Why's Reid Hoffman Funding Smartmatic Lawsuits?
What could be more frightening than Jeffrey Epstein's fat friend owning our electronic voting machines?
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News broke today that Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend (and LinkedIn founder) Reid Hoffman has been bankrolling voting machine company Smartmatic’s lawsuits against right-leaning media companies like Fox News and Newsmax.
I know all about these lawsuits because I’m the only American journalist named in both the Smartmatic lawsuits and the Dominion Voting System lawsuits.
In fact, I’ve already been deposed by Smartmatic’s lawyers — and my deposition with Dominion’s attorneys is coming soon.
The first thing that struck me about these stories: they were all published on July 8th within hours of each other.
All of them were posted across the left-wing corporate media world almost simultaneously — including the Washington Post, Daily Beast, and CNN — which indicates highly coordinated action.
What’s going on? These are left-wing outlets owned by the Democrat Party, and they don’t usually print the secret activities of major Democrat donors. My guess is that the donor rivalries inside the Democrat Party are heating up as Joe Biden fights for his political life — and Hoffman has angered someone who’s very powerful in that gangster hierarchy.
Why did Hoffman invest in Smartmatic? His business associates told the Washington Post that: “Not only is Smartmatic a great investment in terms of financial returns, this was a way to provide capital that would allow the truth to be found in the courts.”
That’s ridiculous of course.
The truth is that electronic voting machines are highly vulnerable to fraud and manipulation.
It’s also important to remember: the face that’s hiding behind the voting machine companies is the federal government and our national security agencies.
Hoffman’s recent “investment” in Smartmatic also nicely coincides with Dominion Voting machines completely blowing up Puerto Rico’s election primaries on June 2nd.
Ask yourself: what could be more frightening than Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend gaining control of our electronic voting machines?
The last time that I really looked into the workings of Smartmatic, it turned out that Lord Malloch Brown (the best friend of George Soros) was pimping its products while sitting on its board of directors. With Soros now in his dotage, and Brown pushed out recently, perhaps Reid Hoffman is being handed the keys to that operation?
We shall soon know.
Ultimately, it’s good news that Hoffman has been outed by his allies — because this story should lower the public’s trust in electronic voting machines even more.
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Yes, this is the same Reid Hoffman that bankrolled E.J. Carroll's fake rape lawsuit against Donald Trump where the gold-digging slut claimed she was "raped" by him in a woman's dressing room that she didn't know where it was, in a store she couldn't remember, in a year she couldn't remember, and on and on. Looking at pictures of that tramp back then, and her pictures now, you can see that she had the crazed, evil look in her face and eyes. Trump would have never touched that lizard with a 30 foot electrified pole. The whole E.J. Carroll fake, frivolous lawsuit will be overturned on appeal. Maybe not in NY, but in the U.S. Supreme Court. Same goes for DEI LeTITia James fake, fraudulent, phoney lawsuit against Trump Inc.
Electronic voting machines need to be outlawed. PERIOD.