Praise For Emerald Robinson

“She’s got balls made of titanium.” —Steve Bannon

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Spot-on article and laugh out loud funny.

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Emerald, our jewel, is ever brilliant !!!💎💎💎👏👏

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They all look like emasculated Simps.

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Heh. What's with Goldberg's shirt? Is it from the "John Lasseter" clothing line? It comes with free "coupons" to give out shoulder massages.

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He won it in a 1978 "Billy Beer" t-shirt giveaway contest.

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I call them SOY BOYS! Just like Bill Gates (the largest land owner in America now). Beta males = Soy Boys! Game, Set, Match!

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Another good one is "Bug Men".

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Keep the good work up. I quit listening to them years ago.

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Another fantastic piece with much humor, Emerald! My humble take: Little people have little minds. So many in DC politics and media world tend to overstate their importance. You go, Emerald “Albert Einstein” Robinson!

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Loved it! Great article😂😂😂😂

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Another excellent essay Emerald. Seriously though - what is up with the never trumpers? I have never understood how they could hate him more than hillary or obama. Trump has his faults but compared to those two it's not even close.

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I'm forced to wonder what combination of personal and external factors really motivates some of what's seen from "establishment" folks, whether in media or otherwise. I don't underestimate the strength of pride or self deception but given the full scope of treacherous realities observable it seems like there's more to the explanation. There has clearly been betrayal by many who claim to have the interests of Americans/conservatives at heart. We allowed them to lie. It's served neither us nor them well. I agree though, great article! :-)

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Emerald is a diamond in journalism. She continually proves herself worthy of praise, even more so of reading, and ultimately of paying to subscribe to her column.

Diamonds don't normally come with this good of a deal..

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No worries, Emerald, we tossed those clowns years ago. The RNC/DNC Uniparty are simply businesses intent on 'earning' money from corporations, not voters. As RNC Chief Legal counsel Justin Riemer told Trumps lawyers when they asked for some of the $200M Trump filled to prove election fraud: "We make more money when our guys lose."

Special alert: Someone I never heard of just 'beat' Vernon Jones by 78% in GA! But... no voter fraud. I think Kemp is former Mafia...

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"We make more money when our guys lose." Exactly what the American Communist party lawyers said about their defendants, blacks, in the 1930s, when they "lost" their cases.

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You're Awesome Emerald! Keep Crushing!

MAGA = Patriot

BBB = Traitor

Any Questions?

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Over target again. What I want is a formal hearing from the election fraud whistle blowers. Who’s against that?

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David French didn't make the cut?

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French Fry, Inedible.

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Been wanting to subscribe but held off until now, this article is priceless! Great job Emerald love it!! Thank you for posting the truth and make it so enjoyable to read and giving us hope in the darkness.

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Oh lord, I love it …

I sure don’t wanna ever get on Emerald’s bad side.

Seriously, go get em’ Emerald tear em’ apart.

We need another hundred of you!!

Thanks I feel better already

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