There was no widespread election fraud. The Dems scheme was brilliant. Simply cheat in the largest county in each of the five swing states. Who’s going to notice just five counties??? And then frustrate any efforts to audit the entire voting process and threaten officials seeking the truth.

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Enjoy your stay in fantasy land John. Trump is a loser.

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Hmmm! Trump had the border under control, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria under control. China and Russia feared him. NATO respected him. A Covid vaccine in less than a year. Energy independent. Biden blew it all.

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He let 5,000 Taliban out of prison, negotiated directly with the Taliban without the afghan government - undercutting them, left Syria while cutting the Kurds off at the knees to be slaughtered. Putin led trump around on a leash, he messed the whole china thing up horribly - nice tariffs byw! He messed up CoVid terribly and continues to do so by encouraging all the little MAGAts to eschew the vaccine.

Everyday was a new shitshow with loser trump. Violent insurrections.

Put down the crack pipe, John. Any bad stuff going on now has trumps little teeny tiny hand prints all over it.

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Sep 8, 2021
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Who let you out?

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I don't believe that's true, because trying to cram more than 11 million fraudulent votes into the 6 biggest counties is impossible. There aren't enough people.

I suspect that fraud occurred everywhere, but to the tune of a few hundred votes at a time.

The conspirators are counting on people not wanting to audit races that they won.

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Trump didn’t need 11MM votes to win. He just needed to win those five counties to go along with most of the rest of the counties he had won in each of the five states. (Remember, Trump won 18 out of 19 counties around the country which have historically chosen the eventual winner.)

The election officials in those five counties rigged the election in favor of Biden.

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Is that the best you got. Biden is a senile old man propped up by his adulteress wife, Pelosi, Schumer and weak-knee’d Marxists bent on destroying this country. After 18 months of no American serviceman deaths, Biden has 13 deaths on his record. He is one man wrecking crew.

The Dems will be run out of DC on a rail come January 23.

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Love this! Great job Emerald!

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Dark Humor indeed. At the moment that is all we have to run with while we watch the "live action " version of "Weekend at Bernie's" in the White House. Hopefully there will be some of the country left after this debacle.

Well written Emerald!

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What's' worse. Them cheating or us letting them get away with it? Imagine if we did what they did. What do you think would be happening now? They would be obstructing everything. The country would grind to a halt until they got their way. You have to hand it to them...they fight dirty and they always get what they want. It's time we got down in the dirt too!

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Trump couldn’t find his ass with both hands. And that’s even with the depends bulge. What a loser.

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Brilliant! On the subject all Americans should be ready to go to war over.

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this is brilliant

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