People will skip right over "fasting" and "exercise", for various reasons, and gravitate toward the drugs. Malone is a jerk, don't follow his lead.

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The intermittent fast WORKS! I eat only once a day between 12pm-8pm...as early as I can and I eat as healthy as I can. I exercise everyday except a couple days (walking, weights). Even 15 minutes a day is good, if that’s all you have time for, or are able (no excuse-lol).

I’m not jabbed, but we are around jabbed people now, remember that!😉

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Uh oh, I feel a $25 mil lawsuit headed my way.

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And of course, I take lots of supplements!

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‘Malone is a jerk, and people will ignore important aspects of the guidelines, so the FLCCC protocol is worthless.’

Interesting line of reasoning.

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You're putting words in my mouth. That's not nice.

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Your words:

‘When I saw the references to dietary and movement recommendations, I though "good, but likely to be overlooked because of certain ingrained biases". When I saw "Malone", I thought "beware of what this jerk is peddling". I made the distinction; you overlooked it, twice now.’

If you’ll reread your original comment that I rephrased, it will be very obvious to you that you made no such distinction, nor did you even hint at it - though perhaps it occurred to you. You’re making the distinction only NOW, which is great.

But I can’t read your mind, only respond to what you actually wrote.

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1) Your words:

‘People will skip right over "fasting" and "exercise", for various reasons, and gravitate toward the drugs.’

My words:

‘’[P]eople will ignore important aspects of the guidelines ...’

2)Your words:

‘Malone is a jerk, don't follow his lead [ed. note: ie, the FLCCC protocols].

My words: ‘Malone is a jerk, therefore the FLCCC protocols are worthless.’

I suppose you could make a feeble case that ‘don’t follow’ the FLCCC protocols *doesn’t necessarily* mean they’re worthless, so that amounts to a ‘radical’ restatement.

Of course, only a glib, but weirdly angry, hypersensitive self-basting turkey incapable of basic critical thinking would try to make such a case, so I’m sure you won’t try.

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I slightly rephrased your exact argument. I don’t really care whether you think it’s nice or not.

As a clinician I found the FLCCC protocols very useful months before Malone was even on my radar screen.

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No, Mr. Clinician, you radically rephrased my argument as being against the FLCCC when it is not. When I saw the references to dietary and movement recommendations, I though "good, but likely to be overlooked because of certain ingrained biases". When I saw "Malone", I thought "beware of what this jerk is peddling". I made the distinction; you overlooked it, twice now. How about you apologize and then we move on?

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Robinson, Malone, FLCCC, Marik, VAMFA, Dr Furey are all Virginians seeking health truth and helping citizens. Thanks to all these individuals who pay the price of evaluating claims from government sources and helping guide us to truth. Thanks you Emerald.

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Not a fan of Malone but he should know…he had “a part” (is not the inventor) in creating it. He’s waited until now to start sharing solutions? I don’t believe that he took the jab.

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He was one of the first guys to come out and talk about his adverse reaction on the Dark Horse podcast with Brett Weinstein years ago. You should listen to it. He had nothing to gain monetarily and was losing all his credentials.

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He first starting sharing a version of this solution 2 years ago.

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Many will appreciate this, Emerald. Thank you.

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Several logical choices in this protocol. CoQ10 has been studied in chronic Covid patients & found unhelpful! Vit C, Niacin, Zn, Ivermection,

Hydroxychloroquine(not cited here) have been recognized in 7 countries other than USA as helpful! This appears close to what used to be called “truth.”

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God told me not to take the shot so I did not...however kudos to you for this helpful report for people who did which includes a whole bunch of good people who were poisoned by our government. thanks again

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Be careful with Ivermectin if you are a male. It has been shown to cause atrophy in the seminiferous tubes and testicles in animal studies, especially when combined with adjuncts like nattokinase and querciten. Malone should be aware of this. Please follow-up with Malone on this question Emerald.

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Thank you for all of this information.

My spouse is vaccinated and this helps me do something like purchasing the nattokinase, which I did.

Bless you Miss Emerald.

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Bless you for sending out this important info!

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Nattokinese is an Asian food, so available at Asian food markets.

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