Clearly noticed this over the last 6 months. The ppl I follow like you Emerald don’t come up on my feed, but ppl I don’t subscribe to show up every day. I have also noticed these new folks that keep popping up are not just anti Trump but the folks who spew hate and vitriol against MAGA and their supporters.

It’s clear to me that if Biden and his cronies are able to “win” the elections in Nov they will make sure they take the House too. Come Jan laws will quickly be passed like in the UK and Australia to ban conservative speech and jail MAGA as domestic terrorists.

I’m praying for the country and financially supporting conservative ppl but things are not trending well for anyone right of center.

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I've written at least five articles on this topic. Here’s a summary of the topics I’ve addressed. Any “intelligence” from other Substack authors and readers is appreciated. More articles on this topic to come soon.

“Is this the beginning of a coordinated effort to staunch the influence of Substack?” - January 6, 2024:



“More disturbing Substack Trends” - March 6. I present data from my own newsletter on the metric of how many “story reads” produce “subscribers” … and how this metric has changed DRAMATICALLY in recent months.



“Something has changed with Substack” - My deep dive into my own subscriber metrics tells me this might not be paranoia.” - March 5, 2024;



“Is someone attacking my Substack?” - May 13, 2024:



I belatedly reached 6,000 total subscribers … but my “Spider Sense” tells me this number should be a lot higher by now - June 11, 2024:


- Bill Rice, Jr.

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06/15/24: It was inevitable. Flash enough cash and 98% of them bend over. One thing missing from this article are the names and executive titles of the people running Sh*tstack --- the "Bendovers.". We need another Musk "hostage-rescue" operation! Next up: Finding out that Sh*t-Rigged is embezzling subscribers' fees by hiding the actual "paid" subscriber totals, and pocketing the difference. They are the only people who really know when and how much money rolled in, and keeping that knowledge confidential as a private concern (I assume they haven't issued stock) should be a relatively easy thing to do.

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P.S. Now I know why when I hit the "up-vote" heart, nothing happens. It's been "on the blink" for about three-months now, which coincides with Emerald's time line.

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This is exactly what happened when the H. Clinton "books" were published --- Amazon wiped out THOUSANDS of "one-star" reviews.

----- [06/16/24: What follows was restated because I got it exactly ass-backwards] This was also exactly what happened when the "wrong" You Tube videos became too popular --- they wiped out thousands of previously posted up-votes (if their "pet" videos bombed, the "down vote" function was removed and thousands of "down-votes" were deleted) [End edit].

If these bearded apes had any knowledge of history, they would know that this eventually led to the collapse of Russian communist-occupied Eastern European countries and the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991-93.

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Jln (and others) I’ve discussed this trend before. It appears that there is an attack on Substack: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-subtle-yet-coordinated-attack

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I’m afraid your doom-predicting commenters are right. The people accomplishing the takeover of this country are listening to demons, who are far cleverer than humans. They are sniffing victory. Of the last election, Biden bragged that the best voter fraud organization ever was in place. Many thousands of citizens in many states have done sterling work to clean up voter rolls and control mail-in ballots, but I fear that the vote fraud network is even more extensive than it was four years ago. Now Biden is saying that the polls are wrong. They aren’t, but he’s prepping us for what he thinks is his inevitable victory.

Christians need to be begging God for deliverance. I don’t think it can happen without His intervention. Abraham interceded for Sodom, asking at the end for God to spare it if He found only ten righteous people in it, and God agreed. True followers of Jesus may not be many by percentage in this country, but we are many in numbers. Please, dear God, deliver us from these demonic machinations and spare this country, that many might turn to you and that we can continue to worship you freely.

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Well, don't the Marxists have to seize control of the schools( done), the press( done), the religions ( almost done, and the family( working on it), before they fundamentally change America?

They are trying to take over the justice system ( political prosecutions and nonprosecution of street crime) and have succeeded.

When they have control of our institutions, they have control of us.

Controlling a site like this must be easy.

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wait till you see what they have in store for Twitter-X in the coming months... its already started.


Joe Biden gets a hundred million votes, Fox News and all media go along with the scam again. The Congressional Republicans all congratulate President Biden and wish him well and call for unity 20 minutes after the polls close.

GOP Con Inc Media continues there "can you imagine what would happen if a Republican did this" lame ass commentary. The Country's collapse continues.

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Notice observed. Still with you, Emerald. WE KNOW! Keep your posts coming.

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I'm an editor at ispeakfortrump.com and we would happily publish everything you write. That goes for any and all who oppose the organized crime syndicate masquerading as the Democratic Party.

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Thank you, John. I will find you

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Too bad. Everything gets ruined in this country. Taibbi, though, is a real journalist, the only one on that list.

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I've always thought Gab is the only true free speech platform. The owner said the constitution is their terms-of-service, and they own their infrastructure. That means they are not on AWS and can not be cancelled. I don't know why so many conservatives ignore them and blindly trust/hope in big tech

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Thanks Steve. I looked Gad a while back… Locals as well.

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The state of the world today. I was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. In light of the way things are going not sure I really mind if I end up taking an early exit from this world. Seems every day there is less and less to feel optimistic about. But anyway keep up the good work.

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Good luck, Steve!

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Thank you!

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Your point is well taken, I too, though not in your league, have noticed a change, and not a positive change, and not just on Substack. The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.

William Colby

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Thanks Emerald. I wonder if the Christian writers on Substack are being suppressed as well? 🙏🏼

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Hate to say this, but this was inevitable. The regime's first priority, as it is with all regimes in power, is to control the narrative. That's how they brainwash the population. They simply cannot allow any platform to publish or host content that dies not track with the narrative, and they have the money, power and resources to banish non-conforming people and platforms. Is it any wonder at all that, once Substack became a haven for dissidents, that TPTB would figure out a way to cancel them? Whether it was bribery, threats, or something else, it was only a matter of time before these miscreants succeeded in drowning out their competition. Question is, now that Substack is compromised, where can we go to find credible alternative information, that hasn't yet been corrupted like Substack is? Worse yet, the folks at Substack are PROFITING from our subscriptions and at the same time cancelling the very authors we are paying to try to find. A two-fer.

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Since these leftist org's almost go out of their way to force a parallel economy which seperates conservatives and liberals, maybe time for a conservative substack?

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John Leake (part of the joint substack with Dr. Peter McCullough) is not a conservative, in my view. I subscribed to read what Dr. McCullough had to say; I unsubscribed because of the hogwash coming from Mr. Leake.

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Time for some enterprising person to start a new platform ( if that's the right word. Substack deserves to die on the vine because of this move. Let em try their luck with Mary Trump and the Bulwark alone.

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Haha! That's great. They put all the GOOD GUYS in one category. How did they miss Mark Crispin Miller? --- Thanks, Emeral, for what you do.

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