Only saw Cavuto as I waited for The Five...though did see his "covid authority" and haven't trusted him since. You are corrected, maybe those in the rest home will miss him, though I'm not sure they are that far gone.
Citizen Free Press (12/19/24): "Breaking --- Neil Cavuto exits Fox News, final show is today. Was Cavuto fired or did he resign[?]. NBC ("News"): "Neil Cavuto, frequent Trump target, exits Fox News after 28 years"
Fox-Pravda stabbed Trump in the back in 2020-22. Then their cowardly backpedaling started in 2023, and at this point, they can't think of a single favor that they could do for him that they haven't already.
Cavuto was fired, period. Not that Fox-Pravda thought of it first, although Cavuto being a 24-carat gold-plated assh*le, I'm sure they were happy to do it.
Trump in his second Super Bowl is playing HARDBALL.
Tucker Carlson fired, etc. American Media: Lord of The Flies. Their on-air talent is hired so that someday, the execs will have ammo to toss into the human-sacrifice volcano to appease their enemies.
Thank you for the humor and reports on Hannity and Cavuto. They are both pastie faced taxidermy anchors very much like Anderson Cooper; An altered state.
Never could stand that AssHat. Stopped watching Him and Hannity over 5 years ago and I don't miss either... OR Fox for that matter.
Amen. So happy to see that your sense of humor is still alive and well, Emerald. Merry Christmas!
Certified Liar ! Do not forget he was a Torch Berar for Russia Collusion 24/7 .....
Kudos, Emerald.
Perfect "eulogy" for the long-overdue professional death of an Establishment Media Stooge.
RIP, indeed! And as I tell everyone, "Keep calm and turn off Fox News!".
Keep pitching high and inside, Alpha Chick. These “journalists” deserve every bit of criticism. No mercy.
Love Emerald, straight up honesty.
Rats are running
Only saw Cavuto as I waited for The Five...though did see his "covid authority" and haven't trusted him since. You are corrected, maybe those in the rest home will miss him, though I'm not sure they are that far gone.
Citizen Free Press (12/19/24): "Breaking --- Neil Cavuto exits Fox News, final show is today. Was Cavuto fired or did he resign[?]. NBC ("News"): "Neil Cavuto, frequent Trump target, exits Fox News after 28 years"
Fox-Pravda stabbed Trump in the back in 2020-22. Then their cowardly backpedaling started in 2023, and at this point, they can't think of a single favor that they could do for him that they haven't already.
Cavuto was fired, period. Not that Fox-Pravda thought of it first, although Cavuto being a 24-carat gold-plated assh*le, I'm sure they were happy to do it.
Trump in his second Super Bowl is playing HARDBALL.
Tucker Carlson fired, etc. American Media: Lord of The Flies. Their on-air talent is hired so that someday, the execs will have ammo to toss into the human-sacrifice volcano to appease their enemies.
11/17/24: Phil Longo Wisconsin Offensive Coordinator (college football) fired.
12/01/24: KC Keeler Sam Houston Head Coach fired (despite a W/L record 97-24).
12/19/24: Longo, with a 2024 HC coaching record 0-0, "coaches" Sam Houston in their bowl tonight vs Georgia Southrn.
At this rate, we'll be seeing Neil Cavuto coaching in a bowl game next week.
All I have to say is good riddance!
Boy, all these RINOs and traitors have been outed. I wonder if they know how much they are despised?
They know. They don't care. The Rothschilds pay them well, to decieve gullible people.
Happy Holidays and thanks for the info.
Agree, agree, agree...
Thank you for the humor and reports on Hannity and Cavuto. They are both pastie faced taxidermy anchors very much like Anderson Cooper; An altered state.