Could there be any more clear evidence of voter/election fraud than John Fetterman being within 20 points much less winning?

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We just need to go back to the old system, in persom 1 vote per person. Only mail in votes are by approved disability by Dr approved handicapped parking permits good for 3 years. NO drop box. All votes will be counted the same day! It would be a simple fix. Nothing racist about anything.

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But this is their MO; i.e., rig the election, get the result they want, and then watch us scramble around for months or years investigating and analyzing, all while their chosen candidate takes office and begins doing the damage he/she was "selected" to do. They seem unstoppable.

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Democrats also cheat against other democrats

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Republicans have done it, too. Everyone cheats when it matters; some are better at it than others.

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That's why election integrity is not a partisan issue. "Banana republics" use all paper ballots hand counted and get it done quicker than the US. It's an embarrassment.

Meanwhile, make it easier to get 3rd party candidates on the ballot. If a state-wide candidate gets the signatures to get on the ballot, that should satisfy petition requirements for all other candidates. I know that's pie in the sky, but it can still be among the demands.

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Nov 21, 2022
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If you think 4 candidates for Senate is onerous, perhaps we should require petitions from Democrats and Republicans as well. Hey, maybe we can pare it down to 1. That would really simplify your voting! I'd be satisfied if the Republocrats would just stop the shenanigans they pulled to get Matthew Hoh off the ballot in N. Carolina, and stop the whining about "stealing" "their" votes, as though they're entitled.

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Nov 21, 2022
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That's how Al Franken won in Minnesota years ago: "Oh - look at all these ballots in the trunk of this car! How did THAT happen...?"

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Glad to see Gov. Abbott taking action to account for discrepancies regarding the election.

If there are zero issues so be it, if there are issues expose them and fix them.

The true choice of the people matters.

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Gov. Abbott is making all the right noises - but I still don't trust him; Republicans are good at theatre, just like Democrats. After all, Abbott is already in office, and I don't fully trust ANYONE who has already been elected; they've got too much motivation to try to STAY in office, no matter what the cost - or who they have to pander to (including We The People).

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Comeonman …when will this feckless group of so-called leaders step up and do something for the people..? What’s it going to take..? Corrupt bastards ALL😡

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These tabulators are obviously being accessed externally. So, it happens. It has been shown that it can happen. They stole the election.

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Election tampering is treason -- it should be treated as such.

If not, we'll get more -- and we'll deserve it.

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Agree. The only way to motivate good behavior is to PAINFULLY PUNISH bad behavior. A few modern hangings would make a lot of folks think twice about being involved in election fraud.

The problem is, we don't even keep violent criminals in jail anymore. Often - within hours of being arrested - they're back on the street again, committing more violent crimes.

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Recent news of the shooting in Colorado, I think, the perp had been released by the local prosecutor after threatening to blow up his mom. When the government won't protect us, we need to learn to protect ourselves.

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Grateful to you, Emerald, for being on top of voting issues. Keep up the good work. Gov. Abbott is also investigating the discrepancies. Stand strong, Patriots! Good will prevail over evil!

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NWO Elite Totalitarians WARP speeding their plan to take over the globe ...they know the election fraud and covid lies exposure is here. Expect chaos and gaslighting events to distract us from the digital dollar "pilot" program-their vehicle to control us once and for all. "Pilot" my a__, just like " for two weeks to slow the spread". If you haven't already, best move your money out of these woke institutions if your able.

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Move your money to where though?

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That is my voting location. We have known about this machine fraud since an unknown Dem beat heavyweight Pete Sessions GOP for congress in 2018. The globalists are coming for Texas. They still can’t steal statewide races due to Texas’ immense size and rural distribution, but the big cities are now under total control or radical globalist libs. It’s not just Austin, but Houston and Dallas have been completely taken over on a local level through voter fraud. They are trying to build big city machines here similar to Detroit, Atlanta, LA, etc. Gov Abbott and AG Paxton have got to help us fight this before it is too late. It may already be too late. Our big cities are all under attack, not just the blue state cities.

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Justice has fallen in the streets along with truth

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"Where did all those people [the ones screaming "election deniers!"] go?" Don't worry. The first time they lose an election, they'll be in your face faster than Hunter Biden on a crack whore.

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Election Integrity Project California won standing in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to challenge the constitutionality of California's election laws and practices after gathering evidence and affidavits for 11 years. More info here: https://www.eip-ca.com/eip-news2022.htm

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The fraud is deep and extensive and if those saying there is no fraud in these elections, than they will support we change the legislation so that we get rid of the Machines, go Paper Ballot, One Day Voting, Picture ID, Mail in Ballots only in Extreme Cases and Counting the Night of the Election in Public. This is the only way we can with confidence say our elections are not stolen and selections over elections.

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CITI, Wells Fargo, HSRC Holding and Master Card are the institutions revealed as participating in the pilot "regulated liability network". There may be others. Gold, cash and credit unions are options. I realize I am playing leap frog-trying to stay a few steps ahead. Hoping to buy time in hopes these people are stopped. Any other ideas appreciated

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