01/07/25: "... Some brain-dead witch from America’s corrupt corporate media..." You will notice that NBC rewarded her by bouncing her ass right out of 30 Rock. I know not where she landed.
Note that Viacom's DEI Icon, the bug-eyed Kristin Welker, screeching while "interviewing" Senator Rubio (and getting her ass handed to her), is in no danger of disappearing.
--- If you want a laugh at the expense of another evil witch, take a look at the photos of Victoria Nuland when she was young and possibly as yet uncontaminated with the greed and intrigue that has physically turned her into a permanent Halloween.
I see her running down a WDC avenue someday, as wildly as did the eventually-crazed Robert McNamara (1916-2009, a principal architect of the Vietnam war), and like McNamara, screaming, "Buy The Book! BUY THE BOOK!"
Some memorable memes. Give me Vigano, Rand Paul, and Emerald any day!
GREAT choices!!!
01/07/25: "... Some brain-dead witch from America’s corrupt corporate media..." You will notice that NBC rewarded her by bouncing her ass right out of 30 Rock. I know not where she landed.
Note that Viacom's DEI Icon, the bug-eyed Kristin Welker, screeching while "interviewing" Senator Rubio (and getting her ass handed to her), is in no danger of disappearing.
--- If you want a laugh at the expense of another evil witch, take a look at the photos of Victoria Nuland when she was young and possibly as yet uncontaminated with the greed and intrigue that has physically turned her into a permanent Halloween.
I see her running down a WDC avenue someday, as wildly as did the eventually-crazed Robert McNamara (1916-2009, a principal architect of the Vietnam war), and like McNamara, screaming, "Buy The Book! BUY THE BOOK!"
[MacNamara's pathetic attempt to justify... https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results&ds=20&kn=robert%20macnamara&sts=t]
Today's message from Emerald is altogether wonderful. Thank you.
Keep the memes coming Emerald. Thanks for sharing.