Yes, this is the same Reid Hoffman that bankrolled E.J. Carroll's fake rape lawsuit against Donald Trump where the gold-digging slut claimed she was "raped" by him in a woman's dressing room that she didn't know where it was, in a store she couldn't remember, in a year she couldn't remember, and on and on. Looking at pictures of that tramp back then, and her pictures now, you can see that she had the crazed, evil look in her face and eyes. Trump would have never touched that lizard with a 30 foot electrified pole. The whole E.J. Carroll fake, frivolous lawsuit will be overturned on appeal. Maybe not in NY, but in the U.S. Supreme Court. Same goes for DEI LeTITia James fake, fraudulent, phoney lawsuit against Trump Inc.
07/08/24: Tales of Hoffman! Reed has indeed gotten his rotund *ss in a sling. Here are the dates when he's in trouble:
07/02/24 is probably the day that the retribution mentioned above started rolling; RH goes off the deep end on 07/17/24; finds himself with no room to maneuver / severely restricted 07/19/24; no one wants to be Reid Hoffman on 08/19/24; ditto 09/03/24; lay off the blind dates, Donut Boy, on 10/10/24; more miasmatic disorientation 10/24/24; and his election night will be the end of this sorry saga (11/05---06/24).
Let me repeat this so I get it straight: Unscrupulous Democratic operatives (redundant, sorry) want to HELP Fox-Pravda and Newsmax?! Doesn't this make Fox-Pravda and Newsmax part of the UniParty? (rhetorical question).
07/10/24 (Second message): Chris Ruddy, majority owner of Newsmax, will be rocked July 17 & 21st, which ties in with the earthquake at the White House on or about July 15, 2024, at which time Jill Biden's "Rasputin" will be sent packing.
Watch for him to be floundering on or about October 8, 2024, a month that spells catastrophe for Hillary Clinton and Merrick Garland.
Ruddy's election night (11/05/24) and the aftermath (11/06-08/24) can be described as "Dead On Arrival."
In this respect, we're too Biden/Trump-focused.
(Which is, as far as the media is concerned right now, fine with them because there's nothing easier to do for lazy people than to sit on their asses on The View, etc. and harp on the subject to the exclusion of hard investigative journalism elsewhere.)
Many other things occur in the life of such a person (Ruddy), so the upheavals and disappointment can pertain to entirely differently things, which none the less, will very likely center around Newsmax (once in such an orbit, one's personal life becomes a ghost of its former self. "Yes, this is Joe. I'd like to make a lunch reservation with my father Chris for next week. Are there any openings?").
Another reason to distrust Newsmax. My primary one is that they've hired a slew of broken-down old newsies --- male and female --- who are running on auto-pilot, which gives me the creeps (if you can buy Walt Stirewalt, anybody can be "bought"). There's 200 good jobs and 25,000 applicants. Backbones (spines) are verboten!
As Emerald Robinson found out the hard way (god bless her soul!).
Don't forget, the FCC issues and cancels broadcasting licenses. And running a "foundation" (shake-down racket) can be extremely profitable.
Reid is a gigantic odiferous turd. He funded to slut law lawsuit against 45. The department store changing room queen.
He manipulated covid data on LinkedIn. I was and continue to be a Peter McCullough aficionado. I posted Peter's early treatment protocols on LinkedIn. Three warnings later about community standards and misinformation, I was bounced.
My, isn't that interesting. My first thought is that he's serving as a $ front for the "intelligence community" and/or the CCP (which I now believe are allied, especially the CIA).
The CCP have nothing to do with the Intelligence Agencies, the CIA established 1947 under the guise of the Dulles Brothers, especially the statute passed 1947 that created the CIA SAC SOG paramilitaries was a result of a makeover of the OSS, and operation Paperclip, when a number of high ranking Nazis architects of Hitlers Third Reich were bought to the U.S to create in the U.S intelligence system a system as good as the Gestapo had been, together many of the Reich scientists, all given jobs to create the U.S Rocket program, they were instrumental in forming NASA.
China isn’t the enemy, they are not overtly interested in usurping the U.S being focussed on trade and economic well being, long term prosperity, you need to read more,understand your own nations sordid history across so many metrics, it truly amazes how ignorant so many in Europe and especially the U.S actually are, bereft of any real clues their own reality.
The OSS was used as the tool for the usurpation of foreign entities and nation states.
Starting in Hawaii deposing the royal family 1890, then onto the Phillipines before rolling through Southern, Central, South and Latin America, the Caribbean States, the Bolsheviks 1915-17, hence by the end of WW2 more than 35 nations had been subject to U.S OSS intelligence services treatment, dictators installed, governments overthrown.
Post WW2 it was decided to ratchet up the operations to counter a self contrived communist threat… a threat that was continuously escalated incessantly by the U.S.. just as the U.S placing nukes into Turkey caused the Cuban missile crisis and Kruschev’s famous response.
Nothing has changed, since 1947 we have seen a total of 87 coups, assassinations, attempted assassinations, regime changes orchestrated the CIA and SAC/SOG. Its odious, little wonder the world now rejects entirely U.S hegemony, rightfully wanting to distance themselves, shutting you out, you are a nation despised by a global majority, you have weaponised finance, international law, institutions, conventions and norms, and now of late your own political system, your justice or rather injustice dept, virtually every vestige of what was once great and sacrosanct that could be upheld as a beacon to others corrupted, even your democratic republic now a Dollarcracy, your votes meaningless, politicians including your presidents and every other position of import decided upon by donors and their lobbyists, your legislation written by Think Tanks, Councils.. Foreign Relations, Atlantic et al, the NGO’s and ubiquitous latest plaything and must have accoutrement your billionaire class, the same named Foundations… good luck with that as they play you every election cycle to get your vote … a vote needed to legitimise the illegitimacy of their takeover of what remains of your electoral system… it is sick, needs torn down the entire edifice, it’s rotten to its very core…
Like I said so much you and so many just don’t get, don’t it seems understand, certainly judging by comments made.
Any nation that since its founding 1776 through only 2014 as confirmed one term Democrat President Jimmy Carter opined 2014 that has only up until that moment enjoyed 16 years of not being engaged in a conflict or War of any kind is in serious need of help, a blood lust it seems underpins your nation, always taken to war the same lies, same narrative and trope, always gotta have a boogie man, Russia, China, it matters not, print baby print, money, money, money.. the U.S spends and destroys to the betterment of a small handful instead of like China and the Russian Federation spending and investing to build, not bomb, to uplift it’s citizens wealth, funny how a Russia for the first time ever was confirmed the World Bank and IMF as surpassing Germany and Japan to be the world’s 4th largest economy by Purchasing Power Parity, the only true indicator, what an item costs in the subject country benchmarked against those it’s measured against, wonder if that’s why homeownership in Russia sits at a staggering 81% of adults, with 78% of those owning outright their own homes, as for China, its success needs no elaboration, like I said, they’ve been building not bombing, they are beloved by the global majority whilst the bombers are despised, loathed, what do you think that tells you… and this mate, is only scratching the surface… so much more that could be said… alas,no room. Look up, look into, research, learn, read, discern, think for yourself… switch off the tube and stop reading MSM rubbish, it’ll turn your head to mush, think ole Joe, that’s a case in point of how you don’t want your mind ending up …
Kia thank you much of what you said I believe most investigative Americans can agree with you, the time of the US Bullying other nations with sanctions and getting NATO'S help to do just that may be coming to an end. I have read that there are now 32 nations interested in joining BRICS. I have read HOW the IMF and NATO have orchestrated the strap against other nation states. It is sad to see what is happening to the USA like you said once a beacon of freedom. There are many fighting back against the real infiltrators we are awake as to what is happening and plan TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. One book that was eye opening for those that have no idea what role the IMF plays is called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". SHINE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH FOLKS AND VOTE ACCORDINGLY -
I am interested to learn what the actual end game is. All of these Fake News Media outlets pushing the same story about the same leftist billionaire on the same day reeks of coordination.
It's not complicated, and it is coordinated. The end game is to steal as much of the world's wealth from normal folks as they can, and turn us into indentured servants.
The good news is that this scheme has been tried many times in history, and it always fails. The wealthy start going after each other and eventually the people rebel violently. The bad news is that there will be a lot of suffering before that happens.
In addition, LinkedIn forces a feed from the Democratic Coalition into my feed every day. I didn't ask for it, cannot block it and cannot unfollow. Every day it posts really stupid stuff that is almost always easily refutable. But I also know there are millions of gullible folks on LinkedIn who probably don't know about the scam.
"what could be more frightening than Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend gaining control of our electronic voting machines?"
IMHO, it could be the fact, that Biden, against all odds, is a much better bet (than VP Harris is) for a tiny ballot count differences in the battleground counties. Head-to-head count results are what's needed to justify 're-counts', 'adjustments', 'verifyings' (you name it) of counting protocols. And what might make such an investment justified businesswise as well.
Biden's staying in the race might be orchestrated so. With another VP nominee on the ballot, obviously.
(thank you for your spotlighting work and forgive my poor English).
Hoffman also worked at PayPal, same as Musk. Musk recently tweeted that why has there been no investigations into Jeff Epstein's pals Hoffman and Bill Gates. From that I assume he is not a fanboy of those two. Does he suspect/ know something about them? Silicon Valley is a bigger rumor mill than Hollywood. A great opportunity for Trump to look into their affairs.
Why every time I see R. Hoffman's face I think of Pritzker? Both are bank rollers for the DNC. Come to think of it they both look like younger George Soros who as we well know has been the finance boy of the Democratic Party since the late 60's when the Clintons brought him into the DNC Fold he has been buying their votes for socialism ever since.
Great article as usual Emerald. Let us not forget that Kamala's husband was and may still be the business partner of Mallach Brown - in the first four years of Donald Trump's Presidency. Their "partnership" was an organization out of London I believe called LTG - but perhaps now it is with Reid H. LIKE MINDS TRAVEL TOGETHER. At the time that I researched it approximately 2019 - guess what their product was "electronic voting machines" after this information got out - they changed their profiles to boast their company is "financial consulting" and "other investments"., changing their online story. You know "financial and business consulting" sort of like ARABELLA also started by Soros in America, now acting as a consultant to set up and fund 5 different tax exempt organizations to use as pop-up riots, pop-up "DEMAND JUSTICE". "DEMOCRACY NOW" etc. THEN PRIVATELY FUNDED UNDER THIS UMBRALLA OF TAX EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS. ( HIDING IN PLAIN SITE).
Wow, that old saying the camera never lies, nor can you hide your own reality from the truth of the cameras lens… thus the physical descriptive of your subject, as so well narrated within your article, and more specifically, also within the article that was linked seems on the face of it to unequivocally bear out said descriptor…
I guess there are some people for whom it might be said… that they are better avoiding such if you get my drift..
Especially those together any….. with a tendency toward vanity and or who care about how others see them..
Moreover when considered… it can only be for such persons another indisputable negative …. the fact that aside from the lens of a camera, eyes don’t deceive either.. makes you wonder what they actually look at and see when looking into a mirror, or seeing a reflection of themselves..
Perish the thought, the emperor is fully clad, a true fashionista😂😂😂😂, still at least the one salient and takeaway for such people, is that we know for sure it is a blameless happenstance.
Thus the blame for what is seen, what they also are seeing in any mirror or image of themselves lies squarely with the face they see staring back at them… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, just as it ought be.. litigate that fact.
Guess who Trump is going to go after for defamation, interference with the election process, interference with businesses, malicious abuse of process, etc. when the political witch-hunt suits are tossed???? He's going after Carroll, Reid Hoffman as the financial backer, NY State (Governor and DEI Letitia James).
Yes, this is the same Reid Hoffman that bankrolled E.J. Carroll's fake rape lawsuit against Donald Trump where the gold-digging slut claimed she was "raped" by him in a woman's dressing room that she didn't know where it was, in a store she couldn't remember, in a year she couldn't remember, and on and on. Looking at pictures of that tramp back then, and her pictures now, you can see that she had the crazed, evil look in her face and eyes. Trump would have never touched that lizard with a 30 foot electrified pole. The whole E.J. Carroll fake, frivolous lawsuit will be overturned on appeal. Maybe not in NY, but in the U.S. Supreme Court. Same goes for DEI LeTITia James fake, fraudulent, phoney lawsuit against Trump Inc.
07/08/24: Tales of Hoffman! Reed has indeed gotten his rotund *ss in a sling. Here are the dates when he's in trouble:
07/02/24 is probably the day that the retribution mentioned above started rolling; RH goes off the deep end on 07/17/24; finds himself with no room to maneuver / severely restricted 07/19/24; no one wants to be Reid Hoffman on 08/19/24; ditto 09/03/24; lay off the blind dates, Donut Boy, on 10/10/24; more miasmatic disorientation 10/24/24; and his election night will be the end of this sorry saga (11/05---06/24).
Let me repeat this so I get it straight: Unscrupulous Democratic operatives (redundant, sorry) want to HELP Fox-Pravda and Newsmax?! Doesn't this make Fox-Pravda and Newsmax part of the UniParty? (rhetorical question).
NewsMax founder Chris Ruddy has donated generously to The Clinton Foundation. Old news. Million$.
Does any entity, like even a Heritage or a Hillsdale enjoy a similar deposit from a Chris Ruddy type?
07/10/24 (Second message): Chris Ruddy, majority owner of Newsmax, will be rocked July 17 & 21st, which ties in with the earthquake at the White House on or about July 15, 2024, at which time Jill Biden's "Rasputin" will be sent packing.
Watch for him to be floundering on or about October 8, 2024, a month that spells catastrophe for Hillary Clinton and Merrick Garland.
Ruddy's election night (11/05/24) and the aftermath (11/06-08/24) can be described as "Dead On Arrival."
In this respect, we're too Biden/Trump-focused.
(Which is, as far as the media is concerned right now, fine with them because there's nothing easier to do for lazy people than to sit on their asses on The View, etc. and harp on the subject to the exclusion of hard investigative journalism elsewhere.)
Many other things occur in the life of such a person (Ruddy), so the upheavals and disappointment can pertain to entirely differently things, which none the less, will very likely center around Newsmax (once in such an orbit, one's personal life becomes a ghost of its former self. "Yes, this is Joe. I'd like to make a lunch reservation with my father Chris for next week. Are there any openings?").
07/10/24: Thanks for the tip!
Another reason to distrust Newsmax. My primary one is that they've hired a slew of broken-down old newsies --- male and female --- who are running on auto-pilot, which gives me the creeps (if you can buy Walt Stirewalt, anybody can be "bought"). There's 200 good jobs and 25,000 applicants. Backbones (spines) are verboten!
As Emerald Robinson found out the hard way (god bless her soul!).
Don't forget, the FCC issues and cancels broadcasting licenses. And running a "foundation" (shake-down racket) can be extremely profitable.
Very likely.
Electronic voting machines need to be outlawed. PERIOD.
this issue is as simple as that
Reid is a gigantic odiferous turd. He funded to slut law lawsuit against 45. The department store changing room queen.
He manipulated covid data on LinkedIn. I was and continue to be a Peter McCullough aficionado. I posted Peter's early treatment protocols on LinkedIn. Three warnings later about community standards and misinformation, I was bounced.
Yes, that's Tied. An odiferous turd.
From the beach...
My, isn't that interesting. My first thought is that he's serving as a $ front for the "intelligence community" and/or the CCP (which I now believe are allied, especially the CIA).
The CCP have nothing to do with the Intelligence Agencies, the CIA established 1947 under the guise of the Dulles Brothers, especially the statute passed 1947 that created the CIA SAC SOG paramilitaries was a result of a makeover of the OSS, and operation Paperclip, when a number of high ranking Nazis architects of Hitlers Third Reich were bought to the U.S to create in the U.S intelligence system a system as good as the Gestapo had been, together many of the Reich scientists, all given jobs to create the U.S Rocket program, they were instrumental in forming NASA.
China isn’t the enemy, they are not overtly interested in usurping the U.S being focussed on trade and economic well being, long term prosperity, you need to read more,understand your own nations sordid history across so many metrics, it truly amazes how ignorant so many in Europe and especially the U.S actually are, bereft of any real clues their own reality.
The OSS was used as the tool for the usurpation of foreign entities and nation states.
Starting in Hawaii deposing the royal family 1890, then onto the Phillipines before rolling through Southern, Central, South and Latin America, the Caribbean States, the Bolsheviks 1915-17, hence by the end of WW2 more than 35 nations had been subject to U.S OSS intelligence services treatment, dictators installed, governments overthrown.
Post WW2 it was decided to ratchet up the operations to counter a self contrived communist threat… a threat that was continuously escalated incessantly by the U.S.. just as the U.S placing nukes into Turkey caused the Cuban missile crisis and Kruschev’s famous response.
Nothing has changed, since 1947 we have seen a total of 87 coups, assassinations, attempted assassinations, regime changes orchestrated the CIA and SAC/SOG. Its odious, little wonder the world now rejects entirely U.S hegemony, rightfully wanting to distance themselves, shutting you out, you are a nation despised by a global majority, you have weaponised finance, international law, institutions, conventions and norms, and now of late your own political system, your justice or rather injustice dept, virtually every vestige of what was once great and sacrosanct that could be upheld as a beacon to others corrupted, even your democratic republic now a Dollarcracy, your votes meaningless, politicians including your presidents and every other position of import decided upon by donors and their lobbyists, your legislation written by Think Tanks, Councils.. Foreign Relations, Atlantic et al, the NGO’s and ubiquitous latest plaything and must have accoutrement your billionaire class, the same named Foundations… good luck with that as they play you every election cycle to get your vote … a vote needed to legitimise the illegitimacy of their takeover of what remains of your electoral system… it is sick, needs torn down the entire edifice, it’s rotten to its very core…
Like I said so much you and so many just don’t get, don’t it seems understand, certainly judging by comments made.
Any nation that since its founding 1776 through only 2014 as confirmed one term Democrat President Jimmy Carter opined 2014 that has only up until that moment enjoyed 16 years of not being engaged in a conflict or War of any kind is in serious need of help, a blood lust it seems underpins your nation, always taken to war the same lies, same narrative and trope, always gotta have a boogie man, Russia, China, it matters not, print baby print, money, money, money.. the U.S spends and destroys to the betterment of a small handful instead of like China and the Russian Federation spending and investing to build, not bomb, to uplift it’s citizens wealth, funny how a Russia for the first time ever was confirmed the World Bank and IMF as surpassing Germany and Japan to be the world’s 4th largest economy by Purchasing Power Parity, the only true indicator, what an item costs in the subject country benchmarked against those it’s measured against, wonder if that’s why homeownership in Russia sits at a staggering 81% of adults, with 78% of those owning outright their own homes, as for China, its success needs no elaboration, like I said, they’ve been building not bombing, they are beloved by the global majority whilst the bombers are despised, loathed, what do you think that tells you… and this mate, is only scratching the surface… so much more that could be said… alas,no room. Look up, look into, research, learn, read, discern, think for yourself… switch off the tube and stop reading MSM rubbish, it’ll turn your head to mush, think ole Joe, that’s a case in point of how you don’t want your mind ending up …
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
Kia thank you much of what you said I believe most investigative Americans can agree with you, the time of the US Bullying other nations with sanctions and getting NATO'S help to do just that may be coming to an end. I have read that there are now 32 nations interested in joining BRICS. I have read HOW the IMF and NATO have orchestrated the strap against other nation states. It is sad to see what is happening to the USA like you said once a beacon of freedom. There are many fighting back against the real infiltrators we are awake as to what is happening and plan TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. One book that was eye opening for those that have no idea what role the IMF plays is called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". SHINE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH FOLKS AND VOTE ACCORDINGLY -
mine too
I am interested to learn what the actual end game is. All of these Fake News Media outlets pushing the same story about the same leftist billionaire on the same day reeks of coordination.
It's not complicated, and it is coordinated. The end game is to steal as much of the world's wealth from normal folks as they can, and turn us into indentured servants.
The good news is that this scheme has been tried many times in history, and it always fails. The wealthy start going after each other and eventually the people rebel violently. The bad news is that there will be a lot of suffering before that happens.
end game: the world +5%
In addition, LinkedIn forces a feed from the Democratic Coalition into my feed every day. I didn't ask for it, cannot block it and cannot unfollow. Every day it posts really stupid stuff that is almost always easily refutable. But I also know there are millions of gullible folks on LinkedIn who probably don't know about the scam.
"what could be more frightening than Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend gaining control of our electronic voting machines?"
IMHO, it could be the fact, that Biden, against all odds, is a much better bet (than VP Harris is) for a tiny ballot count differences in the battleground counties. Head-to-head count results are what's needed to justify 're-counts', 'adjustments', 'verifyings' (you name it) of counting protocols. And what might make such an investment justified businesswise as well.
Biden's staying in the race might be orchestrated so. With another VP nominee on the ballot, obviously.
(thank you for your spotlighting work and forgive my poor English).
Jeffrey Epstein worked with/for Donald Barr, Bill Barr's father. Both CIA.
Bill Barr has always been a 'closer'.
Nuff said?
Reid Hoffman should have been dumped out with last week's trash. Just like the mob used to handle it.
Hoffman also worked at PayPal, same as Musk. Musk recently tweeted that why has there been no investigations into Jeff Epstein's pals Hoffman and Bill Gates. From that I assume he is not a fanboy of those two. Does he suspect/ know something about them? Silicon Valley is a bigger rumor mill than Hollywood. A great opportunity for Trump to look into their affairs.
What a zinger! Now I am informed! Thanks, Emerald, once again.
Why every time I see R. Hoffman's face I think of Pritzker? Both are bank rollers for the DNC. Come to think of it they both look like younger George Soros who as we well know has been the finance boy of the Democratic Party since the late 60's when the Clintons brought him into the DNC Fold he has been buying their votes for socialism ever since.
Great article as usual Emerald. Let us not forget that Kamala's husband was and may still be the business partner of Mallach Brown - in the first four years of Donald Trump's Presidency. Their "partnership" was an organization out of London I believe called LTG - but perhaps now it is with Reid H. LIKE MINDS TRAVEL TOGETHER. At the time that I researched it approximately 2019 - guess what their product was "electronic voting machines" after this information got out - they changed their profiles to boast their company is "financial consulting" and "other investments"., changing their online story. You know "financial and business consulting" sort of like ARABELLA also started by Soros in America, now acting as a consultant to set up and fund 5 different tax exempt organizations to use as pop-up riots, pop-up "DEMAND JUSTICE". "DEMOCRACY NOW" etc. THEN PRIVATELY FUNDED UNDER THIS UMBRALLA OF TAX EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS. ( HIDING IN PLAIN SITE).
Wow, that old saying the camera never lies, nor can you hide your own reality from the truth of the cameras lens… thus the physical descriptive of your subject, as so well narrated within your article, and more specifically, also within the article that was linked seems on the face of it to unequivocally bear out said descriptor…
I guess there are some people for whom it might be said… that they are better avoiding such if you get my drift..
Especially those together any….. with a tendency toward vanity and or who care about how others see them..
Moreover when considered… it can only be for such persons another indisputable negative …. the fact that aside from the lens of a camera, eyes don’t deceive either.. makes you wonder what they actually look at and see when looking into a mirror, or seeing a reflection of themselves..
Perish the thought, the emperor is fully clad, a true fashionista😂😂😂😂, still at least the one salient and takeaway for such people, is that we know for sure it is a blameless happenstance.
Thus the blame for what is seen, what they also are seeing in any mirror or image of themselves lies squarely with the face they see staring back at them… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, just as it ought be.. litigate that fact.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
Politics is Hollywood for the ugly.
Guess who Trump is going to go after for defamation, interference with the election process, interference with businesses, malicious abuse of process, etc. when the political witch-hunt suits are tossed???? He's going after Carroll, Reid Hoffman as the financial backer, NY State (Governor and DEI Letitia James).
Emerald, look at these recently unsealed documents from GA re: Dominion machines...