God Bless you Emerald. You are consistently exposing their lies and evil ways. So many appreciate what you do!

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The Covid shot is NOT a vaccine in any traditional sense. It is a therapeutic.

It does not provide immunity. It does not inoculate. A person with the shot still gets the virus, gets Covid, and spreads Covid just like an unvaccinated person.

The difference is that if the shot recipient contracts Covid within 5 months or so of getting their shot, they are very likely to have less powerful symptoms than an unvaccinated person. Their risk of death is less. After 4-6 months, the shot starts to wear off, if other countries are any guide. The US does not keep data to compare vaxed vs unvaxed outcomes. Other countries do keep this data, and we are seeing the shots lose effectiveness after just a few months. 70% of UK Covid deaths and hospitalizations were vaccinated from Feb-Sept. Daily new cases in Israel are at all time highs, and people there are dying of Covid after 3 & 4 shots in only 10 months.

The spike protein is a pathogen. It can cause inflammation throughout the body, and other problems. Taking the shot is like taking chemotherapy just in case you get cancer.

Ivermectin, HCQ and monoclonal antibody treatment have all shown effectiveness at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Many people would rather try those instead of a spike protein with unknown lasting damage.

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The COVID vaccines are "leaky" in that they don't give one full protection. A vaccine recipient can still become infected and transmit the virus. Geniuses like to compare Polio and smallpox vaccines to COVID but both of those viruses only infected humans whereas COVID can infect a wide range of animals so the virus can jump back and forth.

It's my understanding that polio only has three strains and the vaccines we use are "sterilizing" for all three meaning that they protect the vaccinated from infection by more than 99%. By contrast, COVID as a coronavirus is mutating and it appears that it is evolving to defeat vaccinated immune systems based on the Israeli data and outbreaks we are know seeing in nations with high vaccination rates. So it's doubtful that we can mass vaccinate our way out of COVID and it will be an endemic virus going forward.

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What about the Johnson & Johnson? I think that gives some immunity. I hear the NovaVax is supposed to be better. Why can't we get it here?

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Eleven Presidents during my lifetime, and I have never witnessed such lying and outright corruption as what I'm seeing from the Biden administration.

Great Reporting "As Always" Emerald!

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Perfect example of how healthcare would be weaponized & rationed if they ever got so-called Universal healthcare in place.

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Is there not a Democrat in leadership who is not as evil as an agent of satan? They know shorting monoclonal antibody treatments to red states, costs many their lives, especially for the over 60 crowd, both vaxxed & unvaxxed. So they punish the state’s citizenry because they live in a free & conservative red state? Are not we all Americans first? This is a far journey from “love your neighbor as yourself”, Joe. How evil & hateful these people are.

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Democrats attacking the most vulnerable while denying it. That is their brand. The same party that brought you slavery and Jim Crow now hurting the elderly.

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This just shows that Biden and the Democrats are actively killing people for political gain. Impeach Biden and imprison his entire administration to stop them murdering people.

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Progressives are practically in the business of creating a new tribe from scratch. So, the average American needs an interpreter(I'm not kidding) to decipher their evolving collective social conscience at any one time. They've already redefined morality, normality, family, gender and sanity. It's in constant flux, so who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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This administration constantly proves it hates Trump supporters and will do what they can to make our lives miserable. The time will come when some passport will be required to even buy food. If we don’t follow them in lockstep, they’ll get rid of us. It only took Hitler about two years from absolute power to beginning the final solution. Ignore history and we repeat it.

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Emerald, another great read. Two points - please give Peter Doocy some testosterone booster shots and would also like to point out that the State of Tennessee just recently advised that monoclonal treatments should be reserved for the "unvaccinated". The "vaccinated" here in Knoxville are losing their minds about this recommendation. They don't like it when the medical tables are turned. Hilarity ensues, I hope they stick with it. (I am sure you aware of this being a TN gal).

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I think WH intention is quite clear. DeSantis is a serious 2024 contender. Increasing the death rate in Florida will make him look less competent.

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It is hard to phantom that corruption of Biden administration can be so bad. It is almost on par with CCP.

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Withholding essential treatments for both vaccinated and unvaccinated is a specific step to kill citizens that don't kowtow to the Dem edicts.

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Good job thanks for the reporting.

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She gives facts because "i know you like 'facts'..." did she air quote "facts" because she is blatantly lying? And who would want anything other than factual answers? She acts like such an elitist. So disrespectful and unkind.

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