Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data?
There's 50,000 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) & cancer deaths that have gone missing
The number of “non natural cause” deaths in America has skyrocketed so much that the CDC has simply stopped processing the data.
In fact, the CDC stopped updating cancer deaths in Week 50 of 2021.
Researchers who use the CDC’s “mortality statistics” cannot access the data at all.
The researcher known as the “Ethical Skeptic” on Twitter has figured out what the CDC has been doing — and it’s not good.

This is a chart for cancer deaths from the CDC. According to the Ethical Skeptic, excess deaths in the United States are now so high that there’s simply no historical analogy. He wrote: "This would have no precedent in excess death regarding its exception magnitude.”
He then used this analogy: If you take the American Civil War’s death total of 618,200 and divide it by 53 months, you get 11,664 deaths per month. According to the CDC data, there have been 313,700 deaths in the last 16 months in America — for a monthly average of 19,606 deaths.
He said: “So 170% more significant/rare than the American Civil War level of death.”
The Ethical Skeptic has also posted a very important thread (6 tweets and comments) that I’ve captured here.

#2: Apparently, CDC death records were “paused” for a “database system upgrade” in 2022 that makes it much harder to understand the data — but once you collect it properly, you see what the CDC is hiding.
#3: Excess Deaths are now higher in 2022 than they were in 2021.
#4: The CDC is also still hiding almost 20,000 Excess Death reports that are not processed in the database system.
#5: Cancer deaths are also on the rise.
#6: In fact, deaths in every category are on the rise.
The Ethical Skeptic has also explained how the CDC is trying to hide the skyrocketing death rate by manipulating the data.
The CDC removed more than 51,900 death records coded for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, and put 21,000 back into the system with 6,571 placed in a new category. The other 24,000 are still missing.
Meanwhile, Dr. Andrew Bostom has been permanently suspended a second time (Twitter was forced to reinstate him the first time) for this recent tweet on Twitter:
That’s not all: the CDC has been caught failing to perform “a proportional reporting ratio, or PRR, data mining analysis on a weekly basis to determine whether the amount of reported ‘adverse events’ following the administration of COVID-19 vaccine doses in the public Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, database is proportional to reported adverse events linked to the administration of other vaccines” according to a new article in the Washington Examiner.
Finally, the CDC has also been caught “coordinating with social media companies and Google to censor users who expressed skepticism or criticism of COVID-19 vaccines” according to internal documents published in a new article by the Washington Free Beacon.
There’s a word for this sort of thing — and the word is: fraud.
It’s time to de-fund the CDC, and prosecute its administrators.
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This is really astonishing data (not that I am surprised in the least). Our government of, by and FOR THE PEOPLE seems in a desperate and purposeful way, attempting to cover-up their massive failure regarding C19. The body bags will continue to pile up folks and the physician's office will be full for decades to come over this debacle. All as Pfizer, Moderna, the politicians and CDC/NIH continue to reap the rewards financially with no ability to be held accountable. True science is a myth these days.
I’ve said it before, you rock Emerald!