Peppermint Pattie. Another vague, dishonest, non-communicating, obfuscating prevaricator representing the democrat/Marxist party.

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I watched this on X and seems that most of those tweeting (or whatever it is called) were on Psaki's side. Psaki didn't and couldn't answer the question. There are all kinds of prostitutes- many work at the White House and classic prostitutes walk the streets.

Psaki had everything in common with Jean Pierre when it came to answers- avoidance, sarcasm, lying. Psaki is smug.

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Quite obvious Emerald that you had more guts than anyone else in that room every day that you were there. Stay strong, the country needs you.

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I literally could not understand how Jen could blatantly lie and would ignore getting called out for it

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No fan of Psaki. Yet, there is no comparison between her and buckwheat.

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Emerald - cannot believe you haven’t found one bb yet (Billionaire backer). You are top 3 meanest mfers out there.

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Take that word and shove. It!

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I wish you'd asked that malevolent psychopath WHY she keeps calling Marxism "Democracy"!

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Don'they all! Even Trump has fallen for the "tell the lie often enough that ....!

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Never stop asking the tough questions! And never give up! You are the best, Emerald!

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Lock up all the traitors

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Rats are running

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great stuff!

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