
Christina Bobb has done this country a great service with her book. Thank you to Emerald as well for writing this excellent piece. Melt down the machines and use for prison bars as Mike Lindell suggested. Our founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves. We the People expect free, fair and transparent elections. A debt of gratitude to all the Patriots who have tried and continue to try to discover what happened in the 2020 election!

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More facts of the steal. So how long do we try to have this rectified in the corrupt courts of today? When do we realize this Regime will not come tumbling down in the corrupt courts. Scares the h---- out if me, but how long before " give me liberty or give me death" no longer has any meaning?

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Sadly, that phrase took on a whole 'nother meaning since the Covid jabs came out. Most people I respect have completely lost faith in "the system." Corrupt is the absolute nicest word we can use--and unfortunately, it's just assumed now. Since when did the unconscionable become the standard?

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Yup. I read parallel election, and I have this book on order, thanks to you. We must not give in. I know what all these fine people are asking you, though I haven’t read ALL the replies. However, We must celebrate our wins for 1.nanosecond before getting up and getting after it. We have you Emerald, we have Musks new Twitter, and we have Trump. Courage and persistence.

To those who say “they have us” let’s remember it looked that way in the first revolution. Worse even. True journalism is the first step, and you’re doing your part.

Thank you for your efforts!

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They stole the PA election in 2022 too. Now PA is a one party CommieCrat State, just like California. Republican voters probably outnumber Democratic voters in PA but, voters don’t really matter anymore.

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Same thing with Michigan in 2022 as well.

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And Arizona.

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Great work!! Going door to door to prove the fraud!! Criminal.

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Christina covered the AZ audit for OAN. She was the only one who did. There was no reporters from the local news. She alone represented the Arizona patriots who volunteered to promote a fair vote.

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The actual conspiracy theorists are the entire Marxist Media which, oddly, can find every human in history who ever met (or didn't meet!) Brett Kavanaugh, but can't find even one person convicted of vote tampering.

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One way each of us can make a small impact is to send a copy of our deceased relative's death certificate via Certified Mail to the County Registrar of Voters or the Election Bureau. Be sure to follow up by checking the online voter status of the decedent a few weeks later.

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I dont believe that the cheating Dems in PA or the Rinos have any intention of allowing a clean vote. Take the fight to them

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I can't get my head around these numbers without sitting down with pen to paper. This information must be presented on a more understandable format before common folks are going to grasp it.

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Well, that will be near impossible, because our schools have made sure kids can't even make change for $5, let alone deal with fractions and percentages.

It was all crystal clear to me.

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I know from your past comments you and I are of similar mind but that's the problem. We're made to see something that may or may not be there and because we think as we do we're apt to make conclusions. Firstly the numbers are antedotal. Then they are very small especially in the people who would answer at all. It isn't until we have only a few answering that percentages start increasing and even those percentages aren't too big. Next they change from raw numbers into percentage which should be a manipulation red flag because percents seem bigger. These numbers may or may not say anything except what we're already inclined to believe. 😡

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I have been interested in the law that paved the way for election fraud in PA. I watch the local (Pittsburgh) news almost every morning and I realized I never heard that PA was working on election reforms or of the Election Reform Bill, Act 77, when it passed end Oct 2019. So I googled to find out what happened - who was for it, was it ever on TV news (no not anywhere that I found).

It looks to me like PA Senators knew the reforms -to mail-in ballots and to who can be a poll worker -needed PA constitutional amendments, but somehow let that slide. It also looks, to me being cynical, that guy leading reform effort, GOP Sen Mike Folmer, got taken out of commission by a crime that PA AG (now Governor) Josh Shapiro saved so Folmer could not be involved in final, secret negotiations between Senate GOP, particularly Sen Jake Corman (top GOP now in PA) and Gov Tom Wolf. All but 1 GOP voted to pass, Democrats cried foul but bill passed. Concession (haha) to GOP was elimination of straight ticket voting option.

Here are links:

This is undated but probably from Jan 2019 (Act77 passed Oct 30 2019)- has 5 PA state senators listed and discusses how extension of absentee ballots requires constitutional amendment, as does expansion of polling workers.


More articles/press releases like this involving PA GOP Senator Mike Folmer, who was leading efforts for election reform and more fair redistricting process, also requiring constitutional amendment.


BUT just as election reform bill getting voted on, suddenly Folmer is taken out of the picture Sept 18 2019 by an arrest by Democrat AG Josh Shapiro for child images, who said started investigation March 4 2019 and said Tumbler was aware of download DEC 2017. Isn't this quite a coincidence? Folmer got prison time, more than usual for the crime. No one has explained how they justified no constitutional amendments.


The DAY B4 HIS ARREST Folmer's committee met on election reform. PA House already passed a version earlier in Sept 2019:


By time Act77 is passed and signed into law by Gov Tom Wolf, it had been negotiated secretly between Wolf and Republican leaders including Jake Corman. So was this election fraud was engineered by PA GOP?


Immediately Dems were aware that Gov Wolf could make changes to benefit them like same day voting! https://theintercept.com/2019/10/30/pennsylvania-voting-reform-straight-ticket/

Which he did soon after in Jan 2020


Then in June 2020 Democrats with the PA courts got ballot drop boxes and extended deadline to receive ballots by 3 days after election:


News blames GOP for insisting on waiting until election day to start processing mail-in ballots, but this seems obvious problem - why would PA GOP do all these things?


The state GOP is in bed with leftists and now we see from Crowder-Daily Wire drama that the leading conservative organizations are in bed with Big Tech censoring us.

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They are illegally turning purple states to permanent blue.

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I've believed this since that day, but still nothing will be don

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We’ve got a long ways to go just to get to Banana State status! Until the voting is secure, they will keep stealing elections. Need voterID, on one day in person, paper ballots, hand counted. No machines that can easily be manipulated.

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spot on

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and yet, the feckless RNC just voted to keep their headsin the sand in regards to election theft.

Pluck the RNC do not donate to them

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