Never thought in my lifetime such evil existed. Historical and Biblical times.

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Welfare and Warfare is no way to run a country

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Your truth telling is refreshing, Emerald.

Newsmax sucks. Lipstick on a pig.

From the beach...


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Exactly...this is strictly speaking not a Wuhan created virus. This virus was initially cobbled together here in the good ole US by DARPA. The Obama admin apparently ( big ?) then said it must be stopped so Fauci and company disregarded the order and moved the research to Wuhan. From there the virus escaped or was intentionally released . Fauci and comp are not only guilty of GoF research but also ignoring a direct order.

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ehhhh....no. If Obama wanted to really stop gain-of-function research, he would have stopped all funding for it - period. He would not have left an open door to just move it out of the United States and into China. Fauci did not ignore a direct order, he recognized the open door that Obama custom made for him to continue his GoF research outside the US borders.

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My comment is the one floating out there. Your comment I'm more than ready to believe though.

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Good always wins in the end

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Stay strong patriots, 1776 again

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Bring our country back

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America's last chance to be great again. Trump 2024

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1st off: Paul...do you mind?

2nd: Daszak only lost one funding source. He still receives support from the DOD and USAID (CIA) and is continuing his evil.

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Exposure of the traitors is half the battle

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It should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell that when people yap about something being "a conspiracy theory,," they are on a government agent's payroll. Only government-enabled knuckleheads talk with those terms in public anymore, since they can't admit that they've been exposed as liars. Their only defense is to attach the person making the claim against them.

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Spot on, Emerald. And brave too. Love your TRUTH telling. Never stop digging. We shall overcome!

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Woke and Broke never wins

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Hillary criminal

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Democrats are Demons

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