12/16/24: Bravo! And in 2025, finally, we'll have a president who won't be in Pfizer-Pharma's dungeon-pocket.
And maybe the double miracle will be that Fox AND Newsmax ---
Minus a couple of genuine, honest journalists, ZERO DIFFERENCE from Fox-Pravda, stuffed with the same old worthless RINO corporate shills and broken-down has-beens from God-only-knows-where-else! ---
--- will come clean on having been unscrupulous, dangerous Pharma Shills.
I remember the circumstances you narrate well, Emerald. Your moving on was Newsmax loss. You were incisive and truthful. It is always about advertising revenue unless you are NPR and are actually financed by the government to spread untruth.
Merry Christmas to you Emerald. More than happy to be a founding member of your Substack channel.
12/16/24: Bravo! And in 2025, finally, we'll have a president who won't be in Pfizer-Pharma's dungeon-pocket.
And maybe the double miracle will be that Fox AND Newsmax ---
Minus a couple of genuine, honest journalists, ZERO DIFFERENCE from Fox-Pravda, stuffed with the same old worthless RINO corporate shills and broken-down has-beens from God-only-knows-where-else! ---
--- will come clean on having been unscrupulous, dangerous Pharma Shills.
I remember the circumstances you narrate well, Emerald. Your moving on was Newsmax loss. You were incisive and truthful. It is always about advertising revenue unless you are NPR and are actually financed by the government to spread untruth.
You out-smarted all of them and stayed strong - we all learned from you and we are grateful for you!!!
Merry Christmas, Emerald. So very pleased you are alive and well!
Thank you! And a very Merry Christmas to you.
Money well spent paying for your Substack. 🙌🙌.
Yes and God Bless You and Keep You!
Capital idea. I can snail mail a check, Em, if you'd like.
Excellent idea.