such gargantuan scope. We must keep trying to convince them.

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Same here. I can't even talk to my grown children - our relationships are strained - and my sister flat out says "I don't believe that" when I try to tell her anything. I cannot get through to people and I am becoming more and more isolated. I pray to God for the right words or for the Holy Spirit to open eyes but folks are SO brainwashed. I keep praying and attempting to enlighten others. I won't stop trying but I feel like I am teetering between trying to convince them gently and losing the people closest to me for good.

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See above

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I am sorry to hear that: both of my sons.. agree w/ me both politically and do take my advice medically. NO one in my family took the Vaxx because they TRUSTED me and I also set the example for the family. I worked in virology;, my sons remember my Insect Collection (eventually had to toss it) and I worked in a Hospital as well. They saw me take the HEP A and B vaxx when I worked in a blood bank (that was rough one) so they knew I wasn't messing around when I said: Don't take it. :) Yep. YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK. When people just close their minds to you: PRAY, that is what I do. I have friends (still friends) who are democrats and just in the last year called me up and I wish I had listened to you, even an M.D.. who took it,, luckily (or blessedly) she is Ok w/ no long term impact. Her brother is being treated for a blood disease now; he took it in Canada. Yes, PRAYER IS ALWAYS the right answer. !

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Jun 11, 2022
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And stock up on survival food and ammunition.

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I am amazed at how many people don't want to learn more and search for the truth.

I find this a fascinating and alarming but I would much rather learn and understand what is really happening then one day be surprised and realize all my choices have been eliminated.

I still believe this can be curtailed but we have to resolve the election fraud issue first. Just saw where a Republican state senator had her victory robbed from her the next morning when the vote tallies from election day were reversed.

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Mary Jo, do even more research on this topic and be sure to give reference to Emerald and the other articles you find. Then, send the information to all your friends and acquaintances. When I tell people about these things the first thing they ask is, "Where did you get that information?' as if it came from Star or National Enquirer that I read while waiting to check out at the grocery store. Pisses me off. But, if you can give them the same opportunity to read what you quote they will usually be satisfied. Plus, it helps you find it when you need to go back and re-read it. We MUST get as many people involved in stopping this madness as we can. Tell everyone you know about civil disobedience. Refuse the vaccine, don;t wear a mask -- anywhere. As Rand Paul said, "They can't arrest all of us!"

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You are blessed, Jim, to have people in your life with minds open enough to accept the documentation you offer. Everyone I know is either completely closed minded or wants to bury their heads in the sand. Both scenarios are alarming but I can't go back. I am glad that you are making progress!

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Thank you very much Liz. I am driven to try to get them to understand how bad our situation is right now!

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I think they are akin to the exploding bomb necklaces in the Japanese b movie “battle royale”.. except they “Go off” from either cell tower instruction OR a solar EMP…

Not to mention all the medical damage up the body beforehand

All part of the 1%’s plans to keep more resources for themselves and perform human sacrifices, while denying us unity, cohesion, productive citizenry, etc.

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This is getting very scary - when will they start "hiding" this in EVERY vaccine given to our children (including as infants)? I've got four grown kids, five grandkids (one more on the way), and I'm ready to DIE to PROTECT THEM from our evil government!

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I read RFK JR'S book on Big pharma and fauci. I don't think I will get another shot vaccine again.

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Outstanding reporting Emerald. There are so many questions that the rest of the media could pile into this story too.... crickets.

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Bombshell reporting and the ultimate dig on why the jab is being forced. So thrilled as I know how this story ends. Great true reporting and thank you Emerald!

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Your reporting is outstanding, but NEWSMAX is a FRAUD. I saw it the night the forlorn looking droopy-eyed anchor got up and walked off the set as a guest presented a case about election fraud.

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I too quit watching Newsmax. What a weird trajectory they have been on. At first it seemed like they were going to be a voice of truth crying out in the wilderness and then they pretty much just folded like a house of cards on every single topic.

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It is definitely their " Terry Mcawful" moment. They will never be relevant in a major way going forward from here.

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Also stopped watching newsmax. ER would be perfect following Steve Bannon on RAV.

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Scary times. The government and elites are so corrupt and have lied so extensively that I have no faith in them.

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Just became a PROUD paid subscriber! Boy you have hit the nail SQUARELY on the head. Their reactions speak louder than anything and WE ARE AWAKE and SEE them.

WAY TO GO Emerald👏👏👏

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Hi Emerald: I own a cyber security business in Arlington, VA. I'm supporting you for a number of reasons. "Throw Hard, Throw Fast, Throws Strikes" ...most of the time that will beat the living shit out of any competitor.

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Ask Nolan Ryan!

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EMERALD, we LOVE you. Keep up the great work. If what is happening is not proof of the dangers of a FREE press, then I do not know what is? If what we have witnessed for the past year, past two years, past 5 years, past 12 years is not a wake up call for EVERY Christian around the world, then what is? If we ONLY live in the Blood of our SAVIOR JESUS, why would we fear death on this planet?

Why would I listen to any "Christian" that is focused on saving" life on THIS planet, when JESUS is very clear about being focused on our HEAVENLY Father?

I do NOT comply! I will NOT comply! I kneel for NO man. I kneel only to my SAVIOR!

Long live the Constitution. Long live Liberty! #2 protects #1. Health and Happiness to all of us, remember to be joyful!!!! GOD Bless all of us! In the BLOOD of JESUS we trust!

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Thank you for writing this. The pandemic has been used to change global culture from the beginning. Target number one is obviously to violate everyone's sense of well-being. So, they loaded every flagrant insult into this packaged product known as "covid", including the mark of the beast. We are being subjected to a terror campaign, an information warfare campaign, a psychological warfare campaign, and basically a biological attack. No one knows how to resist this type of warfare. So we are floundering. But the first thing to realize is that we are being subjected to all of this intentionally and it's global.

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If the vaccine's RNA produces the spike protein as well as the luciferase protein then the government must have given the specs i.e. the wavelength of the luciferase's photons and notified device makers to produce the bioluminescence sensors that use SPAD or SPPC diodes tuned to that wavelengths for single photon detection in order to check the immune response over time for booster shots or more likely just for compliance. If you find out who got the spec for the luciferase's wavelength and working on the diode or the device that uses the diode then you got something tangible. They are not going to tell you in a million years whether their vaccine produces both molecules and even if someone from the inside comes out and blows the whistle that the vaccine produces both proteins, you will be named a conspiracy theorist at the best case or at the worst case jailed for shouting fire in a crowded theatre.

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Well hell. I said if you ever left twitter I would go back to being a paid subscriber. Question is did you know you were going to be kicked off?? Otherwise, outstanding work and hope you continue to fill the vast void of investigative journalism this country needs.

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Thank YOU! True journalism at its best. Time for Christians to wake the hell up. I live on the reservation in North Dakota there are many Indians who believe in Jesus. They refuse to be vaccinated! Holy Spirit is alive and well. We are fighting for truth!! You’ve just validated our fears. God bless you!!!

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Great and important article. Emerald, please see, if you havent alredy this site https://www.orwell.city They present in english the findings of La Quinta Columna regarding the vaxx ingredients including proof of graphene oxide and its workings with 5g.

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Dear Emerald, thank you for your courage and your insights. It is surely a struggle to persist in the environment you occupy. But through you we are better informed, equipped, and aware of what we face. Your fearless reporting is an encouragement to all who are obligated to bear witness to the truth. Thanks.

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