MAGA America First populous is exposing and flushing out RINO’s. There are only two parties now, America First and Anti-American Globalists. These RINO’s talk the talk but do not walk the walk. These Globalists will pull out all the stops to keep MAGA Trump from returning to office.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

In fairness, there isn't really a Democrat party, either - in the sense that a "party" is defined by a political entity with an identifiable policy platform. The Dems are simply a coalition/conspiracy of special interests who hang together in order to achieve their own particular ends. The fact that adhering to the "party-line" advances a core Marxist agenda is insignificant compared to their individual greed.

So, the Dems stick together to advance individual greed - which is satisfied by there being a strong Deep State doling out the goodies. In general, the GOP is supposed to be about individuals being free to advance themselves to the general benefit of all. But human avarice gets in the way for people like Liz Cheney, etc - and in the end, they sell out, too.

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04/22/24: "Would GOP House members accept bribes to hand over control to Democrats before November?"

Of course they would (when they're not too busy shaking each other down). And they'll try to impeach Trump in 2025 for NOT taking bribes.

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I can’t anymore. We need a new party. The Whigs are gone, the “Republicans” need to go. THE PATRIOTS PARTY: for America and Americans.

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How did we get here? We have Always been here. We just didn’t know it.

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If as many gub 'rep's as rumors suggest have been screened at orgy island by ChiCom video, then there is no morality to preserve, no scruples to lose. And their voting records support that.

We need rope. A lot of damn rope.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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With Johnson, there is a real possibility that he will not allow legislation that would remove Trump from the ballot. But if Democrats were in charge, it’s a certainty that they would take such action.

Republicans’ “early retirements” are obviously planned to allow Democrats to take control of the House. Maybe they’re being bribed to do this, or maybe they just hate Trump so much that they’re blinded to the hideous, destructive policies they support. My guess is bribery.

Gaetz seems to be a realist.

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The Rube Repub Party has been at war with the American Patriots since Pappy Bushie killed the Reagan Revolution.....at least in my opinion.

Trump has been even more an outsider than Reagan, and Obviously attacked More by the Exposed Uni NWO Party.

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Good article. The establishment politicians are going to give the House and the Senate to Dems, then vote Trump off the ballot or impeach and convict him.

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I'm embarrassed to be a Republican. This clown show congress was beyond anything I could have ever imagined occurring. The truth is finally clear though. All we have is the Liberty Caucus, and as such our movement to preserve liberty and constitutional order is a tiny minority in congress. In other words, we are dead as a movement. We have been backing folks who conned us and played us forever. Wake up folks, the time is very late.

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Check out Project 2025, by Heritage Foundation. The blueprint to dismantle the administrative state, including scrutiny of the non-federal Federal Reserve.

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It’s all sad and tragic. The Republican Party has already acquiesced to the Left.

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Voting? You mean pretending? The country is already gone. We are witnessing the illusion of a country that used to be a self governed republic. But alas, it has become swamp full of whores to the globalists. When 1776 2.0 starts, remember, "don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes". Keep your powder dry and learn to scavenge. The corruption is so bad, its inevitable that chaos is coming.

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I feel sick

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Many 10's of thousands more Ukrainian boys are going to die because of money for The Banksters and oligarchs. It's demoralizing.

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Dear Emerald, you are right once again for mentioning this possibility about so called "republicans" giving up their majority by resigning before their term is up. But you ask: "how can anyone vote for such a party?" I answer: what choice do we have??

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