Thank you Emerald for such Great reporting. I have lost all faith in our entire system. Sad to say this but I do not trust any Republican at all. What to do now?🥲

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We need a third party. The Patriots party: multiracial workers party. By Americans for Americans

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No - we need to be done with parties - period! Take each individual as they come and enact universal term limits for any elected office.

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I agree.

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Round them up E. We’re waiting.

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Excellent reporting Emerald!

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These corrupt agencies are so busy protecting themselves, they can’t be bothered investigating, in a timely manner, a doctor abusing young gymnasts. Our country is in deep trouble. Emerald gets it.

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What’s the solution?

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The only solution we commoners have is to apply serious pressure on our elected officials and demand action be taken against all these treasonous bastards, "or we will not vote for you." Politicians will do anything not to lose their base. We ALL must start emailing, calling, writing letters, post on social media, that our politicians are facilitating the demise of the Republic and they must put an end to this and start taking action. Subpoenas should be flying out the doors of our elected officials, but the only person flooding the court is Pelosi and her gang of thugs. It's one thing to have 10 people contact politicians, it's quite another if 10,000 or 100-thousand start contacting them. They are the only pathway to effect change. We must first go after the RINOS who have weekend the GOP to a near point of no return. Elections have consequences, stolen elections have dire consequences. You cannot sit and do nothing and expect results. The is our country, "We the People". Unelected officials in the DOJ, and now the military, do NOT own our the nation...yet. If we do not do act now, we will become Venezuela before you know it.

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Apologies for cussing on your site Emerald. Frustrated beyond words and not intelligent enough to find a better one. Won’t happen again!

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There really is only one solution and it is going to take time if it can be done. Term Limits. There should be no such thing as a career politician. It is a government of the people and by the people and needs to be ruled by actual people and not liberal NOR republican so-called 'elites' I am done with the whole lot of them. Start in the states and move to the national level.

The real virus is not the media - It is the people who continue to think their elected officials are smarter than they are.

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At this point can't we just hope for Three Days of Darkness and move on??

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From insider trading, Bill Clinton selling missile gyroscope technology to the Chinese, Fast & Furious, Operation Chokepoint, Lois Lerner targeting conservative groups, Hillary's emails, etc etc...

Some hope for smoking gun evidence to prosecute; however, most of these people are put where they are because they don't need direction. It's understood what they're there to do. In the times when there is smoking gun evidence, the biggest criminals are in the DOJ.

Hillary, conservatively, should be in prison for 100,000 years and fined $100,000 million based on the espionage act mandatory sentencing. Nothing ever happens, because they're all in on it.

Why did nothing come of Benghazi? Because the Republicans knew Obama was running guns to terrorists, and allowed it. If they make too big a deal about it, he says, well, I had congressional approval...

Bottom line, they all suck. Every single one of them. Start over.

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{Trump himself was incredulous. He called in to Rush Limbaugh’s radio the very same day “we don't have people who can do anything."}

If Trump wasn't rich he'd be in prison. That's the state of our country today.

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Federal Law Enforcement is beyond repair. It must be abolished. As a career local police officer I found the US Marshall's Office to be the only credible law enforcement agency at the Federal level. The FBI were never helpful and I never trusted them.

Great Article Emerald!

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What Republicans didn't learn from Lois Lerner, is being repeated with Durham.

"Applications by conservative groups were pulled aside, forwarded to a special unit in Washington, and disappeared into a black hole."


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Very timely piece Emerald as the media is today pontificating about the treasonous acts written about General Miley against President Trump in Woodward's new book "Peril". One has to wonder about the level of collusion between all these players. Before this revelation, these acts were performed by political hacks and the deep state of the DOJ. But to now add the presiding general of the United States military who serves at the direction of the Commander in Chief! Let's just say, Americans are in deep shit if a duly elected president must now fear a coup from his own military! As James Trusty, former DOJ said today on Fox Business, "People think that just because it's Donald Trump's personality at play, there's a different set of rules." As always Emerald, thank you for your outstanding reporting and delivery.

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Like everything else in the Trump years, in which we still reside and will for a while, light is shed on the putrid swamp, and the horrific smell is nauseating. They can't hide like cockroaches in the shadows anymore, and MAGA is done trusting the RINO Uniparty. Change is coming, and the woke left Commie Dems are making it easy by destroying the country. Americans are not blind to the destruction, witness the latest Sleepy Creepy Fraud China Joe's approval rating at 42%. The few people that actually voted for Joe don't even like him, so his floor is zero, and scumbag Demorats are terrified. MAGA will not let them steal elections for ever.

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America needs a shrink, because "the news" has become the latest insanity. If your a "news junky" like me, it means your hooked on hearing about insanity. This observation, is not intended to disparage those like Emerald who work in the news business, she and others have done their best to report honestly what is going on. It's just, that what is going on is to much to bear even. Words fail at some point. America is sort of like a family member who was slowly losing their mind and the family tried their best to run interference, protect and explain away harmful thoughts and behaviors even to the point of enablement. But, at some point an intervention is needed. But, how do you do an intervention on half a country that has gone mad?

The previous paragraph, came from the frustration of yeah where is the Durham report? Maybe, if the sane would defend sanity, morality and normality it would still exist. But, maybe not. Republicans had other opportunities defend us and didn't then too. Remember, how we didn't learn from Lois Lerner and that abuse of power?

After this therefore because of this comes to mind.

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Today we learned that the FBI, at a minimum, disregarded the Constitution, the law and policy in deference to Mark Milley's purported demand that he be the sole person in the Trump administration to direct them or receive communication from them. This man should be arrested. Instead, the President defended him. We cannot trust the FBI any longer. I believe it must be disbanded. Were a Republican in charge today, I'd suggest that whatever Mr. Durham has be turned over to someone from another agency. Though that would mean more time before we learn the results, there is really no choice now. Durham is either milking the government for money or holding back as a means of preventing the facts from being make public. Either way, he has to go.

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Excellent article! Well worth reading articles that involve using articulate thinking and common sense instead of emotional tsunami's. Keep it up.

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Thanks for saying it. The trust is gone to anybody with a brain and it’s not coming back. It will only be returned through a Revolution. Our Founding Fathers should be shooting by now.

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