Our security state is a dangerous, corrupt organization. Works against American interests.

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Absolutely! The CIA has its fingers in all this disaster, since the 2014 CIA Coup in Ukraine. And let's not forget the 30 BioWeapon Labs that the Pentagon has installed in Ukraine (with money from Hunter Biden and Metabiota). Plus the Military-Industrial Complex. It is clear that the CIA and the Military-Industrial Complex wanted Joe Biden, not Trump, in the White House. And this begs the question: "what was the role of the CIA and the Military-Industrial Complex in the 2020 Election Fraud?"

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Twitter is 100% bots & paid posters at this point. It's so boring.

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Twitter is an asset of the CIA & NSA. Just like Facebook, Google, YouTube and Apple. The CIA and MI6 do have "Troll Farms". I saw them in action on my own Twitter account on two Threads I wrote 3 days before the 2020 Elections. Tens of thousands troll and bots infested those two Twitter Threads, most of them with zero followers, or one follower. I immediately thought these trolls and bots had to be coming from the CIA or MI6 troll farms. And I know why they did it.

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With social media giants voluntarily allowing gov't agencies to data mine their operations, the agencies get any & all dissident (conservative ) data, and allow these large oligarchical media operations to operate in a biased manner, provoking even more passions from dissidents. By posting, contrary political views, conservative-dissidents are painting their own targets on their own backs for the spy agencies, and the gov't (pretends at times but takes no action) doesn't step in to reign in any bias on their platforms. CIA, FBI, NSA are doing warrantless searches and they don't even need undercover vendors to data mine for them.

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Yes it is.

But can Emerald do about this !!

Complain ?

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The US has paid 7 times more in aid (military and humanitarian) than the next highest country. We have paid 50% more than all of the countries of Europe COMBINED. It is completely fair to question why we are footing the bill for Europe's problem.

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And WHO benefits from this? I see numerous fundraising efforts on behalf of 'charities', passionate pleas from elected officials for more 'aid', and the situation is always in 'crisis' playing off American's generosity towards enrichment of more grifters, political power for the warmongers, and it only gets worse. Has American diplomacy ever been worse?

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The only two who are getting it right about the war in Ukraine are:

1) Scott Ritter - fmr Marine

2) Col. Doug MacGregor

Zelensky is a puppet of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, just like Justin Trudeau. Neo-Nazi units are 40% of the Ukraine military - the Azov Battalion and such. Interesting to see that the Democrats and the CIA are on the same side with the Neo-Nazi of Ukraine. (RINO Lindsey Graham too).

3) Another expert who is worth listening to is Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, about the EMP weapons that Russia has, and the real situation of the Nuclear Weapons between the US, Russia and China. His bottom line: poking the nose of the Russian bear is not wise. It could lead to disaster.

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And Scott Ritter was the one who got it right on the WMD / Iraq debacle.

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Exactly! Scott Ritter was an inspector of WMD

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INDEED HE WAS. And was totally marginalized and discarded. The deep state gets what it wants.

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Everyday I am perplexed as to how this great divide among Americans will ever be healed. It seems impossible to convert anyone to an other side . The human ego is so damn sure it is right and will fight to the end, even at risk to their own children to cling to and prove their belief be it covid, the border and now this war. I see no way of stopping this in my own small world . 3 major friends I have had for years are non negotiable. Discussion is only a stress maker and needs to be avoided. Regarding this topic, I can only sit and watch. I am not there and do not fully understand the situation. My God, how is it possible that being patriotic, being an American has become such a negative stance. We must be at the end sorry to say.

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Ukraine is poorest country in Europe, billions in money-laundering by US "leaders", Heavy Nazi types in their military. MANY! Always has been a heart of nazism. And USA traitors and scumbags support it. Just watched Lara Logan's view of things. Excellent. She and Emerald are incredible, courageous journalists. Thank you, Emerald! I'd like to hear more about the Ukraine nazis. Remember all, Zelensky may be Jewish, but so is Soros who clearly admitted on 60 mins. interview that he posed as a Christian and was stealing from Jews who were heading off to concentration camps.

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Ukraine is their new George Floyd... it's time for Putin to put his knee on the neck and finish the problem!

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That could of happened from day one but it's not the mission. Watch Telegram channels to see what is really happening. All the major fighting is in the East which is pro Russia.

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(forgive me), but as the Ukraine forces have success (essentially dragging out the conflict) Russia becomes weaker.

Yet some things are strange to me......

Baffled #1 - how odd it is to witness the divide over the conflict with some patriots even saying that Zelensky is a Nazi (Azof) lover (WTH, he's Jewish (though I do not know if he is practicing)

Baffled #2 - for the longest time it "looked" like all their neighbors and Europe were engaged in "spectator sport"... just "loved" all the "words of condemnation".... loved the meme's laughing at the "paper" sanctions.... and the administration that said "sanctions = deterrence", then said "nobody expected the sanctions to stop Putin"

Baffled #3 - the current issues go all the way back to Obama who did nothing but muddy the water (Burisma)

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Your opening statement is completely wrong. Russia is not putting full force on Ukraine. They are not being weakened. The heavy battles are in East which is Pro Russia. I would suggest watching Telegram Channels for what is really going on.

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For some reason, I am not allowed to click on the heart symbol here. Thanks for this important interview, Emerald! Would like to know more about the huge number of Nazis in Ukraine and also in its military. Has a long history. Lara Logan gave a scathing interview about it recently. She said CIA's Allen Dulles actually prevented the murdering, cruel Ukraine nazis from being prosecuted in Nuremberg trials.

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Good to see the Ukraine situation is being covered. America is pretty much a police state at this point. Watch Telegram channels for what is really happening. Not Deep State American MSM.

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Great interview and excellent interview with Michelle Malkin. Keep it up Emerald… So refreshing to get an objective perspective on current events that are affecting us all. Thank you!

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Without the anxiety of the plandemic to manage the populace nothing beats the crisis of a televised battlefield.

And the war machine is a money laundromat so note the proponents of escalation.

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Spot on, Emerald! It only takes one voice of truth to change the world for the better. Thank you.

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Excellent interview, Emerald, because it was full of FACTS - which we're not hearing in ANY of the mainstream media (and I include FOX News in that, with the exception most of the time, of Tucker Carlson). God bless you and God bless Michael Flynn!

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Great interview, Emerald. I disagreed with the first point the good general made: "nobody benefits from continuing the war". If you really want to get to the bottom of this, find out WHO benefits from continuing the war...you know that someone is.

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It stopped partway in.

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