Some memorable memes. Give me Vigano, Rand Paul, and Emerald any day!

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GREAT choices!!!

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01/07/25: "... Some brain-dead witch from America’s corrupt corporate media..." You will notice that NBC rewarded her by bouncing her ass right out of 30 Rock. I know not where she landed.

Note that Viacom's DEI Icon, the bug-eyed Kristin Welker, screeching while "interviewing" Senator Rubio (and getting her ass handed to her), is in no danger of disappearing.

--- If you want a laugh at the expense of another evil witch, take a look at the photos of Victoria Nuland when she was young and possibly as yet uncontaminated with the greed and intrigue that has physically turned her into a permanent Halloween.

I see her running down a WDC avenue someday, as wildly as did the eventually-crazed Robert McNamara (1916-2009, a principal architect of the Vietnam war), and like McNamara, screaming, "Buy The Book! BUY THE BOOK!"

[MacNamara's pathetic attempt to justify... https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&ds=20&kn=robert%20macnamara&sts=t]

Today's message from Emerald is altogether wonderful. Thank you.

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Keep the memes coming Emerald. Thanks for sharing.

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