This is really astonishing data (not that I am surprised in the least). Our government of, by and FOR THE PEOPLE seems in a desperate and purposeful way, attempting to cover-up their massive failure regarding C19. The body bags will continue to pile up folks and the physician's office will be full for decades to come over this debacle. All as Pfizer, Moderna, the politicians and CDC/NIH continue to reap the rewards financially with no ability to be held accountable. True science is a myth these days.

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They lie about everything. Right now they are fabricating data on "white supremacy" crimes to prop up Biden and attempt to take down Trump.

Economics, ukraine, spending, health, it's all manipulated by our corrupt government.

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I’ve said it before, you rock Emerald!

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She has the guts lacking in 99% of the mainstream media.

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Emerald, strongly suggest you send this to Senator Johnson, if you already haven’t. If not, let me know here…I will call him.

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Agree. Thanks for the suggestion.

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People Die in Wars. We are in a World War. Unconvential-Unrestricted Warfare. We just Don't All Recognize it as War, even after the 2020 Coup took over and re-installed the JoBama Regime.

SADS is just one 1. attack* front of several*, not to minimize it at all. It is a Major Assault.

Couple it with 2. the "Greater" (than 1929) Economic Depression, and 3. Armistice* following the coming *Chino-Russian Conflict. *( USSA loses the Conflict and signs a humiliating armistice similar to what was forced on the Germans following WWI ).

Have a Good day, Comrades. You will own nothing, and be miserable, if still alive in your former country.

If you disagee, better wtfu and Do More than just vote for the Other Wing of the Great Buzzard Party.

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Sir: Thank you, sir. A brilliant reminder that we who are Patriots must try to have the functioning gonads of our Founding Fathers, as in Lexington and Concord if need be. As for me, I also adhere to the lesson of my philosophical ancestors and antecedents at the great fort Ticonderoga ,and thereafter when Gen.Henry Knox dragged the heavy cannons through the winter snows by oxen sledges to battle the British and the Tory traitors in other places.

Your letter encompassed exactly what we should feel and what we must do,for ourselves and for our country. Again, thank you, Sir.

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Our government is totally corrupt, the reason they have to destroy Trump, he is the one person they fear. He knows just how corrupt they are and is willing to call them out. He needs our support, like him or hate him, he is our only hope

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Trump is our Commander in Chief in this war; We are our only hope. People come and go, there will be casualities. Liberty is an Inherent Belief of We the People.

The Revolutionary War lasted 9 years until treaty signed, and British tried to regain control again in 1812. Individual States lost their independence in 1865. Feral Gov consolidated supremacy under Presidents Wilson, & FDR. then the DC Cabal seized total lasting power when JFK was executed. These are just the listed historical "Results", imo.

The Price of Liberty is Clearly defined by Thomas Jefferson in "watering the tree of liberty".

Whether that price can be paid with Feral Reserve Fiat "Money" is highly doubtful.

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Jessica Rose has got this nailed down too. Excess deaths in younger males way up. She uses data from Alberta.

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Another three letter organization bites the dust: fraud is rampant. Emerald, you have done it again! Thank you.

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The CDC is controlled by Big Pharma. The CDC staff is over 90% Commie Dem or worse. They are never going to show the Big Pharma Jab in a negative light. They are always going to protect a Commie Dem regime.

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Great job as always, Emerald.

When will the liars and cheaters in the Government and media get their deserved retribution? They need to go to prison… or worse if they don’t.

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Public health, education, scientific research, insurance etc should never have come under the purview of federal power, unless there was documented evidence of discriminatory treatment of individuals (equal treatment under the law).

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Please check out https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnEHoover

He's been on this for years.

He actually made the template for the map the WHO uses.

Love your work.

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Excellent link with John Cullen. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks for all you are doing. I ranted at Newsmax TV last year for their covid reporting, Dr. Jha no less, then you revealed the truth of the HHS payouts and it all made sense. Keep up the good work.

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Hammer 'em, Emerald - HAMMER THEM. It will be impossible for these murderers to hold back this wave of information much longer. I'm not formally religious, but even I can see a Day of Reckoning along the lines of the Old Testament coming down the pike. I want Fauci in Bernie Madoff's jail cell.

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Yes, I’m all for that!!!

I full agree let’s unplug the CDC from the honeypot and while we’re at it let’s go ahead and do the same for every United States government agency they are all utterly corrupt, right?

But then how we gonna do this we looked high and low for a man someone who could save us, but there is no man.

The people who the country belongs too, we’re gonna have do it. If it we don’t, it won’t get done.

Then again all this might be solved for us by China.

Ignorant Pelosi is going to Taiwan in spite of urgent warnings from China to stay out of it.

We’re sending an old obsolete Reagan carrier group in a very dangerous situation because of that ignorant drunk.

China has hypersonic missiles that could destroy that carrier before it even shows on our radar.

(Currently, we have no way of defending ourselves from hypersonic missiles.)

Particularly, since it’s likely that China may declare that entire air space a no-fly zone.

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Finally, people are openly saying what we all knew from the beginning. Covid is a scam designed to steal an election and usher in the "Great Reset" through medical tyranny and climate change hoax propaganda. Another resource I just saw is Wayne Allyn Root's piece in the Gateway Pundit about the mRNA shots they redefined as a "vaccine." Are you getting the pattern here? Redefine words to confuse people and influence a favorite (failed) narrative. Here's the link to the TGP article : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/wayne-root-list-studies-government-data-around-world-showing-covid-vaccine-dangerous-deadly-worst-heath-care-disaster-world-history/

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Slightly off-topic, but not really:

For those of us who are, and remain, "purebloods", do you know about the Vax Control Group (https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/) ?

The goal: having a worldwide control group against which to judge the "safety" (ha!) and "effectiveness" (ha! ha!) of the injections.

There are two requirements to be a participant:

(1) Be unjabbed; and

(2) File a health update every month.

I've been a study participant since the end of 2021; I file my report the beginning of every month including after my (very mild case of) Covid in February.

Join us!

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