Everyone on planet earth knows the FBI is corrupt, but few people in the USA are even aware of CISA. CISA was a major part of the misinformation and propaganda campaigns surrounding the 2020 election. It literally originated the MASSIVE LIE that the 2020 election was the "most secure in history" in a press release on November 12, 2020. Despite the fact this statement was absolute BS when it was made, multiple security warnings from CISA about various 2020 election hardware and software system vulnerabilities (including vulnerabilities involving Dominion Voting Systems) since the election have not caused these hacks to walk back that false statement.

Yeah, the FBI and CISA "safeguarding" our elections is the "fox guarding the hen house." Make no mistake.

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CISA is a consortium of private companies including Dominion and Smartmatic

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Time to ditch the machines. If they are so vulnerable perhaps they should not use them. Paper ballots, sequentially numbered (like money), filled out in ink and counted by hand. Secure election! Not hard to do. Maybe even dip the finger in purple ink so people aren't tempted to do it again.

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Time to ditch them period...If you want legitimate elections, only allow voting in person with ID...Of course, most pols don't want honest elections....

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Italy has now admitted to using its satellites to reduce Trump's vote totals in 2020...

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Best damned argument to go with paper ballots only and do away with these useless, captured, corrupt agencies at all levels. In the words of one Tucker Carlson - fuck government.

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Yes, if there is an election, Emerald. WWIII well underway.

Please keep exposing the hypocrisy of the deep state.

Failed assassination. Failed lawfare. Control the vote count. Throw in the bird flu bullshit.

The stage is set.

From the beach....


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Spread the word! The fix is in! Way too many conservatives aren’t aware of voter fraud. Way too many Republican Congressman are voter fraud deniers! Blow the horn

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We need to win this election and then reform the system. There’s no other path. Register people and chase ballots. Have to flood the system. Arizona primaries showed it is possible.

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Yep, Sounds like they will steal the election during a false flag DDoS attack.

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As usual, they must tell us their plans. And, as usual, our heroes will ignore them, form a committee to lambast someone - anyone, for crimes that'll go unpunished. If we had a true Constitutional scholar, plans would be underway to “modify” our Constitution by closing these loopholes. Then, it can proudly be said “going forward” it won’t happen again. And, some day, it’ll be realized that every Congress is feckless as (I still use “as”) long as they are the detectives.

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When this stuff happens and nothing is done about it, it proves that, as a whole, the country has already failed. There are not enough people who care.

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Humty Dumpty ...!

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Aug 2Edited

They are already pre framing what is going to happen! THEY are going to interfere in the election and then will take their sweet time to swing it for the Democrats. The fix is in.

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Emerald thanks for this 'alert'. It just confirms what James O'Keefe said a few days ago that there will be a few more black swan events between now and election. Personally I feel that since the deep state failed on Trump's assassination they could resort to invoking marshall law [don't laugh'] by Disease X, War, etc & the election could be postponed. Otherwise I do NOT think Trump will be elected President because of the brute force being used by the Deep state.

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President Trump is right (again) - we are turning into Venezuela. These effers really do want Marxist control. Is there no one in the Republican Party that doesn’t know this and not want this for our country? Cuz this is it. It’s a one party going forward.

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Return to paper ballots. Count and announce the winner the next day. These "excuses" are from those in panic. They need to get over themselves!

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F*ck the FBI and CISA! If (when) they (try to) steal this one, there will be a major uprising. We The People ALL know the score; we know what happened in 2020 (AND 2022!).

I hope Ken Paxton and a number of other state AG's are lining up some honest judges ahead of time to stop this CRAP. If not, We The People will finally take up arms, and there will be Hell to pay for these criminals! They can go to jail the easy way (after Trump is elected), or they can go to Hell the hard way, when we finally break and come for them.

Okay - rant over. But I am so DONE with this criminal THEFT of our nation!

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No doubt. Elections are over. We have done NOTHING to secure our electoral system.

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Not only are the elections over, so is the country. If voting is meaningless so is the country.

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Mostly- We the People - are not tuned in!!

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As a result of this, the vote counters (government) can do what they want and use any reason they want to explain it.

And realize that our government is criticizing Venezuela’s election results.

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Yes, but this is 2024. The people are different than those from 1776. They are completely different universes.

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So, we are to believe that foreign enemies will hack into our voting system and delay results, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. But the results will be unaffected and thus completely accurate and trustworthy. It sounds like our enemies' mission is to delay reporting of election results by a few hours.

This gets more ridiculous by the day.

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Life is like a box of chocalates?

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