God bless you Emerald.....Merry Christmas and keep up the excellent work!

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Blessings and Christmas peace, Emerald! Thank you!

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A real GEM you are Emerald. Thank you!

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I have a humble request. You have disparaged a number of moderate Republicans, conservatives who were, like many of us fooled by the left on various points. And some of them, being moderates are not a “rabid” as you are on certain topics.

Your disparaging remarks border on “cancelling” these moderates. “Cancelling” is what the woke leftists do.

So please stop running down moderates. Were the Big Tent party.

Thank you

John Hoopingarner

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Ba Humbug to be mild! The moderates sold us out to cultural marxism attacks on our familes, our children, our Churches, and "Unique, Compound, Constitutional Republic". .....

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