Wait, so Gaetz is a Democrat in disguise? You can't make this up. McCarthy made an agreement to get his position. He broke his promises and, in turn, that means he should be removed. This is very simple. Matt Gaetz is doing the right thing.

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10-03-23: According to McCarthy, Gaetz is Al Sharpton and Biden is Ronald Reagan.

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McCarthy is confused, he lives with a gay Demonrat male.

Need we say more.

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As always emerald you cut through the BS to get to the truth. Thank you once again!

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This has been the reality for a good long time, now. Only difference is they are now out in the open and not trying to hide it. They must be confident that the system will be rigged to allow them to remain in power, regardless of how people vote. Nice gig, if you can get it.

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What Gaetz is doing is exposing them even more to more people. That's why he says let the democrats have him. It will take the democrats to keep him as Speaker. If the American people can't see it after this...shame on them.

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If history is any guide, they won't see it. We are a gullible breed.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

Working with the Mafia is always dangerous. Constantly checking 6.

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Gaetz must try to oust McCarthy. Not sure who the new Speaker will be but, that bridge can be crossed after lying McCarthy and the Uniparty are held accountable.

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Emerald you are right on the money and target again!!

This is crystal clear to me. Maybe it helps to have lived in and around the swamp for years to know what is going on with the theatre.

I had the good fortune of seeing R.Stone a couple of days ago and complimented him on one of his famous quotes " Washington DC is Hollywood,, for ugly people."

Well they have gotten much uglier you can see it in their sunken, dead, sometimes blackened eyes.

Fight for America and throw the treasonous out!

Do whatever you can do, if we all do something, we can win. If we don't, we won't win and it will be worse then ugly. They are coming for the children, they announced it.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

Well -- as of 4:50 pm EDT -- McCarthy is OUST! VERDRANGEN! FUERA! OUT! And rightfully SO! Choices have consequences. McCarthy made commitments on taking the role of Speaker. He failed -- on releasing the J6 videos to the public, on issuing subpoenas to the 51 scumbag treasonous IC actors, cutting spending, shutting down funding for corrupt Ukraine and that proxy war, and much more. McCarthy blew all that off. If you don't do what you say you were going to do -- you should be GONE! Shame on Mark Levin and Newt Ginrich for doing the same ole shuffle -- lets go along, to get along. No MORE!

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Mark Levin and Newt Gringrich are establishment shills. Avoid at all costs.

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Gaetz has won!

So let the chaos begin (or continue).

I hope the RINO GOP implodes, while Trump keeps getting more and more support. May this keep opening people's eyes.

Thanks for your honest, straight up coverage of this, Emerald.

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I believe most Republicans/conservatives support Gaetz. It's pretty disappointing that more and more "conservatives" are outed as RINOs/snakes like Gingrich and Levin.

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Years ago Mark Steyn said the democrats want to take us over the abyss at 90 mph and the republicans at a respectable 25 mph.

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We need a new party. The GOP is dead and the Democrats are evil. The Patriots party: for America and Americans.

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Good post. You have an outstanding record.

Throw McCarthy out! Shut down this damned tyrannical government!

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I agree, Emerald. Just like Bobby Kennedy running as an Indie; depending on the region he will pull the NeverTrump™ and most other Indies that would have grudgingly vote for Trump.

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McCarthy became the Speaker because Trump wanted him. Just yesterday Trump said he thought McCarthy was doing an ok job.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

I voted for Trump twice, and will enthusiastically vote for him again next November '24; he's our only hope.

But... Trump has his blind spots (like not getting current on the "Warp Speed" vaxx's deadliness, and not more vocally calling out the uniparty on the J6 prisoners).

Trump also has his pride; he supported McCarthy and he won't admit he's wrong... it's just who he is. McCarthy needed to go. Trump has other problems to focus on, like four lawsuits.

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Go Go Go Em...!!

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