Disney is perverted pedophilic trash. Boycott. Democrats love pedophiles and child porn. Romney, Collins’s do too. Disgusting

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The Dems are hoping for a 3 day news story that will just blow over or be strategically replaced by a staged story.

Not going to happen. There isn't anyone that I have engaged that does not have a Disney story or connection intheir lives.


Secondly, the Dems are in complete panic that the word "Groomer" is going to replace racist as the next political tool to slam them into a defensive corner with NO WAY OUT !


God has put his hand and full weight on the moral scales for us to help defeat this perversion and save his most important and cherished creation, HIS CHILDREN.

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Try telling any normie this information and you are a conspiracy theorist.. however, more and more, yesterday's conspiracy seems to be today's truth. I realize $$$ are needed for this kind of reporting, this article might be worthy to be 'free' so we can post it far and wide

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From one child sex trafficker to another Maxwell > Disney

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Love you reporting and very happy to sponsor Quality reporting

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Yep me as well!

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I remember when Disneyland was a place to escape harsh realities of everyday life and was even a school graduation reward. Three generations of fond family excursions as well.

What a tragic turn of events.

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This ain’t Walt Disney’s vision any longer. Lets show them the business fatalism of embracing Leftism!

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People who once loudly proclaimed the benefits of a "family-friendly" Disney vacation are cowering in silence now as the pedophile connection plays out.

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Mickey has a problem

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Another interesting connection and picture thats worth a thousand words is this one that Epstein had in his house.


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Glad to see Emerald holding Disney accountable via journalistic integrity. Here's a clip of Sean Feucht's daughter praying at yesterday's Burbank rally that Emerald referenced via Andy Ngo's tweet: https://youtu.be/paOnahNpMWI plus more info on future protests at Disney attractions in Anaheim & Orlando at https://www.ParentsFightBack.com/

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Direct link since the PFB forwarder is currently timing out due to traffic: https://hold-the-line.revv.co/parents_fight_back

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I can't say that I have boycotted Disneyland (I live near Anaheim) but i haven't been there since some time in the 1970's. I had no idea what kind of workforce they had. Nor have I visited the Burbank studios. I went to Disneyland several times as an adult because they had musicians I could see perform without paying for the rides on Friday nights. Before that, I only went there as a child when my parents had out-of-town visitors. I also watched some but not all of their television programs. But, I can say that this scandal is the last thing I could have imagined . You never know.

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And these misfits will have their judgment day too! Disgusting!

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