The GOP Uniparty Must Vacate The Chair!
The charade of our two-party system is vanishing before your very eyes
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Yesterday in the evening, Matt Gaetz officially filed a motion to vacate the chair against Speaker Kevin McCarthy. What was happening? Most GOP voters seemed confused about the motives and intentions of Gaetz and McCarthy — as well as the high stakes involved.
Allow me to dispel the mystery.
It’s now been two years since I first warned my audience on Substack that the Republican Party was obviously committing suicide by collaborating with the illegal Biden regime to get rid of President Trump.
In that August 2021 article — “How The GOP Committed Suicide Trying To Stop Trump” — I asked: When did the GOP cease to be a functioning party? When was the exact moment that you knew the GOP establishment stands for nothing and stands against nothing?
It turned out that my take on the GOP’s real agenda during the Biden regime was rather prescient: Apparently [the GOP] now stands for the enthusiastic endorsement of its ideological opponents who want to prosecute and harass Republican voters aggressively, politicize intelligence for political ends, and push hormone blockers on children without parental consent. In other words, the GOP wants to enact the Democrats’ entire agenda — all the way down to the child abuse.
What we're witnessing right now in America is the two-party system collapse into a one-party system. On all the important issues in America like vaccines, lockdowns, spending bills, fake insurrections, big tech censorship, and election reform there's no meaningful difference between the two parties. There's just a different set of talking points.
The GOP has basically committed a kind of ideological suicide in its push to oust Trump and his allies from the party. This became very clear with the insane negotiations they conducted with Nancy Pelosi over the January 6th Commission: only Republicans would be dumb enough to empower a commission of Democrats to conduct an investigation of Republicans.
The last two years have been a stunning fulfillment of these dark premonitions. The powerful bond between President Trump and Republican voters was not going to be dissolved by the treachery of the GOP establishment — but, rather, strengthened. I finished that 2021 piece by noting: As you watch the total collapse of the GOP establishment, it now seems obvious why so many GOP voters picked a flamboyant Manhattan real estate developer with a TV show about firing incompetent people to lead the party in 2016. Our corrupt political class is so out of touch that Donald J. Trump got elected to save us from them — because he was, by comparison, an honest man.
Then in June 2022, I predicted that the GOP was intentionally trying to lose the midterms while everyone else was telling you that a red wave was coming: The Senate just passed an unconstitutional “red flag” gun control bill last night with the help of 14 GOP senators — and they did so while Democrat activists were still illegally harassing Supreme Court Justices at their private homes. They did so one week after a Democrat activist tried to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at his private residence. They did so while the GOP’s chief pansy Mitch McConnell was still complaining that Democrats refused to pass legislation for extra security to protect Supreme Court justices! What greater signal could the GOP establishment send that it has no interest in defending the lives of its own judges — let alone its own voters?
You can read that entire article here.
How bad were things 14 months ago? How obvious was the GOP’s unification with the Democrats at that point? My June 2022 article — “The GOP Wants To Lose The Midterms” — ended with a warning: So when people ask me if the GOP establishment has any plans to save them, or their business, or their freedoms, or their family from the neo-communist cultural revolution currently taking place in our country — what can I say? I’m not in the business of lying to people. You would have to be out of your mind to still believe that the GOP establishment is fighting against the Biden regime — as America dissolves before your very eyes into a tyrannical state ruled by a corporate oligarchy. In point of fact, the GOP establishment is openly fighting alongside Democrats to maintain uni-party rule. These people don’t think they’re our representatives — they’re our rulers.
Then, in November of 2022, the electronic voting machines stopped working on Election Day while a bunch of GOP election officials smirked and did nothing in Arizona.
A month later, war broke out between Republicans in Congress: The civil war between the GOP House and GOP Senate over the omnibus bill follows — by a few days! — the GOP’s not-so-secret attempt to negotiate a mass amnesty bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on the gay marriage bill, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on endless aid for Ukraine, which followed the capitulation of the GOP on restricting gun rights a few months ago. In truth, the term “capitulation” is too kind a word for what the GOP actually did in most of these cases. That word assumes that some sort of fight took place when, in fact, “enthusiastic embrace” might be the more accurate phrase.
At the same time that Republicans in the House and Senate were fighting, the uniparty shills were trying to elect Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. I explained why Kevin McCarthy was the poster boy of the GOP’s identity crisis — and that he was famous for making promises and then breaking his word. I warned everyone that electing Kevin McCarthy as the GOP’s leader in the House was a fatal mistake. That piece ended by noting that: Kevin McCarthy is a flagrant charlatan — his antics are so two-faced and insincere that it makes other politicians in his own party nervous. Nobody knows what he will do as House Speaker — least of all McCarthy himself. So don’t listen to geriatric blowhards like Mark Levin when they tell you to support Kevin McCarthy. He’s not going to impeach Biden, or investigate Dr. Fauci — but he will promise you these things if you’re dumb enough to believe him.
Which brings us to the present battle between Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy — which is really a war between a small faction of conservative politicians mostly allied to President Trump against a much larger cabal of GOP traitors trying to keep the illegal Biden regime fully funded.
Kevin McCarthy promised to bring single subject appropriations bills back if he became Speaker of the House. He broke that promise.
Kevin McCarthy promised to release the January 6th videos to the media if he became Speaker of the House. He broke that promise too.
Kevin McCarthy promised to stop funding on 87,000 new IRS agents if he became Speaker of the House. He broke that promise as well.
So Matt Gaetz and his conservative colleagues are holding Kevin McCarthy to his word — by making him vacate the chair.
What’s Kevin McCarthy’s response to being held to his original deal? He’s outraged of course — and he’s rallied his gang of uniparty scum to oust Matt Gaetz from the caucus.
Not to mention the possibility that Kevin McCarthy cut a secret side-deal with Democrats to fund the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine today.
In other words, Kevin McCarthy is in the business of joining with Democrats to keep the illegal Biden regime fully funded — even though every patriotic American wants the Biden regime to be shut down.
That’s why the GOP establishment shills at Fox News — Mark Levin and Newt Gingrich and Pawn Vanity and the rest of them — were out attacking Gaetz as a Democrat on social media today.
Their job is to confuse the average low-information GOP voter into believing that it’s actually victory for our side when we “avoid a government shutdown.”
Indeed, what could be more conservative than voting for the Biden regime to be fully funded in Congress?
Actually, a government shutdown is the only way to stop the Biden regime from destroying America —from, you know, arresting Christian grandmothers in their 70s who protest at abortion clinics and giving them ten-year jail sentences while simultaneously paying BLM rioters in Colorado a cash bonus with taxpayer money! — and that’s why McCarthy and McConnell and the rest of the GOP establishment have passed CR’s and secret side-deals to keep Biden in power. They need Biden in power — or else the GOP will become the party of Trump-aligned populists.
That would be the end of the Washington DC uniparty hoax. That would be the end of McCarthy and McConnell and Romney and Graham and all the rest of the frauds who vote against their constituents for a living.
So get it straight in your head: anybody who wants to shut down the government is on the side of the angels, and anyone who votes for funding the Biden regime is a devil in disguise.
Do you understand the stakes now?
Let’s hope that Gaetz wins.
I Need Your Help!
It’s very expensive to prepare for litigation, and discovery, in these massive lawsuits brought by the voting machine companies. (Fox News paid out almost $800 million just last year.) They try to bankrupt and silence conservative journalists by dragging them through court proceedings for years.
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.
I was banned from Twitter in 2021 since I warned you about the dangerous COVID vaccines. Then left-wing hate groups targeted me in Washington Post articles to keep me off social media altogether. Now voting machine cabal Smartmatic wants to search through my emails and telephone records.
That’s the ultimate triple crown — the Pulitzer Prize is a junkyard trinket next to those accolades.
If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back. Do you have mine?
Wait, so Gaetz is a Democrat in disguise? You can't make this up. McCarthy made an agreement to get his position. He broke his promises and, in turn, that means he should be removed. This is very simple. Matt Gaetz is doing the right thing.
As always emerald you cut through the BS to get to the truth. Thank you once again!