Amen. It behooves parents to do their research. Patients need to ask questions. I used to carry my typed questions, and clear tape and affix to the FORMS to fill out at the pediatrician. It was difficult to ignore what was in front of them. If a healthcare professional won't work with me, I find another who will. It is the same with injections. Young parents need to be informed parents. Great job, Emerald.

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My wife, a 40 year retired nurse, left pediatric nursing after 20 years when the number of "required" vaccines became ridiculous. She's always been suspicious of them and now, with 4 autistic grandkids out of 12 between us, there would seem to be no doubt that her suspicions were more than justified.

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Nephew and Niece " autistic "... both been seeing " therapist " for years AND both taking psychiatric medication....Big Pharma and Big Medical Corporate bus

uses the most vulnerable population-children. We need class action suits on Corporate Hospital/ Medical system-make it too costly for them to use children for profit.

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In our family, two out of four grandchildren are autistic.

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Hey on a different topic you should have Pearl Davis on your show just to piss off all the tradcon feminazis out there just for fun. 😂. But yeah that is a good thing God is doing through the bio weapon Covid vaccines is it’s making ppl look at all the other vaccines and maybe with Gods help we can repeal “conservative” Reagan’s disgusting law that made vaccine manufacturers immune from liability lawsuits. Make vaccine manufacturers liable again. keep up the good work. Glad yer on Wimkin. 👍

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What other industry kills it's customers

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Big Food....

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Looks like they covered all their bases

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Slowly - they kill their customers slowly.

Never a cure; always management.

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The sad truth is that people like RFK, Jr., have been telling us all about this for many years. Pharma is likely one of the most predatory industries on the planet, has been for decades, ever since Rockefeller et.al. took over the teaching and practice of allopathic medicine in the early 1900s. Kids now get about 72 doses of 16 or so "vaccines" before they're 18 years old. Since the introduction and growth of the childhood "vaccine" schedule, after Reagan signed the 1986 Vaccine Safety Act, childhood diseases have grown almost exponentially. Autism, allergies, neurological conditions, and more have exploded in our children, to the point where we no longer have the healthiest childhood population among industrialized countries, although we certainly did have the healthiest childhood population before pharma became free of indemnity. If nothing else good comes out of the plandemic, at least parents are beginning to shun "vaccines" for their children. The other sad truth is this: there isn't a single "vaccine" on the market that has been proven to be safe.

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Emerald Robinson wrote:

“Most pediatricians are simply vaccine dealers. They want your babies on the full schedule. That’s how they get paid.”

There is no future for a country where everyone and everything is up for sale.

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Air and water only things left for them to poison us

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I just read it. My cup runneth over. Preach!

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History worth keeping

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We are so blessed to live at this time, good beats bad everytime

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Evil on backwards is live... don't give up and we win

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America on their sleeping pills.

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I believed in vaccines because my parents vaccinated me with every one out there and I'm shockingly healthy. It wasn't until I realized my hyperactivity I've been plagued with my entire life, migraines, panic attacks and social anxiety can all possibly be linked to vaccination that I began to look at my own children. Skin disorders, ADHD, severe anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, heart palpitations, severe asthma and more plague the three of them. Not all of them have the same issues, but all the issues are linked to possible vaccine adverse reactions. I trusted our pediatricians. They're friends to this day and I keep asking myself, how do I ask close family friends if they pushed damaging vaccine ingredients on my children to pad their bottom line? Nothing they say can fix them, but I can't look Bonnie and Jim in the face without rage until I know the truth. Did they lie to us knowingly or did they believe the vaccine hype too? Is this what they consider "informed consent?" I'm unbelievably angry about this, but when I think of all the years we've been friends and the kindnesses they've shown us, I wonder if it was genuine on their part or guilt? In the end, it's the pharmaceutical industry who are mostly at fault and it's unbelievably enraging I have no recourse for the damage these evil people have done to my children to make these "scientists" rich.

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Very well put. I do wish Midwestern would make that one post less of a hassle for non-subscribers to access, though.

Meanwhile, on my freebie stack, PostModernConservative, I'm talking about the general betrayal of conservative leadership, via its participation in suppression of Covid/Vax Disaster news. Don't think that will ever turn out to be a silver lining: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-origin-and-future-of-the-postmodernconservat See the latter two-thirds of it if you don't like the political philosophy stuff in the first third.

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